Limit CAS in RB for each player

I play SPAA and I can tell you that difference is that SPAA without radar only can hit planes around 1km in air the for fatal hit and with radar 2km depend if the plane/jet is played by noobnot the top tier still having trouble fighting against jets consider you need to fire that gives trail and fast moving planes woutd know your position. I only said for the USSR spaa not the other nation.

I already tried tons of time, but I simply cannot hit anything with AAA. Literally I have more planed kills in my US tanks with the .50 than with the AAA (because of much more opportunities and tank being safer than AAA while being close to action). I simply gave up. I can hit a wheeled tank at 1.2 km runnign like hell, but I cannot hit a jet even if my life depends on it.

Grinding another tech tree is not a valid option imo, the spaa available should be adequate and available at all BR brackets, atm that’s not the case which is what i was originally pointing out in the beginning.

I would recommend that you practice in test drive, and I’m sure there’s some custom maps where AI spawn and you can simply practice hitting aircraft, different rounds have different velocities so your lead will change, obviously aircraft speed is also a factor to consider. If you can start to nail the aircraft in test drive repeatedly at long and long ranges tillit becomes 2nd nature you’ll find that in matches against players you’ll stand a better chance, even then you’ll have to pick your engagements and not fire off wildly. If you’ve got some buddy’s to play with you can set up a custom game with them and both can learn to hit and dodge. This is what i did personally and it helped massively.

The only thing I can say is skill issue, at this BR we have so many good SPAAs, even radar spaas

Most CAS don’t even have CCIP and fewer loadouts, maybe the SAAB105G is a special CAS, but for others like F84 or f3d? I can even use Corlian to shoot them down.

For Helis, have you ever heard of WZ305 or shtum-s?


Go behind “skill” issue as always, same answer nothing news.

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Problem arises when people are forced to heavily uptier their SPAAs since there’s nothing else to take. This is a big problem and even major nations aren’t immune, which speaks volumes.

It’s quite obvious something is very wrong when people already transitioned from using “just use SPAA” argument to “just use CAP”. Even they agree that in plenty of situations SPAAs aren’t capable of doing their job effectively.

What’s your point here ?
Just because I can use, let’s say, 8.7 tank to destroy every top tier vehicle in the game from any angle, doesn’t mean it’s a fair engagement by any means.

Have you ever heard this game have exactly eight (8) nations that aren’t USSR nor China ?


France having to bring 4.3 spaa to 7.7 for years … until it got and ifv at 5.3 that cant look up … the day is saved!! lmao the spaa gaps are massive literally years after they was added.


The SPAA gaps are unacceptable to be honest.

Playing at 10.0 USSR, I have the Strela and Shilka in my line-up and I have been food for some CAS recently, especially in uptiers.

Gaijin are (somewhat) trying to limit spawn killing from the ground, but are completely blind to it happening from the air.

Gaijin couldn’t care less, the fact there’re 12.3 aircraft going against 11.7 SPAA is everything you need to know.

That means nothing. Pantsir is good enough to go up against 12.3 aircrafts for example. Just arguing by BR is unnecessary when there’s other arguments that can be used.

You know that there are nine (9) other nations at top tier that aren’t Russia ?

And? VT1 recently got buffed greatly. That covers 3 nations.

You mean German bus that only has 2 ready missiles and can’t even reload before the guidance is over ?
Also, those don’t have any guns so closer range engagements aren’t really covered.

Pantsir is the only SPAA worth seeing 12.3 aircraft.

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Let dedicated fighter pilots in from ARB, bere in mind fighters like spitfires cant damage tanks with there guns

Puffy: When you say, “It’s always the same with these irrational complaints, which is why these threads are not to be taken seriously.”, aren’t you really saying, “If you don’t enjoy the CAS/Targets ‘balance’ as it is, then you should really quit playing this game now.”?

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I’d go a step further and do either 1 jet or helicopter.

If you really wanna allow both then make the spawn points cost crazy high after you spawn one or the other.

The strela is honestly undertiered. The thing should be at least 9.7 so I don’t see why taking it to 10.0 would be a issue

But you said you quit last month, yet you’re still playing obviously.

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It’s not competitive vs a YAH-64, so that would be one of the issues…

3.2km all aspect lock really ain’t that great vs the helicopter CAS 10.0 and above.