Planned Battle Rating changes for the month of October

You’re strawmanning my argument, on purpose. IS-3 levels of protection are much better than Tiger II’s in relation to full downtiers and to tanks at the same BR, in part because - no matter what protection analysis will show you - its side armour is volumetric hell, unless you have a perfect shot at the idler wheel. That is not the case with other heavies, because, as you yourself have stated, the norm is that

There is no guarantee broadside shots will kill IS-3s even when you’re playing with much bigger (wartime) guns than a Pz IV’s. That’s not something that a lot of tanks get to say. It also makes the most viable counterstrategy to +1BR heavies (flanking it) much dicier, because it might well not work.

In any case, all of this is sort of moot because, even if Tiger II and IS-3 had identical armour profiles relative to their BRs, I’m always in favour of more decompression, and would not be against several current 5.7s not seeing Tiger IIs, provided that in turn Tiger IIs didn’t see many early cold war tanks (and so on for everything that follows). Most of these BR changes seem to undo several of the steps taken to decompress this BR range earlier this year. The M26 being the most egregious of the proposed changes for me.

In any case, I renew the invitation to squad up, because if you’re having such an easier time with the Sla, I’m definitely eager to see how you use it, and hopefully learn myself.

Ah, I had no idea. Thanks for the info!

my points exactly. The Chinese 8.7 counterparts to the T55AM’s are perfect where they should be. They only have better pen on their dart rounds due to the barrel length and calibre. Other than that they have worse armour (no composite) and gaijin wants to move them to 9.0?? Hell i love the T55AM’s and they aren’t the best at 8.7 either, they are just good enough to get by.


The Kugelblitz and the Ozelot should both be 0.3 BR lower than they are right now.

The Kugelblitz is just not viable enough against Jets and doesn’t fit into any lineup for Germany.

The Ozelot should be at 9.3 like all the other SPAA with Anti-Air-Missiles only from the other nations. It would then fit perfectly into the 9.3 lineup.

Edit: I see now that even Sweden has a missile SPAA now at 9.3, why not the Ozelot too?


BMP-2M is already at 10.0 with PUMA and 2S38

So the Tiger H needs to be 6.0 too since the Churchill VII will see it in the full uptier.

I believe you can pen the Tiger when falling off a cliff and aiming for the roof, of course it is AP so a large cliff and multiple shots for all the crew to make sure.


Most people are calling for massive nerfs for Russian and German vehicles with incredibly stupid arguments, no one has said anything about US vehicles or other nations. How about I say US vehicles need to be nerfed but everyone will scream like Reddit.

T18E2: 3.0 with OP gun, move it to 4.0
M4A2: Why is that thing still 4.0 and not moved up to 4.3?
M24 Chaffee: need go up to 4.0
T14: need go to 5.0 too
T55E1: incredibly fast light vehicle with 76mm gun at 4.3, go to 5.0
T1E1 & M6: They both at 5.0 and need move up to 5.3 or 5.7
M36B2: 5.7 with HEAT-FS, move that thing to 6.0 or 6.3
M4A3E2: Still at 5.3, but German cats moved up. How about moving this jumbo to 5.7 or 6.0?
M50 & M56: Both are still 6.7 with HEAT-FS, how about move them both to 7.0 or 7.3?
T29: Super OP at 7.0, Gaijin tried to nerf T29 to 7.3 but canceled because the main US mains cried a lot. How about nerf it again?
XM8: This thing got a new, better round, but still 9.7? Move it to 10.0
M1128 & Wolfpack: Stupidly OP at 10.0 with best thermals and 105mm round. Move it to 10.7 or 11.0
M1 Abrams & KVT: best MBT at 10.3, move it to 10.7
AGS: Its broken at 10.3, move it to 10.7
M1A1 & IPM1: Both are 11.0 and still use the best rounds, move them to 11.3
M1A1 HC: 11.3 is not enough, move it to 11.7
M1A1 AIM: same as above. move it to 11.7


AH-1G: 8.0 isnt enough, move it to 8.3
AH-6M & OH-58D: 10.3? No it should move to 10.7
YAH-64 & AH-64A: is still op, should be max BR 11.7


XP-50: Many people asked this BR nerf for a while, still at 4.0 and not moving up. Move it to 5.0
F4U-4B: Was 6.0 before but moved back 5.7? Why? Move it back to 6.0 or higher.
F2G-1: Super engine on a Corsair at 6.0, Move it back to 6.3
F-104A & C: Both are 9.3 Starfighters, what the hell? Move it to 9.7
A-4E Early & Israel variants: Still 8.7 with guided bombs, move it to 9.3 or 9.7
AV-8 Harrier: Disgusting OP at 9.7 with AAMs and flares, move it to 10.3
A-10A Early: OP at 10.0 in ground rb with guided weapons, Move it to 10.7 or 11.0
A-10A Late: OP at 10.3 in ground rb with guided weapons & 4 AAMs, Move it to 11.3
A-6E TRAM: 10.3 is not enough and its stupidly op on ground rb, move it to 11.0
A-7: all of them need go to 11.0
F-8E: OP at 10.3 in air, move it to 10.7
F-5C, F-5A: both ruined 10.3 air rb, move it to 10.7
F-5E: why was it moved back to 10.7? Move it back to 11.0
F-4S: Best phantom and ofc its a prem at 11.3, move it to 12.0
F-14A Early: stupidly OP at 11.7, move it to 12.3
F-14B: Move that thing goddamn to 13.0
F-16A: Both are 12.0 and still not enough, move them both to 12.7
F-16C: 12.3 best fighter and cas ingame, move it to 13.0 or higher



Both of these are against heat charges and ERA does better job at it.

ATGM is much less reliable, much less damaging. APDSFS is much better improvement.

So in your perspective Churchill NA75 equals to KV-1 L-11?

Great, yet no one mentions Turm III and Object 279 staying where they are. What a joke.


SUB-I-II to at least 5.7, maybe 6.0.

It might have the exposed gunner but as a TD it is a menace and, though not by me, has very good AA capabilities (as with many of these similar cannon).

Meanwhile the Skink going up again is a bit of an odd one.

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sub 1-2 got a massive hp buff a few months ago aswell. It should go up or remove dm63

The platform is quite stable and so if it cannot pen a vehicle it faces usually dismantling the enemy gun and tracks is complete in little time.

And one of those lowish BR Chinese SPAA surprised me when I was taking out Panthers and Tigers!

Why you didn’t take in consideration F104S/ASA and F104S to be move from 11.3 to 11.0 and 11.0 to 10.7? Grinding italian F16 is impossible since u always face 12.3 br with ASA/S and you barely do something thanks to R27 and AIM-7.
F104 TAC is bad like the F104S so, you should move S to 10.7 and ASA/S to 11.0 to balance the game.

Do not move the T129 up to 10.3, its already an incredibly mediocre heli with bad missiles overall and putting it at 10.3 would leave it with no lineup, this is borderline scamming those who bought it. It was perfectly fine at 10.0 so keep it there.
The centauros shouldnt be moving either, they were perfectly fine where they were and the ROMOR would be left without a proper lineup as the only other 9.7 is the SIDAM mistral. Keep them where they were in the lineups they fit in, compared to the rooikat they are more sluggish, have worse shells and feel even lesss survivable.
The VBCI shouldnt go up either, its a PUMA with 0 armor.

Interesting thing to say when comparing any tank to a Tiger/Panther, some of the most infamous tanks in the whole game by randomly volumetric’ng side shots. You would know if you had ever shoot at one of those.

If you aim low on the IS-3 you pen and kill, and it also offers you the opportunity to kill at a much wider angle than any 5.7 can pen the Tiger II H’s hull side. If you aim looking at the wheels height it’s 20mm there, you can pen at crazy angles with the short 88mm. And again, if you think that heavy tanks should be immune frontally when downtiered you shouldn’t have an issue with the Tiger E facing the IS-3, but since you only play Germany your view on the matter conveniently changes when Germany is the one that need to “just flank bro”.

you should do something with mig21 SPS-K because now the T-2 a 9.7 plane has 2x aim9p and the mig21 sps-k is 10.0 but it has r-13 wich are worse version of aim9p and the T-2 has better gun and better secondary weapons, better radar, better guns

The AMD.35 Sa35 should be going from 1.7 to 1.3 or 1.0, because it just a premium version of the reserve AMD.35 with a different armament and no coax MG that has no big advantages over the tech tree version that would justify the 0.7 br difference.

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Typical comment of a rather unsuccessful pilot (Similar like the guy who liked your post) asking for lowering a BR of a certain plane like here F2G because unable to fly it correctly and got challenged. Or a classic example of a premium plane customer with the usual track record.

I was friendly but such a rude response fits perfect to your pathetic stats. Nobody is perfect, but if you can’t fly the F2G in Air RB properly (k/d of 64 to 50) you are obviously the one with no clue what he is talking about.

So if you can’t handle the plane in Air RB - why do you think a BR downgrade will improve your stats in Air SB (40 kills vs 33 deaths)? Ask German / Italian 5.0 fighter pilots about their experiences in constant full uptiers with 4 Ju 288 fighting full US/GB fighter lobbies with massive performance advantage vs 5.0 fighters?

I mean alone that you try to verify your claim with stat card climb rates without considering at which altitudes (surprise they vary) kicks you out of any serious exchange. Things like energy retention, initial and sustained turn, acceleration, engine power available, MEC settings etc are the soft facts which are important. Stat cards are not reliable, every experienced player is aware of this.

And as your reading comprehension is on equal level like your pilot skills - i wrote clear that i have an old inactive account - with more than 200 days Air RB. Alone the fact that i scored halfmost decent in the P-47 D-30 whilst you suck in the identical D-28 should give you an indicator that you lose any pissing contest.

Go and grab another bottle of BRAWNDO…

Again,full off topic,insulting and you have 0 air sim experience while having 0 games in the planes you are discussing.You can claim 50 more accounts with xp,from your track record of speaking besides the subject,and speaking incorectly funny enough,nobody can belive you .Of course there are other stats that matter,like acceleration,energy retention,turn rate,etc,but in all of those the F2G is similar to the F8F and F4U rather than the M262,Yak15,Kikka,etc so your point is again moot and besides to my downtier argument .I never claimed to be a top notch pilot,but at least I play the game mode and know about the F2G,you literally know nothign about it,(air brake claim,prop pitch brake claim) .Stick to subjects you know and not something you don’t.And if you think that having 40 kills to 33 deaths fighting Yak 15s in sim is bad …yikes.Also the Italian p47 D30 is not identical to the USA D28,the Italian one has improved propellor and frame copy pasted from the p47 M.By the way you have 1.1 frag per battle with the D28 and 1.2 with the D30 while I have 0.8 in the F2G in air/ground rb combined that is 64 air targets/56 ground targets in 76 battles and 1.21 in air sim with it.My man,you have 1.0 kda with the XP50 a plane universally regarded as criminally undertiered,127 battles in it. So… if you claim that your stats are somehow an argument for the br changes I proposed …Yikes squared .

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you know why. Its Russian and the 50 is a premium

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