Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog


The Rank 4 US SPAA is coming, I can feel it!:)

I’ve seen it, doesn’t change that it’s been over a year at this point.

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Has the VR tank aiming been fixed?

VR Tank Aiming is Broken // // Issues
Turret auto centering in VR error // // Issues

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There is a current bug where all Abrams models stores ammunition on second stowage despite there is clear empty space on first one.

While most of the top tier jets are gonna be fine with the Multipath height change, I don’t think the 10.3-11.0 jets are going to take that change well at all.

I hope the Multipath effect will get changed on a more individual basis in the future (newer missile/radar = less Multipath Propagation).

Also, please work on improving Air RB maps to provide more natural cover if you plan on further reducing the Multipath effect.

Had hoped they would add the right cockpit for the F-4E as they implemented the right cocpit in the german F-4, oh well…

The stock grind need to be change for Top tier 2x ir missile is not enough to be effective from 12.3 to 13.0 no longer
I suggest 2X IR Missiles and 2x Radar Missiles as a stock loadout to grind new and future vehicles to research
Great Job on the Update (60meter Multipathing is perfect )

Side Note: The M1A1 Aim is the only squadron vehicle that dont get a stock apfsds for top tier I suggest the M829 round for stock grind or tier 1 research as well


What happened to the Vextra getting OFL 105 F2? Is this still planned?


has the MIG29s gotten a buff yet fixing their fligth preformance?

I see, thanks, another overperforming shell is Soviet 47 mm BR-240 (APHEBC) then, which also uses APCBC modifier.
Edit: it’s correct

that not what im saying ammo should be put in in the turret not in the hull

Still no top tier aa for israel… What am I supposed to do with an imp.chaparral when theres a heli 4 km away?

spawn plane

what sardine said or cry because gaijin rufused to add the spyder or adams

Smin1080p, do you know how long it usually takes for the Xbox store to receive the new packs?

It’s still not available at the making of this message

The PS store already has them lol

In the future, new modules will be added to other vehicles, the highest priority being SAM/SPAA

Why in the world is SPAA the priority? This is a feature you pushed through for light tanks like the 2S38 but for some reason the Japanese already had all their top MBTs and entire SPAA lineup nerfed with it.

Additional effects on vehicles when armor is penetrated

Most of us have experienced situations where penetrating lightly armored IFVs and APCs with large empty areas causes the shell and its fragments not to destroy or disable any crew or modules.

And get shot by a pantsir

this guy gets it (all i can say it try to stay away and dive to the deck, if you’re using the gbu 8/15 try to get his position beforehand and go around; good luck)

They are just another russian main, don’t mind them.

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The default English voices are fine and unchanged, but the crews in national languages echo and sound like they are in the bathroom, or talking down a pipe.

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