M4A3E2 back to 5.3

My understanding of how to handle the Jumbo is excellent-that is how I recognize its shortcomings.

The problem that now faces the 75mm Jumbo faces is that the selling point of the tank, its armor, is now mostly negated.

Thus, there is little reason to take out the Jumbo instead of even something comparable like the M4A1/M3 GMC which offer better speeds…if only slightly.

The GMC has the tradeoff of far less protection…but at 6.X the M4A1 is comparable to the 75mm Jumbo. Same cannon, similar mobility, armor effectiveness is situational/variable.

I’m well versed in handling the Jumbo, but if there is little/no point with its armor than an alternate might as well be taken. (The 76mm Jumbo is far more attractive because its cannon is significantly better than the 75mm.)

Sorry but what You write about Jumbo only proves that You don’t understand this vechicle.

The main attributes of Jumbo are:

  • good mobility
  • fast reload
  • stabilization

If used properly then You can destroy any target from 4.7 to 6.7.

Because the gameplay is reduced to shooting barrels in order to compete, an obnoxious annoying playstyle that you’re forced to partake in, and the one thing that keeps the stats as good as they are.

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At the uptier yes, but below that You can kill enemies just fine.

I appreciate your attempt at humor, but my record proves otherwise.

I have done well with the 75mm Jumbo, but now that it’s been uptiered into oblivion it simply has no merits to boast.

No player action can change the armor thickness, which is the Jumbo’s selling point, from frontal OHKs by Tiger IIs and the like. Players can do nothing about such weakness…and the gun is no prize, so there’s no real appeal.

Not quite…it’s a 75mm Jumbo. Frontal armor is supposed to be the Jumbo’s pitch.

If anything, your comments here confirm what I said before: you might as well use the 75mm M4A1 from 3.3.

Again, the humor is appreciated…but it’s apparent to everyone that the Jumbo’s viability against many 6.7s is virtually nil.

You must remember that not everyone has access to cheesy measures like bushes and unique graphics settings or squads up as others do…none of those things change armor thickness/gun performance either.

All in all, the M4A3E2 (75) is a shell of its former self and you’ll see its play count collapse in coming times.

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They really don’t

You mean the armor that You boasted about dealing with Pz. IV? The armor that has a weakspot that reserve tanks can pen frontally? Give me a break. Jumbo armor still works against panthers and Tiger I as they are on his B.R.

It is the same as for most of the tanks when uptiered.

You mean the bushes that anyone can get and graphic settings anyone can set? Ye, give me a break again. Not to mention that bushes are now destructible, but You probably didn’t know about that.

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You’re not making any sense…you just got done saying the armor was immaterial now you’re saying it’s worthwhile? Pick a side man…

If you don’t think the armor makes a difference, it’s better to take the 3.3 M4A1 even at 6.X.

If you do think the armor matters, know that for many vehicles it is not something their ammo cares about…it goes right through.

Not really. Tanks that are central on armor, as is the case here, do worse in uptiers than is typical.

Bushes’ obtainability is still volatile because not everyone can get them (due to artificial limits) and their destructability, while a good move forward, still changes very little.

Unique conditions are created that make them cheesy.

I was just showing that armor is good while it is not the selling point of Jumbo as You tried to portray it to be.

All hevies do bad in uptiers, nothing special about Jumbo.

Trying to grasp anything really? If You don’t have anything sensible to say, then just don’t.

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The armor is the selling point of the 75mm Jumbo…because otherwise the Jumbo wouldn’t be at 5.7 while the M4A1 is 3.3.

Justify the disparity if that’s not the case.

The 75mm is uniquely anemic for the BR. (The 76mm is far better in uptiers for this reason.)

Everything I said is sensible…you must be confused.

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If You think that, then there is no point in further discussion.

That is why Jumbo 76 is on 6.3 and 75 is on 5.7. If we only cared about uptiers, we wouldn’t be able to balance anything. Uptiers are ment to be hard.

I tried playing 75 Jumbo yesterday and today, in matches where I used my brain instead of rusing towards, I was able (even on uptier) of doing well or even sometimes win the battle for my team:

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Additional armour doesn’t boosting effectiveness resulting higher BR?

As I said

That’s weird. I’m pretty sure that is pretty much the reason for why the Jumbo can do what it can do :D

The Jumbo has very strong frontal armor and the turret is all around super strong.
Can’t even pen the turret from the side with a KwK 40, US 76mm or Russian 85mm.

That makes in quite survivable from getting shot by an unware opponent and likewise not so easy to take them out when you got one in your gun.
While a lot of vehicles are not likely to get easily taken out by the Jumbo, they also can’t take it out so easily.

Other than that it’s not much different from a M4A2 at 4.0.

I probably know the reason for the misunderstanding.

When compared to other heavies, Jumbo doesn’t have a special armor. It is a normal thing for a heavy tank to have good armor but it doesn’t make it stand out (as it is not it selling point) when it comes to why this particular heavy tank is so great.

Not sure what you mean. In general the Jumbo has better armor than most heavies, with the downside of a having a gun with very low penetration that makes it difficult to penetrate a lot of targets from the front.

An IS-1 or Tiger can penetrate almost any vehicle in a downtier from the front with ease. However their armor can also get penetrated by a pretty much any TD they are going to see, as well as medium tanks.
It’s not always easy to get a penetrating hit on either but at least you can, unlike with the Jumbo which is going to be mostly immune from the front.


I ask you to explain what, if not the armor, is the reason for the Jumbo’s 5.7 BR as opposed to the M4A1’s 3.3 BR…yet all I get is this cop out.

Do you want to take another swing at it or should I just take your comment as a concession?

Yeah…nobody said uptiers should be easy.

What was said was that Jumbo’s purpose is effectively negated in uptiers–which is true.

Putting aside the outlier elements involved, you’re missing the points made by others.

While it’s nice you got 10 kills or whatever and went on from there, it’s not much different than using an M3 GMC or something to do the same at that BR: you’re heavily reliant on the enemy team being incompetent or oblivious, as they have the weaponry to cut you down rapidly.

I already explained:

And same goes for most if not all heavies

If You need to rely on ‘muh bad team’ argument, then there is no point in any discussion.

Um, no.

You did not explain why you remain so adamant that the Jumbo’s armor is good, nor the 3.3-5.7 gap between the M4A1 and M4A3E2.

…but most other heavies have guns that are still decent or even good for the BR.

The 75mm, by contrast, is awful for 6.7 matches.

There isn’t really a discussion to be had…but I’ll give you a chance:

You’re in a 6.7 match…so how/why did the enemy team let a 5.7 heavy dominate them if not incompetence/obliviousness?

Explain it to everyone…

You really have problem reading, do You?

As I said, the main selling point of Jumbo is not his armor but other things.

And as I said at the beginning of this topic

Because I can use Jumbo well and know how to get an advantage over other targets? Just because You are on full uptier doesn’t mean that all enemies are 6.7. You need to know how to play at certain B.R. and that is it.

You are not forced to fight the 6.7 vechicles frontally.

Yeah I also don’t see it. The Jumbos mobility is average at best while the other two are exactly the same on the M4A1.

Like I said, the what makes the Jumbo the Jumbo in the first place is that’s a heavily uparmored Sherman.

It’s like adding more armor to the T-34 1941 until it becomes a KV-1 ZIS-5, add some more and you get a Jumbo. Of course the US 75mm with its stabilizer, RoF and APCR is generally superior to the RU 76mm.