like i said if there is something that can be noticed that the op argued about like the idea of low lever planes being more bullet resistant you could record each hit and obviously prove that low level planes can tank more without having the code
however if low level and high level planes actually tank the same amount of hits and die the same then that would also be visible which is why you dont like the idea of recording such data
no balls go get me 100 clips to try and support OP you wont
You are way to experienced to overlook the major flaw of any player attempts to prove or disprove any assumptions based on in-game footage and replays. They simply don’t show in every case what actually happened as technical limitations (lag, ping, PL, whatever) lead to calculated results which might not be visible.
You are fully aware of that in some matches you get hit by enemies even from impossible angles and you see in game enemy shots flying 3-5 meters below you whilst in the replay they either actually hit you or (in rare occasions) even pass you with greater distances but you still got hit.
yet if the thing op is claiming is true and it is visible to him it will be visible on footage. only way it couldnt be visible is if it didnt happen.
statistics will show. replay will show. after 100 clips if it actually exists to the point where it makes your experience worse it will be visible. your experience wasnt worse if 100 clips and everything worked out perfectly: planes actually took same amount of damage and died after same amount of hits. cry about it.
There are other options we have to rule out. If OP is workin in US and usually plays in the evening, he will encounter kids from europe playing after school. So while he thinks “low level”, it might actually be “high ping” that causes his perception.
As we can’t all even agree on the observation, we won’t be able to settle the cause.
I believe there is a possibility that Gaijin does some shady things behind the curtains for the sake of balance, or perhaps as a way of influencing player experience for the sake of profit, but I have no evidence beyond purely anecdotal experiences.
For example, I’ve been playing low tier ground battles (event grind) and I ran into the same sealclubber like 5 times on the same day. Every single time he was on the other team. Considering we were both level 100s with similar KDRs and playing on the same platform, I wouldn’t be surprised if the matchmaking deliberately puts us on opposing teams as some sort of balancing measure. But of course, I have no way to prove it and 5 matches are too small of a sample size.
There’s of course a pretty big difference between the game taking whatever statistics they use to measure player performance to form teams, to dynamically altering hit percentages, damage and RGN results on server calculations. Not impossible, but I find it unlikely. More complexity means more ways of screwing it up and this is Gaijin we’re talking about.
I would not call them shady as almost everything in life which is somehow connected to sales works with strategies which aim to influence thought processes of customers, it doesn’t matter if open or hidden. Even your local Fast Food chain advertises with Burgers looking like produced by [insert preferred god] whilst the product you receive looks just remotely related…
You will find dozens of vids and studies how sales psychology influences game design. Most of the analysis show that in “newer” games only a minor part of the budgets were spent on the game itself, the majority of expenditures are specific designs which are dealing with any kind of monetary transactions with players and plain marketing costs.
Regarding you anecdotal experiences - a quote from another thread:
You might argue that BR changes and open or hidden nerf of individual Flight Models play a role too - but these adjustments happen 2-4 times year at best.
So if you follow this logical path it seems not entirely unlikely that certain parameters (like weapon damage or penetration values) might also be used by adding RNG factors.
Therefore i simply refuse to join the “torch & pitchfork” guys if this or similar topics pop up - even if i personally think that the description of the alleged “modifications/adjustments” is way too generic and look rather like technical issues or a rant.
Imho we are way beyond this point that gaijin has full control and transparency in which way they can screw up what function.
If you followed certain developments in the last 5-6 years it is obvious that gaijin looks more like a company with various complex and outdated IT systems working in parallel and every update presents unexpected results - mainly as changes in system A produces trouble in system D (which was not on their screen) and subsequent systems.
Gaijin’s internal testing looks reduced to pure damage control as long as the game keeps running - i saw irl a lot of failed (and extremely expensive) IT projects which were unable to replace old but stable software with less complex newer stuff.
That chart shows the true “balance” challenge that the developers face with everything they do with the game. Keeping the players “engaged” in the “flow” . . that is actually what it’s all about. Not an easy task with the wide variety of players/demographics from so many different cultures from all around the world.
I would argue that their data analytics team ensures that they set the “right” priorities. I mean data crunching is no rocket science.
So with millions of user data (including their monetary investments) in more than 10 years it looks rather easy to know how long your key customers will play the game & how long they will spend money.
If we have a common understanding that the game follows mainly economic goals it seems rather clear that the game is tailored to please a very young (but shooter experienced) audience with limited time (to play the game actually and the duration how long they play until they uninstall).
So in order to increase the attractiveness for this group it makes sense to lower entry barriers to play the game without an essential need to learn or improve.
That’s also the reason why the hundreds if not thousands of very good proposals provided by long term players are not considered - as they include mostly a more demanding game play, which increases complexity and are therefore an obstacle for new players on their way to spend as much money as possible in short time spans.
Yeah, most F2P game “business” models are very similar to how you run a restaurant - “get 'em in, get 'em fed, get paid, get 'em out . . NEXT!”
While that is a crude generalization, it’s not far off.
Long term players have never been a goal for a F2P game, while they have invested their time and hopefully money we tend to have “outlived our usefulness” to the eyes of many game makers after a certain point.
Newer players, once “hooked” are more apt to spend money and try to proceed after the carrot on the stick, so they are always in demand . . hence Gaijin’s marketing strategy the past 4 years or so, and nothing wrong with that.
One thing ALL F2P games require is . . . participation, no players, no game, no game no money . . it’s a loop.
I personally don’t spend much money anymore. Two reasons, I have a LOT of stuff and don’t play or seek much high tier stuff, and . . I am now retired and my income is smaller, so I have to be more “selective” in my game spending. Nothing against Gaijin or the game . . . just how it is. Do they still want me around? . . . no idea, I do still play a lot of matches doing BP stuff, so I help fill the games I choose to play . . but other than that . . . . “tits on a boar hog” . . .
Honestly i believe its low level aim bot accounts that Gaijin tries to deny.
They will likely delete this comment.
Which serves no one.
I report players all the time and… nothing.
Which is a really bad precedent.
Imagine a gaming company not listening to their veteran players.
Um of it was 1v1 then your argument would be valid
But we talking 16v16. So i concur there is either a purposeful disbalance or lots of low level aiim bot accounts
Im going with cheating software
I dont believe the game gives an advantage to lower level players, could it just be a mix of luck?
Air arcade is a fairly handheld experience for new players (Compared to air realistic, at least) so getting things like a lead indicator could mean they are able to land shots better.
idk what you mean by “bigger targets to hit”, are you suggesting the hitboxes are actually larger if your at a lower level?