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Thwy are getting stuff…
Its called naval

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Swiss parliamentary question to the federal council(government)

Is it really the case that the Hornet F/A-18 aircraft are not suitable for conversion to the Maverick system?

The integration of Maverick guided missiles into the F/A-18 fighter aircraft to be procured would be technically possible, but would entail high costs. It should be borne in mind that these missiles would no longer meet the operational requirements. The decisive factor, however, is that the 34 F/A-18s to be procured are an absolute minimum for fulfilling the most important tasks of the air force (maintaining air sovereignty, air defense); their simultaneous use for ground combat would lead to an unwelcome fragmentation of forces.

Such bombing raids are unthinkable for the Swiss army. At least until today. When the last Hunter fighter-bombers were decommissioned in 1994, the army lost its “ground combat capability” - the ability to bomb targets on the ground. Switzerland uses the F/A-18 fighter jets procured at that time and still in service today purely as interceptors. After the end of the Cold War and the respectable success of the “Stop F/A-18” initiative at the ballot box in 1993 (43% in favor), neutral Switzerland saw no need to equip itself with bombs.

Report from a Swiss newspaper about switzerland getting the capability for A2G combat again for the first time since 1994.

The fact that Swiss F/A-18C are not capable of A2G is unequivocally correct.

We’ve had this discussion for multiple days already in the rumor roundup thread.


Yes, they can’t do CAS because they don’t have ordnance for it. The topic we had discussed here however pertained whether they are capable of performing CAS duties if proper equipment is provided or not.

Then Swiss F-18 should have access to all Ground ordinance.

Considering SAAF Gripen uses AGM-65G,R-Darter and Aim-9M (despite it never used them irl) i dont see any reason why Swiss F-18 shouldnt be.

No. No it can not. Simple.

as you can clearly see from the government response:
Mavericks in this example are not integrated into the Plane. It would take Money, Time and Effort from the Manufacturer to make Mavericks available on the Plane.

If Germany were to give Switzerland Mavericks then Switzerland could do absolutely nothing with them because the Swiss F/A-18 are not capable of using Mavericks.

Switzerland would have to send the planes over to the US to get them upgraded/integrated by Boeing before they could be used for A2G


man if you keep the systems to do ground attack it can if you dont have the bombs for it you still have the capacities there but not the weapons for it as simple as that


The Swiss Government literally said that that they are not integrated.


Switzerland: Our F/A-18C can’t do Ground Attack. We didn’t buy that capability because we didn’t need it.

WT Forum: It can do Ground Attack if you just hook German Mavericks on it.


at most it’ll just get some dummy bombs unless Gaijin absolutely just ignores the fact that it didn’t get AGMs. Which… If we look at the F-16AJ… Japan to my knowledge never even purchased Mavericks-

Absolutely true

The only problem is that we’re playing War Thunder,a game that has precedents of them bending their own laws so that they can add things tat were never used on a vehicle or remove things for balance reasons

Just wait until the dev stream/dev server so that we can see

IMO,it would be fine as a pure fighter,no need for ground ordnance

they have the systems, they just dont have the weapons if you took some time to read you could actually see they never removed the systems because that would’ve meant an extra cost

point me out again where it says its technicaly unable to use A2G ordenance, all i am reading here is mavericks cost the swiss people to much and wouldnt satisfy swiss requirments they would have for a A2G ordenance that they would want to use

they didnt say that anywhere lol, they only said the mavericks would cost them to much and they dont fit into their army plan

Since you don’t seem to understand the German Source:
Switzerland had Mavericks at this point in Time. They were bought in 1984.
The Mavericks were used on Hunter Mk 58A Aircraft.

The Federal Council says it would be technically possible to integrate the Mavericks that Switzerland had in Stock on the F/A-18 but it would entail high costs. Not because Switzerland would need to buy Mavericks but because the F/A-18 that were already ordered at this point would have to be retrofitted to fire Mavericks.

The rest it says is that the F/A-18C are being acquired only for Air-Policing.

And nowhere does it say that it wouldn’t satisfy the swiss requirements for A2G ordinance but rather it says that Switzerland does not want to use the F/A-18s for Ground Combat because that would be an unwanted fragmentation of the Swiss Military.


i understand german, they said as well that the mavericks dont fit their requirements towards A2G ordenance that is the main issue.
not mentioning how the mavericks might have started hitting their shelf life together with the ordered hunters

ah yes, totaly wasnt written anywhere

Yes, they had bought AGM-65Bs, which by the time F/A-18C entered service were already grossly outdated and about to hit their shelf life. So, they’d have to pay for either a completely new stockpile (costs), integrate these new Mavericks into the jet (costs), and convince the population they actually need them, or simply don’t buy anything - which of the two do you choose? Do you see how all the reasons for them not having up-to-date CAS capability boils down mostly to costs of acquiring new ordnance and its integration into the aircraft?

The price of new AGM-65s alone probably turned them away from the idea.

The reason why they don’t have any CAS capability is because Switzerland didn’t need any CAS capability in the mid 90s. And so they saved money and didn’t buy any

nicely said they didnt buy any new mavericks, doesnt mean the f/A 18c is unable to use them

Yes, that is the point. They have the capability to carry out CAS duties, but they can’t because they don’t have the necessary ordnance.

This however does not apply to War Thunder, where, even if the sub-TT hasn’t got the weapons in question, can still be provided with them as long as the host-TT had them (in this case, German Mav Ds & Gs, as well as LGBs).