Leak List

I bet the F/A-18 will be delayed sadly. I would be shocked if they had no delays with it.


Thats actually extremely embarrassing having 3k games lol


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Thats nothing compared to a Steam account that owns 15K games)))

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what even is this discussion about? This not on topic anymore considering the topic is the leak list

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I mean it doesn’t matter you’re saying because i play ground less it doesn’t count but you play the game less so i can just say anything you say doesn’t count, cant be a hypocrite can we

This is why i cant respect people that play only one nation

I mean you barely have a better k/d than what i had when i was lv 14 in the Tiger II

It lasts for 40s and spawns 4km away from the battlefield its a SPAAs wet dream

perform poorly

Yeah right… you’re also acting like it doesn’t take one cap and dying to spawn a plane with a full CAS loadout

Funny you say this yet ive barely played any games in the M247 and have a 4.6 k/d mind you once i get the proxy shells it’d probably jump much higher granted i cant stand playing one vehicle long enough to have a significant amount of games in it

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Thanks that gaslighter that loves mocking people and going off-rail to prove 0 points

Report his posts for being either inappropriate or off-topic so that they get hidden and the topic can return on its tracks

You’re admitting to abusing the report system


Gosh, could you beta kiddies take your rizz comparisons to PM, becuz you really ain’t mewing on this thread.

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touhou isnt an anime but alright

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How come there’s no new LAV variants? The BFV chassis is good and all but it sucks. And it’s about time we have a new A-10, meanwhile russia has 87 Su-25s.

It’s still Animated bruh

Its a game bruh

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Because huuuuuuuuuuh, here’s your third Shilka variant instead! And another SPAA that will be added to 3 different tech trees!

Copy-paste is the key,when they’ll be added,thet’ll be DoA

i dont think its a final list
france should get something and they cant add an iconic plane like the F/A-18C without adding it for the main nation which is USA
also having the C variant before the A variant they should ad F/A-18A for usa before the C