Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It’s what they used, it’s part of their history Israel didn’t have an industry at the point of their release in 48.
Although seeing more British planes would make the tree more alive in the early ranks


Other features are not modelled correctly either.
Hell we just received Brimstone with it’s key feature missing while still accurately portrayed as far as I’m aware.

Since M2KD doesn’t pack an air to air radar it would not be as efficient with MICA as 5F would be.
Isn’t the seeker range on R-27ET gimped also?

In game MICA IR would likely be somewhat of an R-27T/R-73 combination.

Can the M2KD even launch it behind itself? Irl even 5F could not since it did not have a HMS in service as far as I’m aware. So if it was added now it would still be performing differently than it would on Rafale.

What makes you think IRIS-T would not be “gimped” to the same extend?
On Tornado it would not nearly be as dangerous as it is on Eurofighter for example.
I do not see any issue for future additions (planes) either.
It could perhaps be better to implement some of these missiles early to have them sorted out by the time when long anticipated fighters are going to receive them. Just look at R-73…
MiG-29 9.12 is still stuck with R-27ER/T it never had without access to R-73.

I’d imagine Eurofighter and Rafale to be implemented without such missiles in their first iterations anyway.

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I cant believe we dont have the FCK yet tbh, we even have the Sky Sword in game now


This game is NOT ready for modern A2A IR Missles. Hell we’re not ready for ARHM either but here we are

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And it’d get rid of this clunky system of having to progress in other nations if you want to play Israel.

If people want to Grind to Merkava’s, they’re going to have to grind through UK/US/RU/FR stuff anyway, so makes sense to just reskin that stuff into the Israel tree itself so that people aren’t starting at rank IV with level 0 crews lol.


I’d take another dozen Shermans. I love Shermans.


Best tank of WW2. (Imo)

Still not fixed the bloody Yak-9 AP belt I see

And would love to see the Mossi and M3 half track hybrids

Their heli is of Italian origin same as their Starfighter

Exactly so adding something like 2 MICA IR to Mirage 2000D would not be unusual especially with how unrealistic some additions are.

Cant wait for this gap to be filled.


With what ?

Oh yes more C&P the same C&P you don’t want to happen in Israel because of more US planes lmao

We dont even have Bank To Turn so they wont be very good, and if you add MICA you HAVE to add the others theres no if ands or buts you HAVE to add ASRAAM IRIS-T AAM-5 and AIM-9X

And by extention R73M

Columbian one would bring AESA, Python 5, Derby-ER and integrated jammer. Imo better to save it for later as squadron or event vehicle. Baseline C.10 would be just fine at 13.0.

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Nah. It all depends on the platform.and what is possible with that missile on that platform.

R-27ET for example doesn’t quite have the lock range it should have either if memory serves.

Then you just WANT it its not needed. France doesnt deserve it any more then the others it isnt special like that.

No, this is what it should get after waiting for such a long time for a sub-TT, the amount of time they had/took for Japan should at least be due to the amount of vehicles we will be getting, otherwise it would be really pathatic:


Eh, it depends on the match-up, but they are one of the better ones(partly due to their numbers).

but either way, this game needs more Shermans, and multiple nations(including the US have options for them. (M4A6 please and M4A4 for the UK(if I recall it as the major part of their Sherman fleet)))

Never said it was.
It is more about looking at what some aircraft have at low battle ratings or relatively low battle ratings and how missiles or capabilities were added and then spread in the past.

A 13.0 Jet with 4 AIM-120 has more potential to be unbalanced in a downtier than a Mirage 2000D would be at 13.7.

Ever looked at Magic II, R-27T and AIM-9M performance when they were newly added?
Or take into account the KH-38, Pantsir KA-52 situation.

It would not be impossible to add 2 MICA IR to M2KD.