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Rafale received their first AESA in 2013 or 2014, Eurofigter Tranche 3A received AESA in ~2019.

(Did you forget about Kuwaiti and Qatar’s EFTs…?)

this is all to say, the EFT is not bad. But you are heavily overrating it-

He really isn’t…

Range most certainly isnt irrelevant or are we pretending the Mig-29 can keep flying on AB for 10 minutes without being forced to RTB, the rafale will be able to keep itself lighter than the Euro as it wont need to bring as much fuel

Its not the CAPTOR-E only runs at around 9-12 KW compared to RBE2-AA at 15-20 KW the only thing CAPTOR is better at is not having as of a degradation issue that all E-scan radar have its still pure performance wise inferior

Wdym Captor E, MK0?

Congrats for finding out what afterburner is and what it does (do you have any actual data on Rafale’s flight range?)

Its not the CAPTOR-E only runs at around 9-12 KW compared to RBE2-AA at 15-20 KW the only thing CAPTOR is better at is not having as of a degradation issue that all E-scan radar have its still pure performance wise inferior


Anyhow, it’d be nice for you to post a source on the power usage of all four of these radars, seeing as you seem to be an “expert”.

I’d also love to know how a radar with a significantly higher T/R module count can be “inferior”, especially when its T/R modules are a lot more efficient and in theory, can achieve better raw performance than RBE2s even at lower power settings…

They’d have to pull an F5C and mix weapons together and models.

reading back through this entire thread on the EFT has given me a headache. For starters it’s all over the damn place.

The original start of the topic was in regards to the earliest possible EFT that could be added to the game (which would be the Tranche 1 Block 2), this aircraft would be leagues superior to the current planes in game but when compared to the earliest Rafales… it is inferior in most aspects, it’s pure air to air flight performance being the only advantage (and not a big one at that if both craft are configured to said roles)

Then all of a sudden the conversation started talking about the later model EFTs with AESA, then for comparison someone mentioned the Rafale C with PESA… when the Rafale M/C Late both have had AESA for YEARS before the EFT even got given CAPTOR (yes RBE2 is worse than CAPTOR, that’s not up for debate, the Rafales radar suffers from how small they made that plane. Still an amazing radar.)

Lastly in what sense are we saying one is better than the other? The EFT is undeniably the superior pure interceptor, but the Rafale has it beat for Multi-Role and overall Flexibility. Both roles play massive factors in War Thunder.

Neither plane is bad, both are amazing. No reason to overrate one, and act like the other isn’t still one of the best jets of the modern era.

Lastly saw someone mention Meteors and tbh, that is a weird topic. Because I’m genuinely curious how Gaijin plans to handle the weapons compatibility of these aircraft. (not so much with the Meteor as all EFT operators use it) but for example IRIS-T and ASRAAM’s. All EFTs can use them, but Britain uses the ASRAAM and Germany uses the IRIS-T

But yeah, this conversation went off the damn deep end.

Edit: It’s not lost on me that I said lastly twice, but I’m not gonna change it because I’m lazy.


Not at all, the plane would be an aboslute Menace in wt mostly cuz it can carry a Lot of countermeasures and a good chunk of weaponry with an insanely good airframe and engines, the energy retention of the eurofighter it’s exceptional together with the acceleration

The eurofighter is also a multirole fighter but it’s much better at performing long range missions due to it’s really good range and fuel effciency

I neither said the EFT was bad at multirole, or that the plane wouldn’t be good. But the performance is being overrated compared to what it’s gonna be fighting in war thunder.

I’ve acknowledged that it would dog walk the current state of the game, hence why I’m against adding it. But when it does get added with planes that can actually compete? It will not be this unstoppable menace that solo’s teams like it’s being made to sound.

also I only stated its multirole capacity is inferior to the Rafales, which is a true statement. Not that it’s bad at it. Likewise I acknowledged the Rafale is inferior at air superiority but it’s also not bad at it.

The Rafaelle has the advantage of lower visibility and being able to keep up to date much easier, the typhoon has much better aviónics overall tho and it takes a Lot more to keep up to date but it’s already catching up on the electronics like radar and systems

Ofc it wotan be unstoppable but it would be pretty unbalanced for the Game, and for the multirole capacity i have to differ, as i said the eurofighter has much higher range than any multirole fighter and can carry just as much weaponry as the Rafaelle, the eurofighter has a slight advantage on the multirole part due to the higher range, everything else afaik they do pretty much the same

I’m not sure where you’re getting “better range” from given the Rafale has countless times been proven to have a larger combat radius as well as a larger payload. Unless we are talking about a rather recent EFT improvement I’m unaware of.

The typhoon has been acknowledged to be the fighter with most range Aka flight range in the world being much more capable of doing long range missions than other planes, in not talking about combat Radius

ok just gonna shift this topic on the the Gen 4.5 that’s ACTUALLY coming to the game. The Chengdu J-10A and more specifically… wtf is this thing getting for weapons?

PL-8s aren’t quite top tier competitive relative to 9Ms, R73s, and Magic 2s
It can’t even use PL-5Cs

So that leaves 2 choices
PL-8B or the PL-9

then we obviously are getting the PL-12s but the question becomes will gaijin give it the dual mounting for the PL-12?

Overall this plane does scare me, despite how much I am a fan of it. Because regardless of how gaijin approaches it this things going to grab the Gripen specifically by the back of the neck and drag its face through the dirt-

The F-15s and F-16s still have their selling points against this thing, but the Gripen absolutely has nothing over it except CM count, and given that’s the best plane of 1/3 of the nations in the game I am just slightly scared.

Edit: Granted I don’t think many people would mind the Gripen being knocked down a peg given it was introduced with a drastically overperforming FM and was a complete nuisance until it’s like 3rd nerf.


For the love of all that is sacred… give Israel a decent top rank SPAA.

I assure you the day that happens, hell will have frozen over

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Hahaha. Sad, but true.

To be honest…
no one care about naval