M4A3E2 back to 5.3

T-34-85 (D-5T) can still frontally pen Jumbo without an issue, KW-85 too.

They are two different tanks with two different roles to fulfill.

If the Jumbos armor doesn’t work, how come the Panthers and Tigers armor do?
Every tank that Tigers and Panthers can see, can penetrate them at 500-1000m.
Only when you angle the Tiger the armor works. If you can aim at the Jumbos MG port then you can also hit a Panthers turret.

Comparing two completely different vehicles against each other is pointless.

Sure a Jumbo can’t kill an angled Tiger E but he can kill a Tiger H1. Panthers are tough from the front but so is it for the Panther to take out the Jumbo.

So what about tanks that aren’t Panthers or Tigers?

Both Panther and Tiger are much easier to kill than the Jumbo, which gives the Jumbo better survivability.

Also there is no need for a tank to kill every freaking vehicle they run into, you’re not alone on the team.
If you want a vehicle that can kill the enemy much easier than any other vehicle, you play a TD with a big gun.
But being able to kill every vehicle easier than others doesn’t make a TD the best type of vehicle because you trade firepower for mobility and flexiblity.
If every enemy tank is a light tank, a SPAA will do a better job.

However teams are a mix of different types of vehicles and no vehicle will be the best in any scenario. Some are even pointless to play depending on BR or even map.

If the MM gives you a match where you’re facing 90% German tanks, the other team has a huge advantage of taking out vehicles that specifically counter the German Big Cats.
Of course, the opposite can also happen. I’ve seen teams consisting of 50% Tigers with 40% Panthers steam roll the other team.
Depending on the map, the German team can have a big advantage and when the other team doesn’t take vehicles that give them an advantage in these scenarios, the game is over before it started.

In a 4.7-6.7 Germany only consists of vehicles that are good at fighting others at range. They are severaly lacking when it comes to other playstyles.

If you’re getting uptiered to 5.7 you face the Tiger H1, Panther D and Jagdpanzer IV/70. All which work best at range with good armor and high penetrating guns.
The counterplay: You don’t fight at range. Use vehicle with high mobiltiy or guns that are so strong that you can beat the Germans at their own game.

US 5.7 have vehicles that are jack of all trades. The M36s can beat any armor while also being mobile and versatile. The M4A3 is the same but you trade penetration for a stabilizer and better survivability.
Then you also can face the Jumbo which is a very tough nut to crack.

Of course with mixed teams, it’s a bit different. You know that Germany is having the advantage at range but you’ll also run into other vehicles.
However the Jumbo is always a save bet because you can avoid Germans at range, since they won’t kill you when you run into their line of sight while at close range you’re armor and firepower package always allows you to defend yourself against whatever you’re facing.

A Tiger II (H) kills a Jumbo just like a M4A3 but not every tank in the enemy team is going to be a 6.7 vehicle.

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Roles depending of which BR range match have. Jumbo now can be assault tank only in full downtier. In any uptier it becomes medium tank.

You can frontally pen both these tanks with the Jumbo.

“without issue” “can penetrate the Jumbo’s weakspot without issue”

Context is important.

You don’t need to aim for weakspot if You are using BR-365A ammo.

They can fight on bigger distances while jumbo must go in close fight.

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Yet the Maus sits at a BR where it sees tanks that make its armour completely worthless and can see jets.


Tell me when Gaijin fixed analyser? Oh no, they didn’t fixed it.

Give it a smaller distance and aim at the center and You will see the ‘magic’ happening ;)

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If you believe there is a bug I would recommend reporting it so it can be fixed.

Everyone knows about analyzier. You just taking the conversation away.

Yeah that seems like Soviet propaganda to me

I don’t know what are You talking about, I’m just showing what happens in the game.

You just stated that it is broken, if you feel it is broken I recommend making a bug report so that it is fixed.

Yes ingame the IS-2 can penetrate the T26E1’s spaced armor despite IRL the multiple impacts causing tumbling reducing effective penetration.

If you can’t say anything more about jumbo’s br just stop talking.

BR-365A can go through but has to be pretty close range or shooting from above (both provide the same effect where you have to use gun depression to shoot into the UFP therefore reducing the angle of impact).

I’ve done it at least twice in actual matches.