Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Sounds about right for German mains. Not used to having a vehicle that isn’t effectively a full BR below it should be.

Yes, I do still believe the Panzer IVs should be ending at 4.7 and not 3.7 like they are right now.

unnamed (5)


You wish. (friendly joke, please no abuse)

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This is indeed a full sentence.
T-34 distraction!
unnamed (4)


Gaijin when? I want more WW2 cast hull junk in game, please.

Isn’t that the Yugoslav Tenk Tip-A?

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Yep, it is.

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I love obscure Yugo prototypes.


We all love those weird, obscure things that look like they were taken from the deepest pits of hell, yet we all want to put our hands on them.

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a man with a beard is smiling in a black and white photo with the words mod abuse written on the bottom .
(Joke, no abuse has taken place)


Yep, IOG disables after the laser is switched on. So you can fire off a Brimstones using IOG to get it close, but then you have to switch the laser on and maintain the lock to keep it on course. But if the laser lock is lost, it just flies ballistically.

so i have just gotten the brimstones unlocked and they feel horible to use at anything beyond a few km

Yep, best not to consider them a Stand-off wepaon. They aren’t. They are best used within a few km firing off 1 or 2 in rapid succession at 1 target. Boom and zoom with them.

Thats my plan to use them in Sim, if I touch them at all. More often than not. I’ll just use ePaveways for taking out AI vehicles. That is unless there is new AI targets/objectives that would speciifcally benefit from the Brimstones. I was hoping they’d be the answer for dealing with Convoys. but having to complete 9 passes to use them all up is incredibly risky and not just because you’ll have Mig-29s hunting you after the first missile but because the SPAAGs will be firing at you the entire time.

they clearly never play tested them and i genuinly hope they recondider denying them the fictional fnf tv/ir mode as the vast majorty of players wont use them in there curent state



In ARB. You already struggle to get bases vs F-16s and F-4s and Mig-23s in the Tornado Gr1. The GR4 is not a big enough upgrade to suddenly change that even if it remained at 11.7. At 12.3 you will now be defending against 13.3s like the Su-34. No chance.

In ASB, you will be fighting Mig-29s and F-16s constantly and making it to a base will be a grind. (13.0 matches are totally out of the question vs the F-4F ICE) Again, you will be dead the moment you are located. No amount of CMs or MAWs will protect against a Mig-29 unloading canon rounds into you and you cannot hope to outrun them or out fight them. You are a free kill if found.

In either gamemode, the A2G is mostly irrelevant, but I had hoped the FnF Brimstones could give you a strong alternative to having to strike bases and instead make hunting Ai ground vehicles the primary role of the aircraft. (similar to the 10x JDAMs on the AV-8B(NA) )

In GRB… It might be usable under the right conditions, but honestly… You are WAY better off spawning in a CAP aircraft like the FA2 or F3 Late and just forgetting about CAS or spawning in the Harrier Gr7 or Gripen C. Which both will likely outperform the GR4 under most circumstances. Especially if the Gr7 Gets some long-overdue buffs like a Gen 2 Tpod, 6x AGM-65 and ePaveways.

lmao FGR Phantom vs F-4F ICE who would win who has a chance

Skyflash DFs too OP. Must raise its BR further.


i feel that in air it should be 12.0 as the hmd and 9M’s are a slight improvement but not a 12.3 improvment they should also give it 1 more stock bomb as you cant even kill one base stock with it

Can we add a japanese tech tree vehicle haven’t seen one for 9 months now…

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