Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

lets not bring your personal bias into this thanks

Its a joke lmao its not serious. Besides he has a good point no nation in game has a good enough standing to reasonably add the K2 as most are either trial or arent a confirmed sub tree.

Also what bias lol? Im simply stating a community opinion considering it had to once again be shot down by forum mods.

Ah dangit, you got me there. Norway trialled the K2, so to Sweden it goes


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They did more than trial one lol, someone had a post showing all the K2’s every nation has used and Norway trialled a version with and without the Hardkill APS iirc. Either way inb4 a premium K2 is added at 10.0

Gotta make that money right?

Serious note where the f*** is my BTR 60 i need my smol boy

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All this waiting for my vehicle suggestion to get passed has me on edge. I need to see that little notification ping soon pls gaijin over lords.

Uh guys, a friend just send me this he said he found it on 4chan


@SPANISH_AVENGER any idea whether this is authentic?

Fake or not, this seems about right for what the S1 will end up as I guess.

well it doesnt have the WIP card icon so im gonna say fake, but evenif it is thats probably what the Puma S1 will look like

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APS was just a mockup iirc

To be fair unlike the CTWV RCV, PUMA S1 isnt very diffrent from normal PUMA. I dont think they made a entire new model for a small modification.

Also any new additions that it would show on the statcard image are hidden behinde the ribbon :(

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Every icon is unique, even if the vehicle is copy-paste. (with the exception of killstreak vehicles)


I dont know if it was or not, its was just a small post someone made. Regardless was pretty sick seeing the K2 in so many different camos

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Ah I see, but it wouldnt be the first time a vehicle has its statcard image done before others no?

Even the gripen A and C, could just be my screen but they look identical. Maybe the color is different



Looks like they just increased sharpness lmao

Cant wait to see what they do with the next gripen 4 years from now. Wonder if there is a vehicle with another vehicles exact image though. Maybe just 1 lol


It is fake, because it doesnt have the 5.56mm ammo tab 😔

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Gripen C is darker and has more decals unlike Gripen A