M4A3E2 back to 5.3

Well, they don’t make it out to be a skill issue when it’s just a balance issue if the only way to play is just abusing crappy mechanics.

But then tanks in downtier have to do the same to the Jumbo to have a chance to kill it. Same goes for KV-1B,people shoot its gun and tracks then aim for the weakspot. It will always be the same when you get into downtier with such vehicles.

Half of it is BR compression which is not resolved by changing where the most compressed areas are, especially not by for whatever reason attempting to decompress mid and lower BRs for god knows what reason, at the expense of top tier.
Jumbo at 5.3 made a lot more sense than this.

I played more than 10 matches with the 75mm Jumbo yesterday to see how its MM was.

I got one 5.7 match. One. The rest of the time my Jumbo was a chewtoy for the opposition I could do little to nothing about.


Being curious how bad, I reviewed the 9 battles you spawned in with the Jumbo yesterday. In all 9 battles, you were just out played by others, didn’t see them, you died (7 deaths). Only 2 times did you go head to head with higher BR, the Tiger E and the Panther G (you won), and 1 lower, the Churchill Crocodile all of which the Jumbo faced before moved to 5.7. Your other deaths (2) were CAS and arty (I think arty). 4 of the battles were ODL and the rest you respawned in air but after dying left the battle, no team support, no SPAA no M-18. It would seem to be Confirmation bias and not a good evaluation of the Jumbo’s ability at its new BR. Been a while since I played it so I can’t say for sure how all this BR changes will work out. Maybe I should give it a drive one day.



  • I wish I had as much free time as you…watching others’ random battles is boring to say the least.

  • in nearly every encounter, I faced vehicles completely superior to the Jumbo 75mm (Panthers, Tiger IIs); I never stood a chance against these, given the lousy 75mm…the opposition would have to be asleep for that relic to work…in the meantime they could point and click

As I stated above, the main mission was checking match BRs…actually playing the 75mm Jumbo was just confirming how terrible it is to bring a vehicle that’s had all of its merits stripped away as a first spawn.

As I played without sound much of the time, it was hardly an MLG effort…I wasn’t trying too hard because I didn’t need to: nobody thinks the 75mm Jumbo is worthwhile at 6.X.

Not at all…again, the >10 battles queues up were a fine evaluation of the 75mm Jumbo’s new situation, because the primary objective was to see the match BR the crate was sent to.

The Jumbo is overtiered at 5.7 (because it is forced into 6.X regularly) because of its awful 75mm cannon…checking how bad MM was the only mystery that needed to be investigated.

If it got 5.7 games all day, the 75mm Jumbo would be “lackluster”; given it gets 6.X matches all the time, it’s just food for stuff like Tiger IIs…worthless.

The single death to CAS is an amusing note (1 in ~10-12 deaths), but it only occurred because the lousy 75mm cannon kept me in a stalemate facing that Churchill for several minutes without any progress or real movement. Ironically, that was the only 5.7 match had too…

The teammate who pulled alongside me probably attracted the attack that killed us by grouping up…the Beaufighter might have gotten one or the other of us (or maybe neither), but grouping up the bombs got both.

That ending wasn’t a big surprise (I didn’t bother checking the skies) and was a welcome end to the fruitless stalemate with the Churchill, against which the 75mm was utterly useless.

I will say this though…I supported my teams with respawns I did take well–but I didn’t always bother. (My aircraft do need upgrades, so I took them when I could.)

US 5.7 just doesn’t have anything outstanding to offer against 6.Xs and some of the maps I got were trash to begin with.

Do yourself a favor and don’t bother…the 75mm Jumbo has no merits anymore.

Weak cannon, armor that is all but negated and mobility inferior to even enemy heavy tanks…it has nothing to boast at 5.7 (6.X).

Check my last battle when i fought aganist uptiered T-34 and KV

Always good to view and maybe learn from others mistakes. As I said, 7 deaths where you didn’t fire a shot and you were hit from the side, behind and once from the front. All these could occur even before being raised so that is why I questioned the evaluation of the Jumbo. Being up tiered sucks but a good test of our skills. Those that complain usually lack skill and is a LTP issue.
The claim you did this test without any real concern to actually playing the tank means a waste of your time evaluating this tank and further questions the value of your so called test. Quote: “As I played without sound much of the time, it was hardly an MLG effort…I wasn’t trying too hard because I didn’t need to: nobody thinks the 75mm Jumbo is worthwhile at 6.X.”
That wasted all your time testing the Jumbo?
Maybe add backups so if you get out played can try again.


As I said, up tier isn’t fun but not impossible. Most of us have achieved “God Mode” a few times (rare). I don’t often play heavies so cunning rather then armor is survival. Nothing worse then taking a shot, have it bounce and not back off and escape. I often make that mistake but I play for fun, not stats or bragging rights. It is a game after all. Ya, GJ makes some dumb changes but nothing to do but work with what ya got.

I was downtiered, t-34 was uptiered

As it really should be. Jumbo is not supposed to be on 5.7, but it is not like it is not playable.

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Maybe would be easier if you explained what the problem was? I know the KV can be quite the nut to crack.

I said that Jumbo if gets downtiered still plays fine. I destroyed 5 T-34 and one KV until died.

Gaslighting? I was chuckling at a very strange use of his time.

Your vocabulary word doesn’t fit the scenario.

I find it very amusing that when someone checks (compares) real results with only words, the first comment that comes from You is an attack on that person with ‘I wish I had as much free time as you…’

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Don’t get defensive lol…there’s no attack.

I do wish I had as much time as replay watchers! Doing that takes time and while some people have that sort of time, I don’t.

If you read what was said, all was verified…I was playing the Jumbo to check match BRs and that’s what he saw.

I was chuckling at the situation, nothing more.

It is good that people check if what someone says is true or not.

You seemed worried I was attacking you…just gotta put you at ease. :)

As for verification, it makes little difference to me…I write as I see and people can confirm it. That’s why my recollections match the happenings.

The Jumbo 75 isn’t very attractive anymore; I may play it to check match BRs more and try WT on hard mode…but it’s no luxury tank.

When I told Reddit I frequently used the Cobra King with the Black Cat and got sucked into 6.7 matches they laughed at me.

The Cobra King and TT Jumbo held it’s own when I used it at the former 5.7-6.7 BR, what makes it better is now the big cats are an extra step up. Just use your brain, don’t frontally engage anything that hits harder or has better armour than you - if you end up in that situation just wiggle your hull and turret.

The Jumbo isn’t a tanky tank, I dunno why people expect it to be. The element of surprise is your best friend.

My 1st and 2nd place by order of victories

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Jumbo 75 will always be attractive for people that are able to use it. I will still play it as I’m used to the playstyle that is needed to use it properly.