Leak List

  1. The F/A-18 isnt hard confirmed keep your pants on
  2. Yeah you can be mad about no AA. Join the french players still waiting for a tech tree IFV

Tbh even if Germany gets it first. There is no reason to get so worked up over it… youre gonna get one likely the update after, its going to be better, and this is the shortest update of the cycle. So its really not that bad, some people treat this game like if theyre actually gonna die.

Edit: As much as i hate the suffers meme. Their air has actually been suffering, give them their tiny dub for the next month lol

Germany if fleshed out enough it doesn’t need a subtree. Swiss subtree shoulda gone to britain tbh

How can you say something so incorrect so confidently…

German Ground certainly didnt need a sub tree no. But air? Absolutely, German Air is fucking tragic and no amount of “fleshing out” will fix that. The German Air force basically had nothing going for them.

America didn’t got the best first F-15A, it was the Japanese. And the airframe itself wasn’t dominant at all, it fit into top tier and was forcefully labeled as a top dog while lacking HMD and a SARH with a better tracking method.
America didn’t got the best first F-16A for CAP. It was again the Japanese.
America only got their improved variants as F-15C, F-16C —and with the noticeable exception of the F-14A— to be serious meta contenders even if you ignore the utter R-27ER dominance.

It’s time to settle that hoax.


I will say this, gib the Panzer 68 and leo 140 and thats all id want from the swiss ground wise.

Well technically China got the best F-16A. The AJ came later, but point taken.

However in this regard the Swiss one has actual limitations the US one doesnt.

Which is fine imho. The US doesn’t need to have the best variant of its airframes. That is the nature of other countries getting them decades after the US has had them in service. They get the benefit of additional tech advances or doctrine shifts. What is not fine is when other countries get mass produced, US built, US service vehicles before the the US tree.

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adding more copy paste doesn’t help.

I’m not saying anything otherwise, im just debunking the hoax that ‘America always gets the best variants of their own platforms’, Gaijin does the same with Russia to some lesser extent.

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Except it does help germany… im certain every german main would gladly take an F-18 “copy paste” as opposed to being stuck with the ICE until the Typhoon

Edit: this copy paste argument genuinely pisses me the fuck off.

  1. Multiple nations have operated the same vehicle.
  2. If a nation used a vehicle they should get it regardless of if it exists in another tree or if someone else made it. Its part of that countries history. Why the stupid gatekeeping
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Oh their turns coming fast with China finally stepping out of their shadow. Theyre gonna hate it

You have a really good future in comedy with jokes like that!

Whats the joke? Chinese jet variants after the J-11B absolutely slaughter Russian equivalents

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nations like france get copy past because they didn’t develop enough tanks to fill out their mid tier.

There’s no point in WT having separate nations if they all get the same vehicles


Why does it need to be leased? The F18 isn’t even used be Germany. The US should just be given German SPAA to fill its gaps.

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Ah, thought you meant compared to American jets lmao

Why did I expect people to actually read through the thread?

Oh, I dunno, maybe Switzerland is going to become Germany’s sub-tree, and the Swiss actually operate the F/A-18C? Curious.

On the other hand, can I receive the evidence that US actually leased a FlaRakRad from Germany now?

there’s no point in having a game if it’s only gonna have 4 playable nations.

The anti-copy paste argument is stupid, childish, and illogical. It’s purely done by nation mains, to try to gatekeep other nations from gear they rightfully had.

Edit: Not to mention people will call anything a copy paste, even if it’s a heavily modified variant.


surely a germanic country in the UK because yes


a black and white drawing of a funny face with a slight smile on its face .