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What you on about smh

caught lacking

quit yapping man

Damn, this forum is filled with hate, no wonder the next patch thread is barren.

thats normally what happens when 2 dudes who suck in a plane try to tell everyone that it’s good, say people who struggle in it have skill issue, and proceed to say Germany needs nothing to help them in Air.

Im alright with planes and some planes im mid in, i just recommend what i find id good and im down to compare ect but i am by no means a god lol. Im pretty average, i also play premium vehicles over TT because i like SL or i find the prem vehicle to be better (AV8A moment)

i was making a joke man dw

There is no practical difference between these two, sub-tree or sub-nation are both there to fulfill one thing; pad out a lacking nation/plug a gap.

FYI, Australia is not a sub-nation (nor is Canada), it exists only to be cannibalized by others (US/Germany/UK/whoever you can think of).

Germany has 5 full lines in its ground and air tree. Where would the Swiss tree fit?

We will see soon TM.

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“showing that I suck in this plane that I say is good means nothing”

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Canada and Australia are sub nations. That’s why they get split up.

eh sub nation seems an iffy way to describe it. As some nations exist as both sub trees and “sub nations” by your definition. Such as South Africa.

showing a stock plane fighting in 3v1 odds, with only the option for uptiers or fighting against Pantsirs in ground yes… Managing greater than a 1:1 somehow shows I suck… Lmao i bet you cant even take off in Sim, let alone manage that.

If i even had the opprotunity to fight with it as top of the bracket it would absolutely rape everything below it. After the IRIAF F-14 dropped it would be even more free aces than the MiG-29G is currently.

What other trees do South African vehicles show up in?

Germany has the Class 3 P

people who starts bringing the “personal stats” card behaves like a child tbh.
You can have a different opinion than other people, but starting pointing out personal stats like personal attacks is low key.
Its like these people who in a discussion ran out of arguments and then start attacking the other person appareance or making laugh of their profile photos or etc.

I hate bringing them up, I brought them up because someone decided to bring mine in first unprovoked. So don’t come to me. I am willing to retaliate with whatever you throw at me.

If you can’t take what you’re throwing out, don’t throw it in the first place.

The Class 3 P was built by Germany to compete for South African contracts but they didn’t adopt it. Emilia’s to the Leopard 2AV being built for US testing but not adopted.

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Finnish KV-1B and HA 75-2