Lets talk about the state of Germany


Oh, so it’s out of L/55 and at 0 degrees, and perforation.
The issue with perforation is Gaijin hasn’t talked about it, and it’s not simulated currently.
Then there’s the fact War Thunder has limitations in both armor and APFSDS that makes 0 degrees for APFSDS worse.

Which I guess would matter if 0 degree armor existed in War Thunder to that level in that instance.
As for perforation… I don’t see how exact perforation would benefit War Thunder cause that’s when it is armor spalling only doing damage.
While War Thunder doesn’t model perforation [specifically that level of detail], the fact it doesn’t means the rounds when they penetrate deal the damage they’re supposed to at that energy state.

Are spall liner even reducing spall anymore? They were a thing as the patch rolled out upon introduction, but were gradually nerfed. Now there’s no effect imho.

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They were busted when the patch came out, now they either works sometimes or dont.

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yep and then dont forget to add the addon armmor on the hull wich is another 120mm or so


Yep, Sweden already has two 2A7V pendants + 2A6 + two 2A4. And they will most likely get the Danish 2A7V. Currently they are already stronger and have the chance to get 3 Leopards with addon armor vs. Germany with just 1 tank of this kind. Additionally better SPAA, better support vehicles, better fixed wings, better choppers. Considering Sweden gets all the Nordic stuff, they will be by far the strongest GRB faction for the foreseeable future.

Second is indeed Russia with its great all around package, Vihkr helis, Su-25 combined with Pantsir no fly zone thingy. The tanks are still the ones with best frontal armor layout and trolly damage model. As it used to be. But definetly not a s strong as candyland Sweden, which got all the tech of this planet.


Depends on Gaijin.

When EFT arrives Sweden will loose its CAS advantage against Germany and their top helicopter is already worse then German one.

If Gaijin also adds multiple Leo2 models that has add-on armor then Germany will most likely become stronger than Sweden in the future.

Danish Leo2A7V will keep Sweden in meta but they will certainly not gonna best in the future, most likely will be 2nd or 3rd.

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Again with this? Its very unlikely sweden will get sbother mbt outside of gaijin somehow power creeping the 2a7 as per gaijins current planes for DK and NOR, they are exclusively premium/event. The idea of a danish 2a7 at this point is pure cope. If gaijins opinion on the natter changes then maybe it should be worthy of speaking about.

Additionally sweden does not have better helicopters, that is the most idiotic take ive seen which tells you you fall under one of two categories of you didn’t bother looking at their tree outside and just scream bias.

Dont waste your time Panther, Thodin is basically impossible to talk to since the only thing he does is pure cope about anything german whereas there are a plethora of other very well versed and competent german players here to discuss with.


Germans : “We just want to be treated equally to Sweden and have equally MBT and planes.”

Gaijin: “Here. Just ONE nerfed MBT and a brick with AMRAAMs. Take it or leave it”

Comunity: “NOOO. Germany OP. They should stay at Leopard 2A4 and F-4F Early!!!”


Sweden didn’t dethrone anyone. Are you just conveniently going to forget that the Strv 122s have been in game for a year before the BVM was added? And that they have been by far the best in terms of MBTs for the last 4 years straight?

Get that boohoo poor swedes out of here.

Wasn’t the 2A6 better at one point because Sweden was stuck with DM33(?) for the longest time?

Yeah yeah before 2A6 while Russia have T-72B3
did that op Strv122 stop Russia stomp? as i remember answers is no and when the BVM first introduced did two op Strv 122 stop the Russia stomps? as i remember the answer still no
Sure it among best ground line up but it didn’t stop Russian dominate

It depends if you value the better armor or extra pen more, which honestly can go both ways.

However when Germany got the 2A6 Sweden got their second Strv 122, so they remained the best top tier ground lineup at that time.

not to mention how sweden then got the 2a6 with finland while germany was stuck at their 2a6 still

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Gaijin made up for that with the PSO right? Right?!

Worthless additional when it can equip with additional frontal armor but gaijin just give useless dozer blade instead and don’t even make it as modifications
It basically heavier 2A5 that offer little protection

Seeing as the Swedish winrates were still quite a bit higher than any other nation besides Russia and Italy (of all nations), to an extend yes.

I get it. You like your crutch Strv 122s and like to pretend that they were all fina and balanced.