If teams stop receiving rewards for losing, I think this would fix a lot of War Thunder's issues. Hear me out

Dude not even joking I ran a little test the other day: I played 5 matches in the Clickbait and 5 in the Swedish T-80U. iirc I won 1/5 US matches I played and like 3/5 of the Swedish matches, with the 2 losses I was paired with US. Ik I’m part of the problem but the truth with US winrates is true as hell.
I also did average decently well in those matches, at least 3-4 kills per match with I wanna say a good few caps
Also for reference: With the Clickbait I had Backups and the M1A1 AIM, with the T-80U I just had backups

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Statistically, looking at weekly thunderskill data, you’re just in for a bad time as USA (https://wt.controlnet.space/). People thought they had it hard being stuck on teams of base bombing (rocketing) F-4S in AIRRB, but USA ground is taking the cake at higher BRs, these days. I feel sorry for those who just want to enjoy the Abrams and others and are being let down by bad teams and one death leavers.

Worst idea ever because you made WT into pay to repair because the repair cost would scare new players away just to spend real money to repair they verhicle. New players = losing battle = no silver = no more WT unless they spend real money to buy silver.

Look, yet another match which according to OP should not have given me any rewards, from just now;

I was almost certain it was a defeat 3 minutes into the match, yet I kept respawning over, and over, and over, and over again- even backups, because, since 2022, defeats at least have still decent rewards as long as you do well enough on them.

Do you think I would have bothered to respawn even twice once I saw the match was leading to a defeat if defeat rewards were removed? Not at all.


I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned at all, but Gaijin needs to share some of the blame for this frustration. There are other factors in gameplay that can contribute to a loss on one team.

  1. Daily tasks for war bonds - people chasing 6 AA kills or kills using a certain type of vehicle
  2. Battle pass tasks
    Both of these goals will often take priority over the win/loss of individual games. These tasks often have people in unfamiliar vehicles or chasing objectives that are not always conducive to winning a match. For people who play only a few hours of the day, they don’t have the luxury of playing normally with the objectives coming naturally through gameplay
    The whole rewards thing was revamped a year or so back to make it fairer for players that performed well but on the losing side
    Also, punishing players that genuinely struggle to ‘get gud’ is just going to decimate the player base.
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It was, but the thread was highjacked by anecdotal reports trying to support the narrative that winning or losing can’t be influenced (outside a coordinated squad) by solo players, at least not to a decisive degree.

I don’t see the need to blame gaijin for anything - they offer a product and it is the individual choice of each player to play the game or not.

The issue is more based on wrong expectation levels by players whilst downloading the game and misleading perceptions when playing it.

As soon as the game experience increases it is not hard to see that the game is not designed to be a demanding war game - it is a plain vehicle based shooter with an extremely strong grinding aspect, the ultimate goal of winning a battle was (fully intended by gaijin) reduced to a random event.

… mentioned indirectly (individual goals) like here:

Just going to throw this one out there because its seems to escape some people but why is winning the match, the only important thing players should focus on and be rewarded for?

Its a bit like the ridiculous notion that level 100 players shouldn’t be allowed to play rank 1 vehicles.

These notions seem to stem from peoples own interpretation of how this game should be played and even worse the way they want to force other people to play it through punitive measures.

Now I can sympathise with how frustrating WT can be, it is perhaps the most frustrating game I have ever played, mostly because of the mechanics, not so much the player base. I mean, is it frustrating when all your team goes to the A point at the start of factory? Yes. Is it frustrating when your team keep heading to the same choke point like lemmings and get bombed/sniped to death despite all the wrecks clearly warning them to try another route? Yes. Is it frustrating when 50% of your team spawn AA when there are no planes up and your being pushed? Yes.

However you cannot control your “team” (and I use the term team loosely) so please stop trying, WT is not a team game despite some overtures to suggest it is. It is a game of individual players, thrown into “teams” so you can clearly recognise who your enemy is in a match. Nothing more.

Hence winning/losing should not be your main focus in the game otherwise you are just going to get repeatedly annoyed by it and the players within it. In the end you would be better off playing a different game entirely, that you do enjoy than bashing your head each time your “team” lose a match.

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Quite easy: The sole purpose of battles / wars is to win. If players assume that wt would be a war game and try to win, they get disappointed.

It is not based on own interpretations of how the game should be played - it follows the logic as mentioned above.

Punitive measures: Seriously? The SL/RP bonus after losing a battle was adjusted some years ago. A fellow player summarized it quite accurate:


is imho correct - based on how the game is designed.

All of this talk seems to revolve around pub matches. How come these try hards don’t play squadron battles or enter tournaments whwre they can select their team essentially.

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Tournaments: Because behind the try-hard facade they’re scoring 0-1 kills per match
Squadron: Because only the most maidenless of tryhard squadrons are competetive and they’re significantly not good enough to join any of them


Sigh that’s brutal but makes sense.

It’s incredibly common with a 50/50 split it seems that the people who complain “My team is always making me bad” that they either have a complete, overall career K/D of 0.02, or their top vehicle is the M2A2 with 3000 kills and most their time spent at 12.0

I don’t get your point.

Do you reject the idea of winning a match should be related to a war game?


Do you just reject the assumption that gaijins game design reduces the outcome of winning a match to a more or less random event?

Sorry, I was getting at war thunder having actual segregated competitive modes for organised players to compete with a common goal and select their teammates.

Compared to the luck of the draw pub matches. I generally agree with everything you’re putting forward.

I tend to forget about squadron battles as my squad exists purely for a few friends to play socially and I can’t say I enjoy the culture of some of the more competitive squadrons I’ve played with, timezones make it hard for me also. So I take it for granted that pub matches “are the game” when in fact there are modes in game to facilitate serious competitive play but people don’t seem to use them instead complaining about the ‘matchmaker’ in pub games

I personaly think that complaining about shit teams is fine, but at the end of the day if you make winning and grinding your primary goal It’s only fair that you take responsibility for the fact that certain things are out of your control. As far as I aware, war thunder does not have any systems in place to interfere with matches to either help or hinder players, so it’s not like the game is trying to make you fail.

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I’m Platinum V in WT Ranked bruh, get on my level

Aah - now its getting clear.

Whilst i also generally agree with your view on things, i’d like to add:

  • As stated earlier in this thread wt is a plain shooter with an excessive grinding component. Even gaijin itself confirmed the shooter character when they introduced the (s)kill bonus and stated that killing enemies would be the ultimate goal of playing wt.

  • Therefore the game in itself is competitive by definition as the only way to measure success in a shooter is the player K/D ratio.

  • The pure fact that gaijin masks this character and tries to sell fairy tales about team based matches following common goals in order to trap a hell of kids in the grinding hamster wheel is just one aspect.

  • The problems of gaijin’s approach are programmed: Guys doing everything to be in the top 100 (or 20) regarding kills meet players with casual approaches (so not kill-driven) or just clueless rookies.

  • Or (like with the OP) they assume that war thunder would be not a pew-pew shooter for kids.

You might change your mind if you read this:

Low level advantage - #44 by Uncle_J_Wick

Especially the text around the “flow zone” chart.

Have a good one!

Almost like we used to have higher multipliers for winning matches and people used to try back then, but gaijin “reworked” it, weird.

No surprise no one cares about winning matches when the fastest way to grind a techtree (for the average player) is: spawn your shiny new premium, get 1-2 kills, go next.

I think you overvalue objectives by alot, especially early game, its just better to rush to powerful positions that might not even be near an objective, rack up early kills, lower the enemy player count and push caps for free afterwards. You dont lose the game to caps, you lose it due to your team folding faster than theirs.

Lastly, the payout for winning games should just be straight up doubled from RP/SL after all modifiers are applied (and not from base RP/SL like alot of shit gaijin does to deceive the playerbase) and I bet you people would start trying again.

Same, as I refuse to join any squad. Got my clan battles out the way in the early-mid 00s. Last time I bothered with squading up was in WoT. I actually like the aspect of having to work with total randoms in each battle to try make it work and go for the win. It can be rage inducing, but it can also be very rewarding. You gotta accept the bad battles to appreciate the good ones.

It’s what you make it. You wanna be a selfish pos who one-death-leaves or snipes in the corner of the map while contributing little? Sure, you can do that. Do you want to actively support your ‘teammates’ via scouting, effective communication, support vehicles (including SPAA), and actively protecting a teammates flanks? Sure, you can do that. You’re right in that you cannot control how the randoms on your team are going to approach this. But I disagree that this isn’t a team game.

Grind is easy enough as it is (vehicle unlocking grind - they need to do something about some of the vehicle modification stock grinds, though). No, to the no. You already got your economy changes. People need to understand that grind is good. Long grinds are good. It’s the addictive element that keeps people coming back for more. It’s like a crack addiction. Make the grind easy and you lose that magic. Edit: But yes, the people jumping in premiums and trying to skip whole trees worths of grind while having little understanding of the game are why I avoid certain BRs where they’re likely to congregate.

I said it multiple times add Ranked RB with Elo points or any other thing and new players will play on their own side and others who are trying to play competitive will play against others who have some skill in this game that would make the games much more interesting making 2 good teams fight each other instead of one team stoming the other…

1 death leavers would be on low skilled groups (mostly they have one tank) (players on low skill wanting to go high up no worries the skill group does not only get higher with wins that is why your activity and other would count)

skilled based mm would negate all the things people are mad about and if you don’t want skilled based mm in ground RB YOU WOULD HAVE THE NORMAL GRB type of gameplay as well not remove it just add the skill based one

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As the majority of people have posted, the game is bad enough in it’s grind, balancing, cheating, rng, piss poor maps and where the company is directing the game.
Without punishing players even more because you had a bad time and a few bad games, it is an RNG vehicle shoot em up, like a lot of the other games produced by Gaijin, Enlisted just being a first person shoot em up and there are more than enough of those already.
Balancing and matchmaking are the two most prominent areas which leads to crap games and player frustration, mixing in a few elites with a few good players and bulking out the remaining with the hoi poli just leads to good games for the elite and poor for the remaining. Added to the fact that many vehicles are buffed to be competitive, SPAA, Armored Cars and some inter war stuff that is in reserve but still face 2.0 and plus one tiered vehicles are just poor. They were never ever meant to be toe to toe with anything but their contemporaries let alone try to duke it out with front line armor, same as light scout vehicles and tanks, there is really no place for them in the game because the gameplay and structure is not there to support and make them viable.
Trying to add everything to make it look good and exciting rather than have just a few of the main vehicles that were used just leads to the awful matchmaking, BR and balancing system we have now.
Just play the game as a little time waster between doing useful things in life, it will never change so you have too.