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typhoon is not comming any time this year and Smin already said it before

unlikely and depends heavily on a lot of factors. But even so being stuck with a jet that bad, for 3 updates is agony. Especially for one of the main nations of the game.

There is no benefit in dilluding tech trees.
And there is no copy and paste vehicels, you seem to not undertstand the prupose of tech trees. Maybe get back to school.
All US and soviet vehciles belong in the german tech tree as they where used by the nation at one point of time and where part of the nations arsenal. Even for the EF2000. Delvelopt build and still used. Keep your cope for your self.

If you cant play with cards your dealt with its your fault, skill issue at hand.Masssive. Germany is one of the by far more playbele nations. With all corners coverd. There is no need for subtrees ala England or Italy. For sure not for vehciles that where not in that nations arsenal.

France gets pratically nothing.

With that it’s gotta be 100% accurate

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He said not soon. December isnt soon, neither is march which might be next year but isnt 2 years

Put swiss in to french tech tree then. They need the F18 and apprently all the leoapards too -.- who ever had that stupid idee. I dont know. Its all going down the drain.

its really weird that france didnt get something for ground for benelux i tought they would have gotten something like at least the CV9035 NL but they confirmed they were gonna have naval

i dont believe in 2 years but he already had talked about this before and i really doubt they are gonna add it this year, maybe next year but not this year at least

Germany has the worst top tier air tree in the game right now… And they don’t have anything to add to make it better. Britain is in a FAR better spot. There is a reason Germany NEEDS this sub nation to cushion their air tree. Because they’re the worst, they will only get worse until the Typhoon (which isn’t near), and the other 9 nations don’t need this help.

There is no skill issue here, this is just the facts and how things are. If you don’t want the F/A-18 don’t use it, but don’t be ignorant and say things like “germany is playable” when their best jet is worse than the 3rd or 4th best jet that every other nation has. Introducing sub nations does not dilute variety or diminish the nation that it’s in. It just gives you options to make the nation playable.

Variety doesn’t matter if you’re not playable or fun to play, just ask Pre-Finland mid-low tier sweden, with their nonexistent lineups.


That’s my point. Sub tree and sub nation are different. South Africa is a sub tree of UK. Canada and Australia are sub nations. Thats why the Canadian leopard and Aussie Abrams are in the German and US trees.

The ICE is not bad. It has modern RWR, western radar, good IRCCM style IR missiles, and 4 amraams. It can take a full A2A load with its guided A2G load as well. It is a better multirole than all of the F-15s IMHO as the GBU-8s are junk in Sim matches.

Either the AMRAAM is OP like everyone is coping about, which puts the ICE above everything without amraams. Or the 120 is overrated and the ICE is mid. Both options cannot be true.

People whining about Phantom maneuverability are comedic because it doesnt matter past a minimum threshhold which it meets.

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idk what would enter category as a sub nation but i guess that would make sense, but we also dont have a confirmation that switzerland its a subtree yet so we could either ask Smin after the update its released or we could keep speculating

yes its not bad compared against other F4’s its the best but compared about everything else its facing like JAS 39’s and F15’s its the worst, its honestly something i dont see worth grinding

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  • Everything at it’s BR and 13.7 has everything you mentioned
  • They all carry more weapons
  • Have more countermeasures
  • Are faster
  • Have better airframes
  • It’s A2G load is objectively inferior to the F-15s (in part due to the awful camera on the AGM-65Ds) in most modes.

The AMRAAM isn’t OP, it’s very easy to notch and avoid, the issue is more so the fact you have 30 of them flying through the air at any given moment which makes them hard to avoid.

The ICE without it’s AMRAAMs would be mid at 12.7, at 13.3 it is objectively BAD. It’s such a bad plane I would gladly fight it in a 13.0 or 12.7 jet, and be confident in my ability to beat it. Because I have done that.

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Agent has simply a skill issue, Saw that before when WT camoe out and people did not understand the simple concept of energy fighting, aka 109´s vs spits. It is a skill issue. And all that crying leads to swiss sub tree in german tree and some crap vehciles that dont belong there at all.

Its the same story again. They have a energy fighter (ICE) with very long range weapons and try to dogfight turnfighters(SU,F,Mig´s…)

Its just mimimi, engkand had to wait for yers to get the grippen. They dont have a option. Why france got the f16´s while having mirrages and a rafael is beyond me. Again who ever is making the decision has no cloue.

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What are you energy fighting in the ICE? You’re slower accelerating than all the jets at your BR so they can climb better than you, they all have better energy retention than you as well, so you don’t even have that going for. In spite of them being better at energy fighting they also out turn you better…and because like was mentioned these planes climb faster, and move faster than you, they get their missiles off first before you do meaning you have little to no time to get to your ideal height to fire these missiles and even take advantage of your good radar and weapons.

You are an 11.3 plane with 13.0 weapons, thrown up against 13.7s that have the same weapons, on better platforms.

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Personally, I think Swiss indigenous ground stuff should go to France, but I’m fine with air stuff going to Germany. I just want the Panzer 58/61 in game lol. Would also fill the hole from 9.7-11.7 with a Leopard 2A4.

benelux is better for france as they have a lot of indigenous french vehicles like the Jaguar EBRC

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sweden got the A variant as the same time as the SA Gripen was added with the C promised at a later date, at the time British top tier air was comedic at best, with the GR7 and tornado being at the top of the tree, Sweden was in a much better spot with the Draken and Viggen.

I do think countries should have a version of their export vehicles in their trees whether they actually used them or not as its still their vehicle design, could you imagine Germany without a leopard 2 or france without the Panhard AML as an example, however if an export of said vehicle is to be added it should be in a tree that relates closest to that country. Argentinian and swiss to Germany, British Commonwealth and colonies to Britain, south Asia to china and so on

man reminder that the ICE dosent get new engines, its the same acceleration and it wont outspeed even an F16A less even an F16C