Leak List

@tahsky so we have a nice assortment of swiss cockpit pictures for you, showing a2g controlls.
Additionaly the gun ballustic computer still exists and the armament propably works teough the same computer.

Lastly production processes are streamlined, to mske them cheaper. There is no other f/a 18C without the capability. Meaning they would need to partialy redesign the swiss one to remove the features potentialy.
Which at one point very like just would make the production more expensive becsuse it becomes nonstandard

Always happy to add another KV-1 to my brick line up.

sir murder is a crime.

Oh god this is going to be depressing. Yet another ZSU variant added to the game while Gaijoobles refuses to address the SPAA gaps in other nations, honestly I hope the F-18 in this list is applied to all nations that should get one like Britain via Canada, US, or Sweden via Finland and speaking of Sweden why must they copy and paste a heavy tank just to lock it behind a paywall? Why not add something like the Kranvagn? Despite these downisdes other leaked vehicles seem decently nifty but I really dont think we need yet another ZSU and rather something that actually applies to a gap ingame already like Sweden’s non existant heavies or US’s SPAA gap between 4.0 and 7.7 (which tbf I don’t know of a balanced option but somebody will find one). This is a heavily biased point if view seeing as I main those nations but my point stands nonetheless.


i believe F-18 is gonna be for a next update and hence why it says delayed

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Yeah I just noticed it. Honestly I feel like before the F-18 gaijin should do a bit more with BRs anyways so its good for it to be put on hold. Between ground and air, there is no reason any 9.3/7 should see A-10s and AIM-9Ls and albeit they all have similar performance but I find it weird that the Leo2A5, 2A6, PSO, and 2A7V are all the exact same BR.

yeah they really need to decompress BR’s heavily

Oh, an underperforming Bradley and still don’t have an effective AD unit past 8.3

Wooooow, not hurting at all 🙄

Yeah I know I’m speaking to hear my own voice followed by the thousands who all agree but I hate seeing A-10s in the F-104 or J35A and the J35XS has no reason to be seeing Tomcats

yeah i really wish gaijin would do a decompression

when there’s other nations in far worse spots than you, and this is a minor update. Yeah you really aren’t in desperate need of anything right now. As for effective AD units, that’s just ground in general. Anti Air is ass.

i would argue they could still do with a better mbt and a real top tier light lol

spaa thats it realy what they need right now

sweden doesnt need anything high t/top tier

italy still needs a real top tier spaa (which the osa wont be)

But generaly the leak list doesnt show everything

The OSA will most definitely be a top tier AA if it’s the 15km variant (which it’s likely to be given as the other variants would provide nothing to any of the 3 nations getting it)

The OSA missle doesnt turn.
It will be only realy good against helis.
Any plane that notches/dodged will not get hit

There is a reason the OSA got replaced by the TorM1

I have mixed feelings for that leak list. As I mainly play Italy, it’s nice to finally get a non-IR SAM in the TT and it’s Romanian which means we can see more of their vehicles (IAR-93s, TR-85s, TR-125, Mareşal, IAR-317 and etc) in the Italian TT, on the other hand it’s the only addition, which gets also added to other nations as well. Plus Gaijin’s always talked that subtree additions don’t come instead of “mother” nation tech, so it’s rather disappointing to not seeing anything Italian for Italy on the list.
In terms of other nations: US, Germany, USSR, China and even Japan, which is surprise, get a fair amount of additions. Switzerland for Germany is a bit questionable, yes, it would give them a more than competitive top tier jet for ARB, but imo this nation has so many stuff in the ground to add, not sure how it will be treated in the German TT. Honestly gib early iterations of Eurofighter already and it will be fine.
I hope there will be more additions for nations which barely appear on the list and not just c&p.


“give early iterations of the Eurofighter and it will be fine”

Respectfully, statements like these speak volumes to how poor an understanding people have of just how strong these gen 4.5s are…

The Earliest possible Eurofighter and Rafales they could add, would drag every current 13.7 by the back of the neck and slam their faces through the dirt. There is absolutely a reason they’re not here yet. you think gaijin would pass up the opportunity to knock out 3 nations (Britain, Italy, Germany) in one go by only needing to make 1 vehicle? They wouldn’t if they could, but they can’t


Exatly because a child tells them that has not even flown it and only reapets somethinbg he herad from some one else or even better only parrots some streamers. Wow.

Sure you are the pinacle of credible information.

Litterally no nation has a worse AD than the UK 🤣

They are the only one that makes the jump from 8.3 with the first radar guided gun to 10.3 with a broken missile and then to 11+ with the adats. They are the only major nation without an all aspect missile in the 9. Rating

You can make excuses. But saying they aren’t in desperate need of something when they’ve gone years without a decent AD above 8.3 is silly.

several nations have been in far worse spots than the UK… just because it’s not been at that particular spot, doesn’t mean it’s not been the case. Yes the UK makes a jump from 8.3 to 10.3, but so do their meaningful lineups. Their 9.0-10.0 lineups are pretty bare bones, whilst their 10.3 lineup is stacked which is why their next AA shows up at that point.

While other nations such as Italy have been in far worse spots overall. They get the SIDAM Mistral (one of the worst IR AA platforms in the game), then they get the OTOMATIC (an overtiered gun only AA that cannot engage any of the aircraft at its BR because they all outrange it). It’s taking until now for them to finally get something usable.

Not to mention Israel who’s current best AA is once again one of the worst IR AA platforms in the game with the Chapparal.
China has a 9.3 in the form of the PGZ04A, but don’t let it fool you that damn thing is worse than the 8.3 PGZ09. Those missiles can’t hit shit and you only get 4.

so yeah a lot of nations have it way worse in far worse spots, so while I won’t deny that Britain COULD use an AA in that gap, they are not hurting for an AA in a BR range where they barely even have a lineup.

Edit: This isn’t even beginning to mention the US which at the mid BR’s is one of the most shit on nations for AA and needs it far more than anyone else does.

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Ground needs it more, 11.7 has been top tier since early 2023 iirc, meanwhile air top tier has gone from 12.0 to 13.7 in the same span of time.