Leak List

All I’m hearing is: “Germany is top tier on ground, and mid or lower in air. So they’re balanced by being mid with respect to their air and ground tree.”

In which case I agree, seems like Germany has exactly what they need.

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Germany is mid in ground… they have 1 competitive MBT, the 2nd worst SACLOS AA in the game, their lights and IFVs arent competitive, and the other 3 MBTs are just average… Their air tree is objectively the worst in the game.

So they are the furthest thing from balanced when nations like Italy have, their exact MBT, better Light vehicles and IFVs, and a FAR FAR superior Air tree

Sweden, France, Japan, Italy, Russia, America, China boast on average far more well rounded top tier lineups (and all have more than just 1 good vehicle to crutch on), while all having better Air trees to boot.

So your comparison holds no water, Germany has 1 redeeming top tier quality, the 2A7 and that’s it. Germany’s win rate is only as impressive as it looks because Sweden is always on their team.

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Kfir C.10 means Python 4 and Derby ER confirmed.

this point is even more stupid. Yes this is a combined arms game, but there is a strict air game mode that is independent of ground interaction. So while you can use Aircraft when discussing ground performance, you cannot do the inverse as there is a dedicated air only mode.

No problem, as soon s gaijin doesn’t allowed from ARB in GRB. Until then uhhhhhhh… no.

what point are you even trying to make?

That people like you act as if things exist in a vacuum. They do not.
The German ground vehicles play in the same game as air vehicles. I don’t hear a loud outcry from the community of German mains to nerf their 2a7v. Until that happens, your air vehicles lacking against weaker nations ground with stronger air is almost literally the definition of balanced.

I’m sorry you can’t see that.

there are more gamemodes than ground realistic battle. There air realistic battle aswell

Do those air vehicles play only in ARB or can you take them to GRB?

  1. I don’t play German ground. In fact the only 2A7 I have access to at current is in the Italian tech tree.
  2. That point is STUPID. Because German air has an entire game mode where it’s not benefitting from ground, so your comparison doesn’t make sense.
  3. SEVERAL NATIONS have better overall ground lineups, as well as better air lineups so it’s not even close to balanced by your own illogical metric.

It makes perfect sense.
The only reason you think it doesn’t is because you want ARB to function in a vacuum for the purpose of this discussion.

It does not.

Does the 2A7V play only in GRB or does it play in ARB aswell?

CTWV with autocannon. WETS FUCKING GOOOOO!!!
oh and another soviet vehicle to sweden ofcourse

This would be news to certain vocal parts of this community, especially if you add “top-tier” to that…

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Until ARB isn’t allowed in GRB it’s relevant.

Unless you’re saying we should have TO mode. In which case, no problem.

Until GRB isn’t allowed in ARB the performance of the 2A7V isn’t relevant.

took already incredible long that we got different br for planes in grb and arb.


matter of fact let’s look at top tier lineups and let’s see. Humor me here.

Germany boasts the following.
Leopard 2A7V (the 2nd best tank in the game)
Leopard 2PSO, 2A5, 2A6 (the very definition of average as they’re all around worse than things like the Leclerc, Type 10, BVM, M1A2s, ZTZ99A, WZ1001, but they’re superior to every CR2, Ariete AMV, VT-4A1. In fact barring the 2A7, most of germany’s MBTs are right smack in the middle in terms of top tier vehicle capability)
Flakrad (the 2nd worst SACLOS AA in the game second to the ADATS)
TAM 2C/Radkampfwagen (Light tanks that don’t even compete with the best other nations have to offer such as the Centauro, Type 16, CV90120, HSTVL)
Puma (An IFV that doesn’t even compete with the best IFVs in the game, the CV9040 BILL, BMP-2M, Freccia, etc)

Then for air they have
F-4F ICE (the worst top tier plane in the game.)
Tornado IDS (not terrible, but compared to what the other 9 nations get it’s worst in class at its job)
and no multirole what so ever.

Germany literally, isn’t even the best if you ignore planes and look at ground. They don’t even break the top 5. So your argument is stupid.


barrel collisions when?