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Nobody cares about your energy fighting at that BR, To be fair you shouldn’t be talking about top tier jet gameplay, You have only played premium torando

france needs that leopard 2A4 from benelux dude, holy moly they have some lack in between 8.0 to 10.0

the infuriating thing is france has a lot of things to fill that gap, gaijin is just lazy.

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And again no, not at all. For that hole you got leopard 1A3 and Leopard 2 and leopard 2A1/A2/A3.
There is no need for swiss tanks. For the Panzer 58/61 you got the M48A2 allready that fills that gap.

but all those vehicles are boring, and just barely different copy pastes of existing german tanks. While the Panzer 58 and 61 are unique… so you don’t want unique trees you just want to dilute them with their own copy paste…

eh 50/50 they do need it to fill that gap specially considering the performance of the amx 30

They you dont understand areal combat at all. Your the one who should stop talking. Even your missles follow the same rulles of energy fighting as the the airplanes.

my god dude can you keep a conversation chill without insulting anyone?


gonna keep it real after some basic research, this dude is hopeless. Not only are all his conversations like this. But he’s talking about the ICE, a plane he’s played 14 games in and has 1 kill to show for it…

Now I personally don’t own it on my account, but I have flown it on other accounts and reached out to friends who do own it and who are positive with it. Their conclusion on the plane, much like everyones is that it’s bad.


There are no insults, just pointing out the obvius.

Especialy when somthing like that drops

Not everything gets 120, if that doesnt matter than you cant call the 120 OP
Not everything gets modern rwr, if that doesnt matter than neither does some only getting spo-15.
APG-65 is superior to any soviet radar, and even RDY imho. Either soviet radars arent trash or that doesnt matter.
90 CMs is comparable to most of top tier, especially with split CMs.
Not everything gets guided ordnance at 13.7, if that doesn’t matter than neither does CAS capability.
Speed is irrelevant past a certain threshold
Airframe is irrelevant past a certain threshhold, and either the Su-27 and mig-29 are junk or better than F-4, both cannot be true.
Wrong. IR vs TV, IR is objectively better.
AGM vs GBU, agm is objectively better.

Therefore, the F-4F ICE is a better multirole than at least half of top tier. Cry more.


you keep being despective towards him calling him a child for having a different opinion than yours, telling him he is seething and much other adjectives, both are in the wrong for starting to call names to each other but he stopped and you didnt

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france never even sneezed in its direction. keep the filth off of the gemstones i say.
the name panzer itself gives more relations to germany than flippin france

You keep yapping about areal combat in BR where it’s irrevelant and having 0 experience playing at that BR

bruh you replied to urself…

I’d rather use the M19 than Kugelblitz.

Well… this is embarassing.
3 vehicles that match your definition of copy-paste in your own top 25 most played vehicles.

So boring you have over 1100 battles in them.

Oh, and the F1C-200 and ZTZ99-III are actual copy-paste of other vehicles.

yes they are, but that’s only 2 vehicles and they were introduced as either lineup filler or premiums.

there is already 3 different leopard 1s in the german tree between 8.0-9.3 so why in gods name would they add even more, which are unchanged.

Nice try at trying to make a point, but you failed spectacularly. A better example next time so I may help you is israel, a nation where 2/3s of the tree is the same 2-3 copy pasted tanks and guess what… it’s dog shit-


Honestly I’m just excited for the RCV and ICV.

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since you decided to bring up stats, let me air out some dirty laundry too.

This is the dude telling you the ICE is dog shit.

Meanwhile these two are telling you it’s good and people who struggle in it or call it bad have a skill issue.

Now I don’t like resorting to bringing up stats, but you shot first. So hey, who will you believe?


caught lacking

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