Lets talk about the state of Germany

No fucking way, nah i cant get actually hyped for this but is there any news on the skyranger?

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Nope, also, its only Boxer what we know not if its gonna be the Skyranger


Even if it was, why are you looking forward to an even worse Puma

Regardless if it’s real or fake, it looks pretty close to what should be expected.


It would worth more if spike can actually can kill something because we all knew spike in this game sucks

Thanks to RU main crying until they finally achieved something instead of using skills like everyone else because they can’t hold the taste of they own medicine (Yeah BVM before spall liner)

Maybe other up armored leopard alternatives option
Leopard 2A6HEL
Or Leopard 2A6E
One of them should fit nice for german TT
since both nation still don’t belong to anyone sub tree so both can go to country who built them (Germany in this case)


Both of them should be end up in German tree.

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Better idea, make a Turkish tech tree and give it a Greek subtree


Turkish Tech Tree? I’ll pass.

the only real question this patch is which kind of Boxer we will get. honestly the Boxer platform is superior in pretty much anything compared to the Puma. The VIlkas is just a hillariously tanky speed demon that can sit behind pretty much any slope and rain hate down its enemy.

Personally I hope for the PuBo but I think we gonna get the sWaTrgInf

Should be before 2a7v (maybe add 2A6A3 too)

Im hoping they add 3 at once, similar how they did it with the Wiesels. So, the Skyranger, Schwerer Waffenträger and the PuBo, all at once. We’ve already got the hull and some of the turrets, and the vehicles themselves shouldnt be too dissimilar to each other gameplay-wise, save for the Skyranger.

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true but I dont see the Lance turret perform on the Boxer because it is manned, the charm of the VIlkas is that it has an unmanned turret that rly needs you to aim and know where to shoot it or get blown up by its Spike and 30mm (which feels 1000 times better than the Pumas). That is also why I look forward to the Pubo with Spikes you can just get in positions the Puma struggles or could never reach

PS: ofc my all time favorite Boxer is the one with the RCT-120

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Leopard 2A6A3

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Praise be to the Mini-Maus… I saw a CG render of someone slapping an RCT120 turret onto a wheeled-boxer hull, though not sure if anything came of it.

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that render is fire, but in theory the max load of 41tons would be enough for that mission module so who knows it might get build if someone orders it

if its broken it shall be fixed.

german players focuz on german vehicles.

if youre a russian, swedish or american player then you do your share. dont dump it on us