Leak List

Yes but in game it is classed as a SA vehicle, so that’s my point.

Alright, got a screenshot of Smin saying they’re sub-nations? Or that sub-nations are meant to be split up?

Emilia’s to the Leopard 2AV being built for US testing but not adopted.


Sure, and the Leopard 2AV isn’t labeled as an American tank. The only thing Gaijin does consistently is not be consistent.

Got a screenshot of him saying they aren’t sub nations?

Ask shini he has the image

Ah yes, the good ol’ “let me put the burden of proof on you despite me making the claim initially”.

What’s up with ya all? Do you really have nothing to back up your assertions with that this is the only way you can keep on clutching on straws?

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Me and Shini share a server where we collect Smin’s quotes in regards to sub-TTs, and we haven’t got one where Smin states sub-nations are meant to be split up or that Canada & Australia are sub-nations, so… ))))

Guess i was wrong, thought i remember smin mentioning it, oh well my b

This is the best we’ve got on this topic tbh;

As we can see, no mention of them being sub-nations. Just that they’re meant to be cannibalized.


Yeah this is what i was thinking of

Didnt said you started it btw


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So it… is … a skill issue

Seems they have no problem getting multiple kills per death and shows it is exactly what everyone is saying… adequate. Just like I said, the ariete of top tier. Proven, by your own screenshot.

Skill issue.

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Oh what do you know, it’s only 0.88M slower,but for you it’s nothing right?

Used only for bad weather,Optical guidance doesn’t magically resolve the multipathing issues of a ground radar

If i spawn at the airport and fly all the way close to the ground, you’ll be unable to see me or you’ll have an exceptionally hard time leading your missiles since,you know,the radar is not that advanced.
You’re being sad with your yapping pal

…what???RFCLOS is a NATO designation,if you use that then it means Radio Frequence Command Line Of Sight.
This point is absolutely bonkers, since you don’t know how this thing works and you’re trying to gaslight me.
Do you know that,if RFCLOS is something written in Russian,then it’s wrong since Russians don’t use the Latin Alphabet?

Ah yes,planes spawning 3-4km from you that have a game x-ray that knows specifically where every enemy is,making many SPAA useless or straightforward OP to use

I play 3 of them,5 if count the fact that i stopped playing the Patria and took a pause using the Su-76D. You can’t even count the flags,huh?

Do it then,you gaslighter and absolutely sad of a person.
You’re wasting your time here mocking my stats,my gamemode and gaslighting my knowledge because you definitely have a bias,so let’s see how you’re stronger and better than me,shall we?

and i might add,just so that we’re clear, that your highest ground vehicle with Air kills is the Strela with…71 kills.
You’re a ARB main, you literally don’t know how’s the issue with CAS and whatnot so don’t try to teach me these things.
FYI:my highest air killer vehicle is the M247 with 484 kills,almost 7 times higher than a known OP SPAA in your inventory.

Remember you’re the ine saying that the 9K33M3 is almost identical to the 95ya6,even a 0.88M difference means that your claim is wrong

I think you’re the one not understanding that the optical mode is used to not lose lock of the target in bad weather or generally speaking to help leading in harsher conditions. It doesn’t do anything else

DID I SAID THAT THE MISSILE HAD THE PROBLEMS? The radar of the vehicle is the one affected by the ground clutter of having Kms of trees in LOS.

Okay,good luck leading a target without a lock.less that 0.5% of players that i’ve ever seen are able to lead a missile to a target several kilometres and with high relative speed without a lock

You fail to understand that no lock=no guidance,not even RFCLOS

And how can you possibly know that?the radar can’t see a target flying level to the ground,so you either use hacks,you use magic or you’re talking nonsense


Lmao,said the guy that has a worse situation than mine

No,even with the M163 and the M19 i have a higher K/D than your Strela,it means that oi’m good and you not with SPAA :)

Performance wise when it comes to agility they’re identical because speed past a certain point just doesn’t do anything other than mean the missile gets to the target a little faster just look at starstreak

no lmao

A backup low-light optical tracking system is available

Maybe if you had an ounce of reading comprehension you’d understand that with the optical track it wouldn’t have any issues hitting low alt targets but clearly reading isnt your strong suit

You play arcade the average player there drinks drain cleaner and dish soap why is it surprising they cant hold their mouse over a target

I mean one you can hear the engine of an aircraft and two console still has target tracking so i can pretty much just see you

Be a cry baby fine by me

Its amazing how someone can put words together with no meaning or thought put into them

You dont play RB though i mean if you want i can just play Arcade for a bit in the M247 and get a higher K/D than you also learn to spell please actually alternatively you could play GRB and see how fun it is getting killed by a GBU from 15km away

-OTM used for bad weather and heavy ECM environments
-apparently OTM is immune to physics

Lmao, your knowledge in this is absolutely laughable

You don’t even play, considering the depressing number of battles both in Arcade and in Realistic,so what are you yapping about

Only when it’s close to you,if you hear something going supersonic heading towards you even at a kilometer,you’re lying

Skill issue

Skill issue

Oh sorry,let me be clear with you:
Both of us spaded 26% of vehicles,but you have 3x my vehicles so your gap is extremely larger than mine.
Not to mention that,for me,part of the vehicles i have (namely the ones in Japan and France) were never touched and are there only because they’re the starter vehicles.
So yeah,your situation with spading vehicles is worse than mine

I Highly doubt that you’ll get a 4+ K/D with the M247 since your average K/D in Arcade is far lower,let alone in a SPAA

Skill issue,maybe if you start using SAM systems instead of crying and having extremely bad stats :)

The optical track on the strela is used for the same situations yet you can still use it whenever i genuinely dont get what you’re trying to get at its genuinely baffling

bro i have over 3k more games played than you stop embarrassing yourself

Cry all you want its in the game

I haven’t played arcade since i started playing which was over 4yrs ago and even then i could manage a 1.5 k/d in a tiger II iirc, im pretty sure now i could curbstomp most arcade players back then i just drove in straight lines at the enemy

You dont play SPAA in an environment where CAS is an Issue though if you want play RB i promise ill only fire my AGMs from 15km away not 45km sure its still outside the range of even the TOR but im sure your M247 that you have a high K/D in arcade with is up to the task 😀

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And yet your ground kills (excluding the AI kills) are honestly laughable. Return playing ARB since that’s your place,not Ground Battles


Woooooow 1.5 kd!!! you’re too strong for me,please don’t hurt me 😖😖.
For real,you don’t have the skill required to do such a thing,so as I said earlier:return flying since that’s your place,not Ground Battles

Yeah sure pal,you never saw CAS in arcade huh? it can literally change the outcome of a battle

With what tank do you want to farm the SP required to do so?you have few tanks played,and in most of them you perform poorly

And besides,i use the M247 because it performs perfectly in Arcade, otherwise i would’ve used other advanced platforms that are at my disposal,but enough chit chatting,you’ll now get a nice fancy block since i’m tired of arguing with someone that clearly has a bias (remember your “if you want to play the KV-1 go play USSR”? yeah,also nice KV-1E),is blatantly gaslighting people (still waiting for what RFCLOS means in Russian Denomination) and tries to mock my stats ignoring that he’s utter bad at using SPAA and tanks in general, despite being so vocal in a GF discussion
Have fun 😊