Lets talk about the state of Germany

Compare to Russia
Yes it more balance than Russia
at least their line up not canc*rous compare to Russia

It wasn’t lol, but I won’t derail further so I’ll let you cope however way you want if it makes you feel better.

I wonder if gaijin will eventually add the front hull armor of god forbid they make it a new vehicle to research.

Then what is it ?
Russia are fair and balanced while Sweden are not? or something?
I never denied strv 122 are one of the best tanks but their line up are just with best tanks with no support (well at least before Gripen which is fine CAS)

I remembered that one of the mod said PSO hull are base on 2A6 EX which mean it should be stronger than 2A5 now where is my 2A6 ex hull?
and they can remove stupid dozer blade to put additional frontal armor too gaijin just being ahole to not give them but no problem with Sweden got frontal armor heh

Nah sweden was pretty strong on release, gaijin balanced their armor with them only having dm33 and being 18k sl to repair per vehicle. (Strv 101 being 33k sl, back in my day lol) the problem was how poorly gaijin handled adding finland additionally to the rate at which they add german top tier ground which isnt gimped. My opinion is the 2a6 shouldve been added only after germany had a few other main meta leopards and rather the leopards shouldve been patria models since finland lacks any character whatsoever. No nation should have their best vehicle basically used like the 2a6 was imo. Now maybe if germany had both the 2a6EX and the 2a7v i wouldnt mind finland getting their leopards but i dont work at gaijin so i dint have a say lol.

Gone, sent to the GE for warthunder realm, never to be seen again.

Tbf, 122s on release were so much weaker compared to how they are now. Back in the day their upper plate couldn’t ricochet APFSDS, their mantlets were even weaker, and their gear ratios were incorrect (but this was true for all Leopard 2s).

“Modern” 122s in terms of WT history, are actual monsters compared to how 122A & B were at release.

Do they bounce mantlet shots? Idk my JM33 normally goes straight through, sometimes i get gaijined(also known as skill issue lol) i domt think ive had them bounce or at least if i have it doesnt happen often. I recently nuked one with a shot just above the front hull plate which is like 750mm so i guess he got gaijined lol

F-15A/C can use GBU-8.


Are you asking if the upper plate bounces APFSDS into the mantlet? If so, yes, it does. Most of the time the rod loses majority of its penetration and does nothing though.

Guess im lucky, mustve been the SL i fed the snail in exchange for backups from the new crates.

Though i will say this, the best leopard for me will always be the ones with either the periscope or any of the tall turret guns. I love to safely peak from behind cover. (Until a russian 125he find me.)

The Strv 122A released in the period where the majority of the top tier rounds were DM33, M829 and 3BM42. Only Italy and France had the 550+mm pen rounds at that time.

Yet they were the only one who stuck with worst round for the longest time which was a way to balance that extra armor.

As panther stated they didnt get a new round for a while i felt like that was a fair trade (ignoring the 20k repair cost their vehicles had. 33k strv 101)

That was the main reason why Strv’s didnt recieved M/95 Shell for a long time.

Repair Costs was so high that only really good players played with those vehicles and Gaijin thought it was fine to keep them with DM33 and insane repair costs because of that.

Thay was one of the reasons i started germany over sweden when i was looking at leopards. Germany

  1. Would get more in the future
  2. Repair costs i assumed wpuld never change
  3. M90 is a shit camo in game along with half the other camos that are old and blurry except my german desert camo that costs GE(why gaijin why!)
  4. Germany was a much easier grind (better and bigger lineups.) getting to top tier than sweden was. Id have to take out a mortgage on my house with swedens repair costs lmao.

Only thing that is left for Sweden is Strv123(God knows when it will come in Service) and potantiel Danish Leopard2A5/2A7V.

Not gonna lie Raw Deal, Metal Militia and Ragnarok on Strv122/PLSS/122B+ are one of the best camos in this game in my book, especially Raw Deal.

Its true, when i grinded Sweden i only used CV90105TML for long time and it was okay.

Hate to tell you but DK and Nor are exclusive to being prem only so you better hope fonland gets something else to bring leopard wise if thats what you want.

Of course the user skins look good, thats cause they put effort into their stuff unlike gaijin