Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Im referring to the gaijin employee who said “skill issue if you struggle with these”


it can’t take 2 minutes because it self destructs after 60s (which is what’s limiting the range)

I just launched from 18km and got an 82 second time to target so

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Ik im being mostly sarcastic its absolutely horrendous that theyve added them in this state honestly

it’ll blow up after 60s idk what to tell you

Hi guys, I would like to share with you and let you know about this matter and to give us some support to see if it can be changed.

All the explanation with a provided source it’s in the report, thanks you!


This is why i air spawn camping Russians
seem it only to deal with their BS


“20km range missile” more like 12km on a good day.


Super super unfortunate, people been waiting the on brimstone for forever just for it to basically be an air launched hellfire

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I still hate the fact this thing will face Ki-200 and 262’s. That hold BR need’s to be reworked as late WW2 aircraft will have no chance now.


F-117 will rule the world


Yea just space climb from spawn with AIR spawn mind you, drop you laser guided bombs from like 30,000 and repeat

Yeah i said it before dev and now ill say it after testing. Just take the GR4 out of the game. If you wont model it right dont model it at all


For tanks yea I understand that gray area but like come on nerfing it for “balance” tell me what is balance in this game ?

To be fair, the Ki-200 could be 8.0 alongside the Me-163, and it’s not like WWII planes have stood a chance since the MiG-15s and sabres went down too.

And don’t get me on the German air ether like why give them tiny treats,
it’s like telling you second child oh sorry you just had a burger this month try again next month.

Then telling your 1st child yea m8 have one every week.

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Italy was suffering nearly as bad as France, I’m glad they will get Caracciolo.

Pretty funny that they will get a tech tree QE equivalent before UK though

Well funny thing now is France is miles ahead of Italy there like 17 holes just in jet’s alone

Only Russia allow to have functional new tech
anyone that not Russia don’t
If that weapons are not enough to help Russians main?
Add more advanced Russian tech
Yep that balance by Gaijin’s logic