Limit CAS in RB for each player

Neither is the Gepard or ozelot and they don’t get the optical lock that the strela just received in the last update. Not to mention they are already at a higher BR.

Moving it up will help it not see so many jets that don’t have flares and no chance of dodging.

The Ozelot has thermal sights and IRCCM on it’s missiles, with a 6km all aspect lock (I know it only has 5km range). It’s competitive with the Strela, if not better.

I’m not sure why you’re turning ‘SPAA gaps are unacceptable’ into ‘The Strela is under-tiered’. It can’t compete vs a YAH-64, same way the Ozelot probably can’t either.

279 pages later…

If I earned enough SP to spawn my plane a second time or bring out a better equipped helicopter for a second time so be it.

Why punish players or deny them the ability to bring a second helicopter or plane out?

We bought and crewed the vehicles. Deal with it. We earned it.

If I bought a second plane or helicopter and crewed it in my lineup, I sure as heck would like to use it.

Using a helicopter as a first spawn and wiping a few players at the start is quite enjoyable… So they die and quit? It is not my problem they left the match.

There are so many similar threads and polls complaining over CAS and Tanks only…

It’s not going anywhere.

Custom battles are great for taking a break from the groove try it


Try to lock anything past 3km. Not to mention the ECCM isn’t worth much on a 10g missile.

Also, thermals really recant that great on a SPAA.

I would not see any problem if they make 11.7 SPAA 9.0 so they can be actually usefull . Currently SPAA`s are joke. Also if you dont see any problem it just shows how delulu you are playing ur plane and fragging for free.

I hope I can join ARB some day with my SPAA lineup , I wonder if fighter players would be happy.

This is exactly what is happening in RGB but opposite.

Then how do you distinguish between CAP and CAS?

Considering ARB has no available gameplay for certain strike aircraft, it would likely be a welcome change. Besides. No player SPAA even comes close to the AI controlled SPAA we already have. It would be a sizeable nerf

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It would have to be based on weapons taken i suppose.

So if I take Apache with only Starstreaks I could spawn in the Harrier Gr7 with any weapons I’d like but if I spawned in with a Apache with Hellfires, I’d be limited to A2A only loadouts for the Harrier Gr7?

and what weapons would you class as CAS? Many complain about Starstreaks even though they are technically A2A. If it has some decent Canons but is strictly speaking a fighter, what does that class as? Do all A2G weapons class as CAS? Sea Harrier FRS1 for example with a few Mk13s at 10.7+ does that count as CAS or CAP?

Just feels very messy and like you are nerfing CAP not CAS. Which would only make CAS stronger.

At this point I id take anything over what we currently have. I abuse CAS and I spawn anti air jets as well.

Yeah, im not saying the situation is perfect. Its clear some changes are needed, but I think they should be incremental and appropriate, I see a lot of posts calling for MASSIVE nerfs or changes, just because. I just have my concerns that people group all CAS together equally, even though its not

Considering you haven’t even played other nations like Britain or Japan, I don’t know what I should suppose to say, because you just complain CAS planes are hard to shot down, even you have played nations which have the best spaa at this BR

Sorry, I don’t understand what you said, Do you mean each of BR level needs SPAA or SPAA doesn’t work efficiently?

I mean SPAAs from(7.0.-8.3) is good enough, for most of nations( maybe Sweden or japan need a lower BR spaa), Radar spaa VS CAS without CCIP is really unfair, especially gaijin add voice warning(T61)

Yes, need I give you these nations’ SPAA name at this BR?

Yeah, I’ll admit I’m throwing my saltiness into the mix. I would like to see something change, maybe if a weapon is extremely effect then they could up the spawn point cost instead of our current blanket system we have now.

Like if a weapon system is obviously getting a ton of kills in a platform in ground RB then up the points to compensate.

That would be a far more sensible solution that i’d 100% support. Some weapon systems are quite effective others less so. it can also change from BR to BR. (1000lb bomb on the Typhoon at Br4 or whatever it is, is quite effective. same 1000lb bomb on the Sea Harrier, far less so)

This is the biggest problem and why there is such massive conflict between those for CAS and those against it. Its the size of the changes or how they are proposed to be implemented. A little moderation goes a very long way.

On what I’d consider the main CAS thread, I did this post which covers this as well:

Both actually. Here are some examples:

  • German 9.3 lineup has Gepard (8.3) as best SPAA, meaning Gepard must go against 10.3 CAS
  • British 7.7 lineup has Skink (5.3) as best SPAA, meaning Skink must go against 8.7 CAS
  • etc.

Also, majority of IR-based SPAA have troubles dealing with any ATGM heli, let alone those that have Hellfires or Shturms.

I guess you haven’t used M163 then.

Guess what’s also unfair ?
Is it the fact that loads of 10.0 SPAA will struggle dealing with 9.3 helis, let alone at their BR ?



The loudest voices rarely represent the majority.

We never hear about the players that are fine spawning in CAS or using a helicopter to send some people back to the hangar.

We are playing a game, in which combined battles are the main focus.

Some people just can’t wrap their head around that.

Sorry if I offended any of you guys, but if it all it took was to spawn a plane or heli maybe you have bigger problems…


Yeah complaints about power imbalances often come from those with the power…

Of course players who are successful with CAS or their primary score/dopamine comes from using CAS won’t complain. They’re the ones with all the power, they hold all the cards.

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“I wonder if that is a german or an american p-47, or Soviet, maybe it is british!? shit…”