Lets talk about the state of Germany

One can only hope buddy, tbh i would like to see Danish 2A7V on Sweden Tech tree in the future.

Right now Sweden doesnt need anything aside from better Cv9040 variants.

Thats why i dont hesitate to purchase them early, especially good ones cause i know they get very expensive in very short time.

Spaa for the lower BR’s. An actual lineup from 3.7 since the only way you can have a lineup there is with two premium vehicles. So getting a lineup of more than 3 tanks from 3.7 to 8.0 would be cool

I meant for top Tier actually, cant say anything for lower tiers cause i never played them.

I play all TT vehicles. I buy premiums for money grinding or because they add to a lineup. Mainly money though

Ever since i grinded France Tech tree with regular vehicles i stopped doing that.

Wasnt a fun experience for me 4 years ago.

Im looking to get my Auf 1, i want my PzH 2000 for my german lineup so badly. 7.7 is my jam rn with the m48

Well possibly the norwegian 2a8 as well

Better than nothing.

Premium again so probably not a likely chance.

sweden is gajins love child for whatever reason, norwegian and danish stuff is under assumption that they add them to the standard tech tree because sweden has no options left

we already got statements from smin as well that those 2 nations are unlikely to anywhere else

Until i see a statement that gaijin has decided to go back on their previous decision of Nor and DK being prem only i have no real interest in thinking of them as future end of the line additions, nor should anyone else its about as silly as thinking about how the Abrams X will effect US winrates. We are a very far away from needing another MBT on sweden and gaijin could finally decide to use the finnish Patria to fill up the TT with actual finnish vehicles.

Do Swedish even need that? They already running around with three up armored Leopard
Should give Germany more up armored Leopard

gajins gonna do what they gonna do

Fair enough as long as i can beat the sht out of Russian with it (still feel bad for Germany tbh my first nation i picked)

The more simple and scary answer is how fast can they power creep the current lineup to validate making a 2a6/sa7 ect premium to add.

Serious note no, gaijin will probably never add them and if they do its a long time from now. Though as Shini said sweden is the favorite child so if thats teue perhaps that means theyll fix all the other problems in the air tree right? Right?

I wouldn’t worry about the DK or Nor leopard 2’s being added though. Its just very unlikely for them to come anytime soon or ever.

Germany can and will get armored leopards the problem is gaijin taking their time to add them. Though im looking forward to new LT’s being added to help diversify the lineup.

Should start by fix 2A7V armor first i really don’t care about people say “Oh it enough to stop 3BM60 or bla bla bla” underperform is underperform UFP don’t even work properly while other leopard do

Pretty sure they are gonna have a fix for one of the bugs with it this next major update. Though both the strv 122 and the 2a7 have the same armor hole as we found out a while back though i dont keep up to date with the leopards in general until someone says something.