M4A3E2 back to 5.3

Yes, gaijin is ultimately to blame, but the German players brought it on. They are to blame also.

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Feel free to provide the example of all these ‘German players’ requesting the Jumbo to go up.


No. what I’m complaining about is they moved tanks that have guns that underperform to BR they don’t belong at. 5.7 gets sucked into 6.7 almost every game now. and having 104mm of pen is pointless, the jumbo is a Heavy, it should be able to brawl just as the tiger 2 can and tiger 1 could, the tiger 1 needs to go back down in BR also. it doesn’t belong at 6.0


Its somewhere in the forum threads of the planned changes, and also standalone topics. go search it.

The G maybe the A

My back, wasn’t coffeebean, it was Alex

apologies for the typos, i am just in a rush and wanted to answer before I’m gone for afew hours. don’t want ya to think im ignoring ya

Yeah, a singular comment out of 1400 comments said something about the Jumbo in a long list of suggestions.

because the German mains cry and whine


Misleading. Jumbo gun is stabilized and has adequate pen and filler meaning its just better in urban maps as long as you know where to pen what you’re shooting at. Armor is also stronger overall frontally for most conventional ammo just down to there being no real weakspots besides the mg port which everybody just covers up with stuff anyway. Jumbo hull down is definitely more effective than Panther hull down armor wise and the Jumbo also has good gun depression where as the Panther does not. It’s not this clear cut and dry. Jumbo 76 is quite good when it’s fighting Panthers.


Ok? This doesn’t make sense.

  1. Only a FEW tanks got uptiered… not EVERYTHING like people claim. The overwhelming majority of rank 3-4 tanks stayed exactly put.

  2. Even if every tank at that area DID get uptiered, the stuff above them did not, meaning by default the vehicle is now way worse because it now faces things it didn’t face before at all including many borderline unkillable 6.7s like the Tiger 2H and the Jagdtiger

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That’s absolutely fair though? IS-3 was overperforming heavily in downtiers, just not played much. Jumbo 75 is unfortunate but does match the IS-1/Tiger moving up which are its equals.

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I always ask this question with the br change, and after splitting ww2 and post war into separate lines, and then I think if gaijn will make money on it and I think not, so there won’t be such changes

The jumbo 76 does very well at 6.3, I was making a comparison mostly. my point is the panthers armor is roughly the same effectiveness if not more effective with also having 192mm of pen is lower BR than the 76 Jumbo. I don’t think the panthers should go up anymore than they have already, however, I do think the Panthers are better equipped at 6.0 than the jumbo, but both should stay at their new br. and a panther hull down is more effective than the jumbo against SOME tanks. not all, but neither should be facing Things with HEATFS. Ash for weak spots on the jumbo, you can cut through from the front of the tracks if its even slightly angled, also if you’re slightly higher in elevation the panther and even the PZV70 can front pen the jumbo even angled.

BUT, the jumbo is a HEAVY, so it should be able to brawl (referring to the 75 now) and they completed just took away the jumbo being relevant. (had to reply on my main file as they have a limit to replies on that file lmao)

The IS1 and Tiger didn’t deserve the move either, they were good place holders at 5.3, the tiger E doesn’t belong at 6.0 also, that poor thing is about to get stomped.

Again, untrue. Panther has the advantage in the hull, Jumbo has the advantage in the turret.

Only ones the Jumbo can’t easily pen, which are things that the Panther would also get its turret penetrated by as well, so they’re about equal except the fact the Jumbo has way better gun depression and the stabilizer allows easy pop up attacks.

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They deserved the move if gaijin’s ultimate plan is to decompress GRB, which it appears they’re doing in a roundabout silly ass way.

you can search for more, as the Jumbo wasn’t even PLANNED to be moved. it only happened after backlash about the panthers. If you search the forum more you can find plenty on it. Just as you can find hate on the Tiger and people wanting IT moved.

i wish it could work, if they do it right it could but they do have to make money somehow.

silly ass way isn’t even the term id use but it does sum it up in a more polite way. The short 75 just doesn’t deserve to be in 5.7, its like shooting marshmallows at someone lmao.

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I did search for more, and you know as well as I do that there is nothing more, people aren’t asking for this, stop pretending.


He’s not even a German main.
