Let's talk about the discrimination and institutional inadequacy of the Soviet Air Force from the fox1, fox2 era to the fox3 era today

I could be wrong, but im fairly certain multipathing is a far newer mechanic than the Aim-7 addition. I recall using the FGR2 when the Skyflash was added to it and had no issue dealing with low flying targets. I am fairly certain that Multipathing was added end of 2022. Sometime between the F-14A being added and the Mig-29 with R-27ER (or perhaps just after). I dont specifically recall which (I think someone may have mentioned that multipathing was added as a direct response to R-27ER, but I cant substantiate that).

(though many did tend to stick low, but more to avoid making themselves a target / terrain masking more than to exploit multipathing)

I think at that time i unlocked F-4F late and immidiately lost all interest in air RB for a long while.

At that time I think F-5E got released, whcih also contributed.

Fly high? Catch sparrow.

Fly low? Hope youre ready to dogfight F-5E in a Phantom.

Yes, everyone still went low because the radars had a hard time picking you up even before MP was implemented.

iirc it was added for both the 27ER and the AIM-54

Yeah, FGR2 had a real advantage of having the PD (though was mtiigate quite a bit in Sim due to the lack of IFF)



I think this is historically accurate, guys.

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Also people don’t generally want to die so way more emphasis is placed on going defensive.

Yooo idk if this is about how like “Russian Bias” or whatever but does anyone remember when they nerfed literally all top tier 120/125mm HEATFS to 480mm pen except the Russian ones and despite evidence proving otherwise they haven’t changed it? Seriously, even the Chinese 125mm HEATFS got nerfed to 480mm pen, which goes against the argument they gave of “125mm shell have more volume for more HEAT explosive than 120mm shell”
Iirc it was because people were upset that a HEATFS from a NATO 120 could rip through the unprotected hull of a T-series tank, exactly as it was designed to do and literally the reason the Soviets started putting ERA on everything


Last I remember, the justification for nerfing NATO HEATFS down to 480mm from 650mm was something about “650mm penetration required excessive standoff distance”.

They tried to do the same thing to the 105mm French HEAT ammo on the AMX-30, too. Never went through to live servers, since the number and quality of sources stating Obus G could go through 400mm blew the others out of the water. Not so much for the modern 120mm HEATFS.

Stock ammo lol-penning T-80U was a problem, and it was definitely over-performing.

Eh, still completely arbitrary imo

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This has to be a joke right, when the first missiles were added, (R3S and AIM-9B) they were basically the same,

Then lets skip ahead to MiG-21Bis(R60/R3R/R13) vs F4E(AIM-9J/AIM-7E)
The mig had better flight performance and better close range weapons while the F4E had better long range weapons and better avionics(radar, more cms etc)

Then we go to MiG-23MLD(R60/R24) vs F4E9AIM-9J/AIM-7E-2) and F5E(AIM-9J)
The Mig had way better flight performance, the MiG-21 and F4E were a lot closer than the MLD and F4E, the MiG had better missiles, long and short, better flight performance, and a better radar with lookdown capabilities. Sure the F5E would beat it in a 1v1 but it only had 2 missiles compared to the MiGs 6.

That december brought the F4J which did help US teams as it was back to US having better long range, AIM-7F was better than R24, and R60 was better than AIM-9J,

I will admit, all of this changed with the F14A, the F14 out did everything but it didnt really matter as at this point, there were F14s on both teams and the AIM-54 wasnt as good as it is today.

The MiG-23MLD had a much longer time as the very best thing than the F14 did as that december the MiG-29 and F16A were added.

Although at first the roles were flipped. as the F16 had the AIM-9L and the AIM-7M while the MiG had R60M and R27ER.

when the update first dropped the 9L was alot better than it is today, its seeker FOV was alot smaller and it was really hard to flare. after they nerfed it the only thing the 9L has over the R60M is range, meanwhile the R27ER has much better performance compared to the AIM-7M

And the R27ER has remained as the best radar missile in game, hands down, until the Fox-3s,

But before that we got the F16C and MiG-29SMT, the SMT came with the R73 and R27ER/ET while the F16C got the AIM-9M and AIM-7M. The soviet missiles are far better than the nato ones in everyway. The only thing the 9M has over the R73 is the smokeless motor and it accelerates slightly faster.
Although the soviets had better missiles they were limited, they could only have 2 longer ranged missiles.
The F16C was also much more maneuverable than the MiG.

This again changed when the Su27 and F15A were added, the previous thing holding back the MiG-29SMT, it could only have 2 R27ER/ET, was removed by the Su27, It could carry 10 of the best missiles in game, 4-6 R73’s 2 R 27ET’s and 4-6 R27ER’s. while the F15A got the AIM-9M and AIM-7M, and 8 of them.

This again changed when the Fox-3 missiles were added in the most recent patch.
The AIM-120 outperforms the R77, meanwhile the R73, is better than the AIM-9M.

In conclusion,
Your opinion on the Soviets having no range is a lie seeing as the R27ER was a thing,
also this patch is probably the most balanced top tiers been in a while


Kind of off topic but can someone tell me why helicopters with radar don’t have IFF? I doubt they do not have such a system irl. I don’t have the Apache to test but the ka52 doesn’t have iff

I believe most radars on helicopters are ground search ones, and those don’t really need IFF, but someone can correct me if I’m wrong

It was extremely stupid.

“Stock ammo was too strong and was a problem in need of correction” is also stupid.

But the damage has been done and there’s nothing we can do to change things now. Everyone is used to HEAT-FS being useless, so there’s no point in trying to get it made moderately useful again.

You mean since the F14 release?

And then again when the F16C dropped and the FM of the Mig-29 was destroyed?

its still good and the r27er didnt require a flight model either way and was the best missle in the game and swated everything out of the sky

before that already as well

russia is no victim, even in the case it was worse then the US it was still better then every other nation
literal best example germany which got every vehicle patches after russia like mig 21 mig 23 etc
and it was better then other nations as well

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The 9M is better than the R73 by a longshot in everything but HOB shots.

The fact that it flies nearly twice as far and is invisible the whole time makes a world of difference, not counting the IRCCM being far superior.


This if anything the thrust vectoring is a downside because of how poorly gaijin models it casuing the R73 to spin out wildy at low launch speeds or just overshoot randomly

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100%. Though I do laugh when it spins out of control in a replay.

I have had one that I launched kill me after it started doing a spin cycle and proxying on me.