Let's talk about the discrimination and institutional inadequacy of the Soviet Air Force from the fox1, fox2 era to the fox3 era today

Comparing 1000lb bomb carriers is weird to me ig

Did you read his post or are you just acting dumb


Everyone with a brain has been doing that since the f4j and aim7fs were added and buffed. Naturally it took the average usa main and premium bots 2 more years to catch up with that. ER was just the final nail


Yeah, take the mig-28 for example. The most busted damage model still unchanged for over 2 years

“Mostly” fixed after 1 month but still has some issues. King of broken damage model now goes to the Su-25.

I mean, the su25 has the excuse for being armored to the tip, while the f5 is the polar opposite

Then there’s the A-10, a small hit to the tail = certain death

A-10 and Su-25’s damage models are supposed to be resilient, specifically they need to be more resilient on the wings.
Not sure why people are complaining about A-10 and Su-25 to this day tho…

Im basing my statement on the fact that ive been spading MLA back in may 2023 and MiG-29A immidiately after.

90% of my kills on MiG-29A come from R-27ERs, because, well, R-60MKs suck.

Around end of august/september is when i feel EVERYONE but 6 phoenix spamming tomcats started using multipath.

Yes you could use it even before then, but the fact that around august/september you could no longer get kills with R-27ERs shows it had much higher impact on lawnmover meta evolution than AIM-7Fs.

Just look at sim battles. Just look at those lobbies and tell me that the nations are fairly balanced with a straight face.

This SAME imbalance exists between nations in RB. It just doesn’t impact team A vs team B because it’s mirror matches so both teams tend to have the same distribution of players playing the overpowered nation and players fighting uphill in the snow both ways.

People don’t always “fail the skill check” when they die to radar missiles. In a 16v16 debacle, you can’t notch five missiles from five different directions simultaneously. It’s just math. You can only move orthogonal to so many different directions at one time. It’s largely mutipath or die for people a large chunk of the time, and whether that is practical is largely dependent on map RNG. This doesn’t even brush up on the fact that phoenixes are at such a low BR that many planes have woefully subpar RWRs to try to identify and notch multiple threats. If you don’t have fox3s of your own then you can’t even put any pressure on the enemies at the same time. When one team has a MONOPOLY on the best or sometimes ONLY fox 3s, that has a huge ripple effect on how matches play out.

Players that are attacked by these long range missiles are heavily impacted by them. They’re out of the fight. Doesn’t matter one bit if they die or successfully notch. Either way, those players can’t continue moving into attack position alongside the rest of their team. Either they die, in which case they’re dead, or they waste precious time and energy evading which removes them from the ranks of their teammates. By the time that the defending team’s frontline enters combat range their numbers will have been drastically depleted either due to people dying to the long range missiles or players who needed to deviate from their intended flight paths to survive. This places them at a tremendous numbers disadvantage as the frontlines merge. That numbers advantage just keeps snowballing as the match progresses. Numbers advantage is very influential and even a skilled player in a high performance aircraft can be overwhelmed by weight of numbers against inferior players with inferior performing craft.

That force dividing effect that permits one player to simultaneously remove multiple opponents from the fight is what makes the phoenix and the AIM-120 by far the most powerful missiles in the game. The 27ER does not have this force division effect. The 27ER, at its absolute best, can only threaten one player at a time. What’s worse is that both missiles are solidly in the hands of a single nation, sans a handful of direct exports to their allies. This is one of the largest reasons why simulator battles have been in shambles for years. The only thing keeping realistic battles from having the same problem is the fact that RB has mixed matchmaking and we have mirror matches 24/7, so this extremely powerful bias is being applied by USA’s representatives on both teams.


I started seeing people use multipath the moment FG1 got its PDV functionality, which was at or prior to F-4J’s introduction.
And F-4J’s introduction led me to adopting the tactics I use to this day.
I saw no change in player behavior until AMRAAMs when more people are climbing for aggressive positions.

Everything you said would indicate the opposite… higher speeds = no pull

Su-25’s damage model seems to be too resilient. I know because I’ve fought against Su-25s and I also have it. The A-10 on the other hand is the opposite, any hit to the tail and you’ll lose control.

They’re effectively identically resilient, and me flying Mirage 3Es and F-5Es against them, both with ground belts installed, is the way I rather proved that.
Few pilot snipes on both too.
Tho their wings are too weak.

Do you have the video?

You can base it on what you what but everybody hit the deck when AIM-7s were introduced.

If you climbed up, you got a AIM-7 in the face. That was wayyyy before the ER was introduced.

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I at least tried to provide anecdotal experience based on actually playing the thing, you just went full “my source is i made it the f up

So many excuses for the only fox 3 that fails when you turn cold. Seriously, no need to notch. Turn cold for 3 seconds.

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My source is that it’s been happening since the AIM-7 was introduced on jets like the F-4E and FGR.

Were you not playing when they were introduced? It was a full 2 years between the introduction of the 27ER.