Leak List

both need it, idk wich one more but ik both need it

I heavily agree, no need for the Leclerc S1, S2 Azur, and SXXI to be at the same BR just like the M1A2, M1A2 SEP, and M1A2 SEP V2 or the Leopard 2A5, 2A6, 2 PSO, and 2A7V. Add in the Strv 122A, 122B, and 122B PLSS if you wanna

While i would love to agree and to an extent i do. The issue is that air advanced drastically faster than tanks did. Several nations for example are already at the peak of their armored progression in game, so its difficult to progress them and air at the same rate.

That is true, but 13.3 and 13.7 exist purely because Gaijin went out of their way to decompress. Top tier ground could at least go to 12.0 in my opinion, or even 12.3.

I think the issue is that Gaijin wants every country to have a max BR tank, but if they decompress countries like Britain, USA or China won’t move up while countries like Germany or Sweden will.


Oh it’s totally ok to jump 8.3 to 11+ because your “meaningful” lineups only have to go 2 full BRs without AD 🙄

Like I said. Big on excuses, way short on facts it’s been years and the devs have apparently given up on fixing the HVM but not to worry Italy has it worse 🤣

The other big issue with decompressing is deciding what makes a tank a certain BR.

Why is the 2A5 11.7 alongside the 2A7 while the M1A1 HC is 11.3 when its round is the only thing keeping it from being the same as the M1A2? Lot of arbitrary decisions

Bro, im trying to be reasonable but you are giving off the energy of a one nation main who hasnt played others very much.

Britain in the BR range of 8.7-10.0 isnt hurting for an AA (which other nations do have in that range) because they dont even have a lineup at that range.

HURTING for something means you need it, a lineup with no AA is a lineup that is hurting for it. But Britain in that range has no real lineup and thus doesnt need an AA for a lineup that wont even be able to use it. It falls in the category of “nice to have, but we dont need it”

Do me a favor, experience other nations besides Britain so you experience what “hurting for an AA” actually is because China and Italy are 2 nations that are missing AA in far more important areas that are desperately in need of one.

Edit: Because I’m feeling nice I will help your flawed argument. Wanna know where Britain is ACTUALLY hurting for an AA? 7.7-8.0 they have a solid lineup in that range, but they have no AA to cover it until 8.3. Thats where they’re hurting for one. What you’re doing is looking at what everyone else has, without stopping to think about WHY they have it.

and yes the HVM is sorry, but news flash in case you haven’t played the other 10.3 AA… they’re all sorry as hell too.

You’re not being reasonable though. Youre just offering excuses that aren’t even correct. The HVM is by far the worst of the AA at 10.3, I would take any nations missile armed 9.3-9.7 over the 10.3 HVM

There are 3 Chieftans, 2 Vickers, 2 Olifants and a Rooikat between 8.7 and 9.3. So claiming there isn’t a line that’s missing an AA is by far factually false. Not to mention it’s been years with this issue and there is apparently no work going into fixing the HVM, which makes the actual jump 8.3-11.7.

Yes the previous jump from 5.3-8.3 is rough. But given the lack of CCIP, the Boosvark can effectively fight in those BRs. The same cannot be said of the HVM

The only flawed argument is the guy trying to say it’s ok because Italy has it worse when the UK is literally one of the founding nations. You’re just digging a silly hole

Just to support your point:

It seems hard to believe it,but my father helped with the DA.7 testbed and i got a pretty direct knowledge of the Typhoon back in the day

Trust me,that thing is genuinely scary.Granted,i don’t have the same level of knowledge of other jets,but i’m not kidding when i say that a single EFA can decimate a flock of RU jets,or even NATO jets.

In game it would basically mean take off,launch all the AIM-120,land,repeat. Getting locked?not gonna happen,you’re mostly made of composite materials so getting a lock with a jet radar in BVR mode (without AWACS) is incredibly hard,and when that happens the EFA has the capability of just shrugging it off.

And all of this, without the AESA radar. Lol

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I think you’re in for a big disappointment if your expectations are this high

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I am not offering excuses I’m stating facts… Facts you’d be well aware of if you’ve played other nations-

I never stated it’s “OK” for there to be an AA gap, I merely explained that the gap doesn’t really hurt and is low priority because it doesn’t really hurt the tree.
I also stated that there is far more important area’s of the game that do need that attention, as opposed to the 8.3-10.3 AA gap.

You are constantly saying that all I’m providing is excuses with no facts… but I have only been stating facts, while you’ve been arguing with nothing more than your personal feelings which are not valid in an objective discussion of what a nation desperately needs vs what it wants.

Britain is in far more need of an AA at the 5.3-8.3 range because despite the “lack of CCIP” there is far more factors than just CCIP that go into fighting enemy aircraft in ground battles, who cares if they can’t accurately predict where their weapons are landing if these aircraft move so fast it makes it hard for your guns to track.

I have not discredited your statements that the Stormer HVM is bad, nor have I said that it wouldn’t be nice to have another AA. I have simply stated that it’s not important at current because we at least have these things where they’re needed and other areas of the game and the tech tree demand the attention far more.

This is before we even get into the discussion of real life limitations. Britain didn’t really use Stinger based AA platforms to even mix in there. Now there is potential obscure options that have been suggested such as the Stormer Air Defense and I’ve even heard argument for Singapores 113 Air Defense variant. But there just isn’t a lot to put in this gap to even begin with which adds another layer of extra work for little to no payoff.

So at the end of the day I didn’t discredit your argument, nor did I say that NOTHING should go there but rather that it is low priority and would be more work than it’s worth especially when considering all the factors around it. It is very apparent that you are a fan of the British tech tree and likely have a very tunnel vision view on it, but you need to separate your personal preference from clouding your judgement.

I have been far more than reasonable, Britain doesn’t need anything in that gap at current they have far more important gaps to fill. Plus the few candidates they even have to fill that gap are very very obscure and would require significant work to even add.

I am looking at this situation from the POV of someone who has played all 10 nations up to top tier, so I can confidently say that yes you are being very narrow minded on the subject matter.

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The scary reality is pretty much all of the capability shifting vehicles exhibit that kind of gap in lethality.

That’s a lot of words to still be making excuses.

It’s ok to say yeah that’s a problem, it should be fixed. But making excuses is just a bad look.

Be better.

I know,with War Thunder i’ll expect the complete opposite: artificially nerfed to the ground because “muh decisions”.

I made my mind years ago,so i’m good with it

these aren’t excuses, these are facts but clearly you’ve proven to be both stubborn and ignorant. So I’m just gonna end it here.

How about instead of telling me to “be better” you take your own advice, stop letting personal favoritism cloud your judgement, and broaden your horizons before trying to have a serious discussion on a topic again.

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I will say after some quick research. The first combat capable EF won’t have quite that gap in performance.

It’s flight performance is monstrous and leagues ahead of what we are currently dealing with. But the big thing that holds the block 2 Tranche 1 back is the Radar. But besides that it’ll just be a gripen on steroids (the gripen already being a very strong top tier jet)

Man I cant wait for the Eurofighter to come to the game and then never grind Germany for 4 more years

eh Germany is gonna get like 5 of them damn things

They’re not facts though. You’ve just cried about how other nations have it worse and offered a bunch of excuses for why this issue has been around for years or it’s actually worse in other areas and needs to be addressed.

No favoritism, UK isn’t even my favorite, it’s just a hole that has been years long and needs to be fixed.

Like I said, just be better. Stop lying it’s a bad look

Oooooo, maybe Ill start grinding Germany in 3 years then! Nonetheless I genuinely need to grind that tt but I need to actually finish one first