Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yep, BOL Defo needed. GR1… They maybe have an excuse. But GR4, none at all.

Wow, im sorry to say but that has disheartened me a little. They take an absolute age to hit the target, there is no way they can stay laser guided if it takes that long for them to hit (if they do with 60 second flight time).

Yep. They are going to be nearly pointless to run as I had hoped which is as a convoy-killer in Sim. The ePaveways are going to be decent valuable vs battlefields, though going to take finesse to do from the cockpit without the third person CCIP reticle. But yeah, Brimstones are going to be a very niche take at the moment, at least in this current state. If they are much faster (double their current speed) then they would be more usable, but still need at least 3 passes to fire off all 9 vs a convoy I reckon and at 12.7, that is a lot of time loitering deep in enemy territory with Mig-29s Hunting you.

If they dont want to give us fnf how about just “gps” which could be see as really good ins or whatever you call it. Would allow for ripple fire but wouldn’t be all that powerful, could then be used against the battles instead of convoys. Have you checked how good the guidance is without using the laser?

No I havent yet, let me try that. and yes I agree. GPS should be the minimum would put us on par with the GPS spam that hte Su-34 and F-15E have

It appears to be identical to the Hellfire. As in, the IOG doesnt work… At all

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Wow they really do take 2-3 business days to arrive.
If there are no SAMs they look great.

is the Tornado Gr4 meant to have BOZ rails for the 9Ls / 9Ms?

Gaijin being buffoon again

No, how would you even do that? BOL yes

oop my bad I meant BOL, also I have no idea what the RWR means now it has 2 separate circles

also MAWS seems might be bugged doesnt seem to activate sometimes unless the missile is within 2kms

From a bit of testing myself, it seems you wont be able to kill more then 2 targets in a pass with the brimstones due to their poor flight performance, the missiles wont hit a target beyond 14km if you are at low altitude meaning you will be in the range of pantsirs at all times, they also have a tendency to need 2 to 3 missiles to kill MBTs from the front in the test flight.

over all I think they wont be that great without a dumbed down FnF mode and the call is probably picking 4 PGM 500s or a mix of PGMs and Paveway 4s

I love having to use 10.7 level ordinance on my top tier strike aircraft.

Sadly as we all feared the GR.4 should have come out months/years before the F-15E and Su-34.
These simply outclass any dedicated CAS aircraft with their wealth of Air to Air and Air to ground options.

Its sad but not like we all didnt see this coming

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its not even that, the Gr4 does out class both in raw destructive power if we were given unerfed brimstones, hell even dumbed down ones that dont use radar would be really good and would negate the 14km max range

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Even if Brimstones worked like they do in reality your airframe is massively inferior to an F-15E and Su-34.
The threat of an Aim120 or R77 on a CAS platform is too great to overcome.

Maybe if we had ECM…

That’s the Common Weapons Launcher. It is a slightly different design to the regular Brimstone launcher, and was in development specifically for Typhoon.

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What altitude were you firing from?

I dont think it really matters, the issue is it only has a 60s guidance time so they explode long before they hit the target, I think the absolute most Ive gotten is 16km and that was at mach 1.14 at 7km

The IOG works for me, the problem is that in game once it sees a laser for the first time IOG is permanently disabled. So you can’t turn the laser on, then off like you do.

Trying to work out if there is any way to report that behaviour.

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It matters in so much as 20+ km is likely the maximum range when fired from ~20,000 ft altitude. So if he was firing from sea level he probably wasn’t going to have much luck.

I am working on a report about the speed bleed being far too severe though.

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