Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Meh. The whole ‘copy paste’ argument never bothered me much. If US / GB / FR / Whoever players don’t like seeing their stuff in other tree’s, maybe they shouldn’t export it so much lol.


That’s my point too, if they hate C&P stop exporting it lol


a gif of a person walking with the words hello chat above

What we doin toaday?

Also, noone is forcing them to play it again in another tree if they don’t want to. But to people who do play that tree, having more options available to them is only a good thing, ‘copy and paste’ or not.

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I already made Bug report for it, dont know if it counts as suggestion.

Already sent you through PM so you can check to see if its acceptable.

Arguing about copy&paste, drinking coffee and worshipping santa.


Suggestion, as of

But bug reports can be passed as suggestions. Dunno the criteria tho.

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It’s not my stuff.

thats not the point.
Unique and indiginous vehicles are being reserved for premiums, battlepasses and events.
While C&P gets to the TT.

I dont like playing 20 M60’s, 15 T-54’s while i know there are dozens of unique vehicles that could have replaced them.

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Kfir 2000 from passed for consideration

Personally, I think Kfir C.10 prototype (Kfir 2000) would be the first fighter aircraft with active radar homing missile for israel

Kfir C.10 equipped Rafael Litening III targeting pod ?

The last thing piqued my interest. Its not something that happens everyday.

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Again no one is forcing you too, don’t like it don’t play it

C.10 has Litening 3, yes.

Never fielded with French AF

Devil worshipping requires too much to prepare. Santa just needs milk and cookies.

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i do have to play them if i want something new.
Merkava’s E.G.

not a type-o?

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Yeah but the guy above was talking about taking Israel down to rank I (as was I in response).

You ain’t gonna see any more M60’s / T54’s at I, II and III lol.

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No, you will see another dozen shermans and british planes.

And i’d absolutely love every second of it.