M4A3E2 back to 5.3

Not really. If everything moves up than the effects of BR decompression will never be felt. The compression between 5.7-6.7 is particularly egregious and they might as well decompress by making the gap bigger. 5.0 can still be 5.0 even if 6.7 is the new 6.3.

The M-18 is too good to be 5.0, the lowest it can go without being too good would be 5.3.

Never underestimate speed under the right conditions.

5.3 would be better than 5.7, but the M18 should still go down to 5.0. If nothing else, it should go down in order to give the KV-1Es a challenge.

“The right conditions” are almost nonexistent. Gaijin has greatly reduced the number of maps that are conducive to flanking in the matchmaker. You’re lucky if you don’t get a 3-Lane map nowadays.

True until they unpackage 9.3-11.7 and raise the BR to 12.3

Hopefully sometime this year

Yeah I agree, but the M18 should be 5.3 at the lowest. Flanking is nearly impossible. With the panthers, tigers, and Jagdpanther going up, it will be better at 5.7 than it is now.

12.3 is going to do nothing

US 5.7 is a ticket directly to 6.7 now

Unless you plan on having an uphill battle each game, it’s no longer really worth playing.

What did I (not) do?

However the IS-3 thread was started by Miragen, which I don’t think is denied hence the double down on the Jumbo part of your comment.

Just to say, falling into the conversation after spotting my name randomly, I mentioned in BR changes that I wanted the SU-I-II BR reviewed, and the Wyvern to be moved up.

Not at least the 0.7 change I thought best, but at least after all these years the plane is moving in the right direction (was 4.7 when I bought it).

Am I considered to be a German main??

And I did just notice someone hasn’t played in almost 2 months so they might not have much experience on how changes have effected things.

I looked at your name when mentioning a comment under yours in a thread, so apologies about that. It was someone named Alex who made the comment I was referring to. Both of the accounts named Texasred are mine, the one with the underscore i havent playing in about 2 months so that might be who you’re referring to. But welcome to this thread, i actually agree with your comments on the SU-I-II and Wyvern.

I just read your name since it was above the comment i was mentioning and ended up saying the wrong person said the comment. so apologies.

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i agree with all of this but the M18, the M18 has a gun that can handle things at 5.7 because it can flank with its mobility. The US 76 is potent if you get side shots, unlike the short 75 it can handle things at its respective br.

The reason us players track and barrel is because they cant pen what they face. so they have to disable then get to the side.

Mabye it’s just me but I didn’t have a lot of fun taking out the Jumbo at 5.7.

But I had some supreme bad luck. Getting penetrated by Panthers throught he front that I didn’t even see, another below the gun mantlet. As well as a bushed up KV-220 that just penetrated the front by hitting the edge of the upper hull by the hull roof.

Also Tiger tracks not getting destroyed in one shot by 75mm APHE :(

Volumetric also made the hull MG port just so much easier to penetrate, it a huge green box in protection analysis. At least for the 85mm.

Skill issue on your part, the Jumbo was totally fine even in uptiers. All you had to do was become huge rat and play track and barrel torture. Destroy barrel, .50cal down tracks,go into side,onetap that KT (H),and continue. 72% WR in TT jumbo and 64% with Cobra King btw. Dont even have that high WR on my Panther G and Panther A where i have 59% on both.

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In my last match I killed two Panthers with a single shot from 800-1000m in the side.
Also a FV 4005 from 1000m.

75mm and 76mm Smoke is also super handy.

become huge rat and play track and barrel torture

Yeah, that’s the type of gameplay we should strive for, so much fun…

Its not, i hate that too when someone does it to me. But for some vehicles to be realistically playable,its the only option.

You shouldn’t have to play as a rat for a heavy tank to be effective. if you want to play as a rat go to WOT.

Imagine facing a tiger 2H in your 75mm jumbo, youre gonna struggle to even pen bro from the side, meanwhile tiger2H can pen jumbo everywhere

You can pen KT´s side from 500m+ with Jumbo btw. M82 have 90mm pen at 500.