Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog

Was on a DC

Not a fan of blocking parts of the map by red zones. I hope it will be at least done with rocks or something.

Thanks for doing the change before the sales and not after. I had it in my wishlist. I’ll buy the M46 Tiger instead.

Huge! Very pleased with this. Though 60m is still too large of a buffer zone IMO. It should be like 20-30 meters.

Speaking of Me 163 B0, make it 8.0 finally along with the Japanese version?


Long overdue. Welcomed change.

Please make this the default option for entire ARB, not just above 10.0 or at least guaranteed toggle, not chance based!

Good, finally.

Should I rejoice, or should I be worried?

No need to thank me. :D
Also the 37mm Breda M 39 37/54 was also overperforming, rest assured, its also fixed. ;)

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Do I always have 12 false thermal targets???


And there is also an endless recharge at the airfield. I can’t even take off…

And if I take an outboard tank, then I will generally have 0 false thermal targets

Seems that the XM800T is missing the LRF that was mentioned in the devblog. Unless that was wrong.



This doesn’t make sense. they already explode and burn WAY to easily compared to IRL when shot with APFSDS.

High explosive rounds, shaped charges and rounds like them could absolutely light the fuel on fire quite easily.

APFSDS and solid shot however should not even come close to the amount of fires we see in game currently, especially not on tanks that use diesel as fuel (which is a vast majority of them) as it is way more stable and cant even be lit on fire with a match.

The JAS39 (among others in that list) is able to guide 4 at the same time. Report

The JAS39C is also missing almost everything that made it a C version IRL.
Currently its an accurate JAS39A but with a JAS39C cockpit model.
I have made several reports on inaccuracies on both the JAS39 versions that got sent to devs for review and it’s kind of sad that none of them made it into the update. (First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh)

Most notably Are:
-Voice warning systems (i know JAS39 has different voice but honestly, just use the F-16 voice as a placeholder).
-MAW / Slave CM to MAW (this one is kind of sad as some of the new jets got this as a new feature, why not add it to the JAS39C as well???).
-Central bomb pylon.
-Upgraded radar.
Those are the absolute minimum in my opinion to even call it a C version.

Now that i look at it the RB-75T is also wrong. IRL its identical to the RB-75(AGM-65B) but with more explosives (“T” for “tung” meaning heavy) so should be HEAT and not SAP-HE. Report

And what happened to this:


I didn’t even know that this would become a feature, which planes will get it? how does one do it? (if its already implemented then its missing on both JAS39 versions)



Swedish JAS39C still missing AGM-65G, should we report it again?


Arietes seem to be missing the spall liners…

They are agm 65A

No need to report it. It will follow up in a minor update.


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But “APCBC” modifier is applied for other APBC shells, isn’t it? Why should it be removed from Italian 47 mm shells with ballistic cap?

why is all 105 abrams if u bring 1 round over 23 rounds it puts it in the hull and all 120 abrams that bring 1 round over 19 rounds puts it in the hull

and m60 120 1 round over 19 rounds

the 105 ammo is smaller than 120, ergo you can fit more in the bustle rack

because APBC isnt the same as APCBC, APCBC has beter angle pen due to the normilisation offered by the penetrative cap, a ballistic cap (APBC) just helps with maintaining shell velocity over range


Still no research bonus a year later.

Sweden got the B version when it became available (Markmålsrobot 75 - Försvarsmakten). I think they used both variants at the same time depending on need.
the only difference between A and B is better seeker and acquisition camera which can be retrofitted to the A variant (IIRC).

in the link they even mention “Roboten är konstruerad för att kunna kombinera raketmotorn med olika typer av styrsystem och stridsspets, och på sätt kan vapnet anpassas efter behov.”
translated to: “The missile is constructed so that the rocket motor can be combined with different guidance systems and warheads, thus the weapon can be adapted depending on requirement.”

@Smin1080p @Stona_WT

Please consider reverting the map changes to Big Tunisia.

The majority agree that the flattening and shrinking of the map is detrimental, and will only ruin one of the most unique maps we had.


Please follow our news to do not miss important information in the future.

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