M4A3E2 back to 5.3

Neither of these tanks has armor for its BR range

In my opinion the Panther D should be moved to 5.7 and the VK to 5.3

It has armor aganist Jumbo. And have gun to defeat jumbo

T-34-85 armor is considered the trolly one and KW-85 armor is on pair with german VK which is on 5.3

But it wasn’t while Jumbo was

But unless they are moved jumbo should be 5.3

Use APCR it will change your life

Fair complaint.

Yes I believe they should have been increased alongside the Jumbo.

APCR is more useless against T-34 because of slope
Is-85 can just angle and APCR will be useless too

So as long as all this vechicles don’t get B.R. rise, then Jumbo should stay at 5.3

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Honestly I wouldn’t have a single problem with the old Panther BRs if Gaijin fixed the shape of the turret front to match how the VK 30.02 (M) looks.

Half of the volumetric issues of the Panther’s mantlet just don’t exist with the VK 30.02 (M) because of that.

Edit: This is what I mean, by the way

VK 30.02 (M):

Panther G (although all cylindrical mantlet Panthers look like this):

There’s just a significantly larger area where the VK 30.02 (M) can be shot without having the round being absorbed by volumetric.

Honesty this post is doing what i planned and getting people to address issues of BR changes that should have and shouldnt have happened. Thank you guy’s for keeping it somewhat cool here too even if not seeing eye to eye.

(On mobile or id tag the rest of you guys in this)

But the fact remains they moved sruff that shouldnt have been moved or if they just decompressed the Br, wouldnt have needed to move.

And should the Maus be moved down?

The whole Jumbo/ Panther thing is about Maps really.In some maps(Urban) you are forced to face them head on and at short notice.You round a corner and face a Jumbo or Pather ,maybe in an uptier and you are f***ed basically unless you hit the barrel which does happen.Easy to to take both out from the side if the map allows.
On the reverse side that is what made the Jumbo a great urban brawler at 5.3 assuming the player was careful.Now at 5.7 that pleasure is removed somewhat.
Back to that question ,Does Gaijin want people to enjoy the game or not? In order for one person to have fun another has to die in game and will no doubt jump on here to bitch about it.Somebody finding a good vehicle that suits them and gets them kills is a Warthunder crime it seems.

The Maus is the most balanced it’s been in ages.

ATGM launchers- “He he he of course”.

Yes a super tank which never would have seen combat IRL faced against weapons out of time.

People enjoy vehicles that they perform well with.
If everyone performs well with it, it’s overperforming so it will move up.
Then players complain that the vehicle doesn’t overperform anymore and is suddendly just average but a lot of players only play vehicles that aren’t average to compensite for their lack of skill.

If people stopped playing OP vehicle, nobody would complain that the vehicles are OP but that’s not how it works. Part of the playerbase will always abuse the system for their personal gain, just like in RL.

When the T26E5 was at 6.3 I abused the fact that it’s a better armored M26 at 6.3 to quickly spade it.
The M26 was already very good so a M26 that could bounce long 88s would only make it easier.
When it was moved up to 6.7 players ccomplained that it lacked firepower, since it didn’t have a long 88 for fighting 7.0 and above vehicles, not mentioning the fact that it can also bounce long 88s and 122mm’s to the turret.

If you play the Jumbo in an uptier it’s not going to be fun like pretty much any heavy tank.
Unless it’s something like a Tiger 1 which is more similiar to a slow medium.

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“People enjoy vehicles that they perform well with”

Of course they do and they stay with WT as a result.So is it a crime to perform well? That is my point,must all vehicles be crap and hard work? Is WT just there for those with insane skill mastery? Is it just a pissing contest for the elite ?

Just because a vehicle is good why should it move up? Is the uptier system not there for every vehicle and every player? They jack it up a notch then you face the uptier?

The vehicle in question will only be OP half the time and will survive in the uptier the other half ,how is that game destroying? Plus just because somebody gets ten kills in one game doesn’t mean every player will.Nobody is clubbing anybody in any vehicle as far as I can see,we all have good games and bad.BR determines who has the runaway victory as far as I can see.

I don’t see that Gajin’s total reliance of statistics has ever served the company that well to be honest as its the human element that is lacking and that is why satisfaction is low.Bowing to stats is not moving the game on the way it should be after eleven years.

By your logic a vehicle will never find an idea BR because it goes up when many use it and down when nobody uses it anymore so it just yo yo’s over the years.
I understand when a vehicle is new that it can be ridiculously OP and an error is made in where it was initially placed but after two or three years? How much harm was it doing if it was left so long?

How has WT suddenly become a great game by moving the M4A2E8 and upsetting everyone who had in in their 5.3 line up?

How about an update that doesn’t involve moving vehicles around that have been at a certain BR for years and focuses instead on putting modern tanks in modern settings or creating a realistic era specific, immersive experience for us all?

Maybe time and effort better spent?

T26E5 is still good on 6.7. It’s not so slow and have not the worst gun. And 6.7 very often is downtiered.
But jumbo isn’t t26 it have no use even in half uptier.