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There is no point in arguing over this anymore. We will see what the devs decide and who gets to tell who to eat shit.

So 2 NATO countries out of 8,wowwwwwwww
6 countries either have massive gaps or don’t have a proper Top Tier SPAA

No???the Osa has 4/6 missiles that are in no way comparable to the 95ya6, simply because they were made ling before that.
The Osa doesn’t have either an IRST or a TWS radar,IRL it can launch 2 missiles at a single target and that’s it.
No 30mm guns to help fight against vehicles
No thermals nor LRF or whatsoever.
The Osa will not be an equivalent to the Pantsir,not in this universe

One of the most legendary ships=event.
Got it,the “source:my cousin” never fails to make me chuckle

You should be a lawyer,with these claims you’ll never lose a trial

Having the only 2 heavies in the line being locked behind a paywall=non issue

Again with the lawyer stuff

Same thing with the autocannon stuff,dude if you’re bored don’t ever write since you can’t even make a mediocre argument

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The NATO SPAA issue does have… a reason, albeit one i think gaijin should make a statement on.

To put it simply Russia and China kept investing in more advanced single vehicle AA platforms whilst NATO quickly transitioned to multi vehicle systems. Which Id imagine would require some loopholes to design.

Id imagine the build mechanic theyve talked about could segway into this

My brother in Christ there are plenty of experimental SPAA that NATO made and then scrapped because of budget and doctrine, don’t try to play the card of the doctrines because it that’s the case,any jet that is not made in Europe,Japan or USA should fall automatically from the sky and every statistics of every NATO jet should be dramatically buffed to meet the realistical standard.

And trust me,the saying “Peace through superior firepower” is not a myth,so for the sake of this game let NATO countries have their experimental SPAA

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Both have 15km range and are low kill probability against high speed manoeuvring targets, purely performance wise the missiles are identical so until we get ECM they’re pretty much equivalent to eachover

Its a SPAA at 10.0+ guns dont matter outside of killing the dumb american pilots who insist on using guns

It has a radar and missiles there is no situation in which it will ever need a laser rangefinder and thermals

The de moines sister Newport News was an incredibly well known ship yet that was an event and so was le triomphant and SMS Baden which is a well known unique Dreadnought, again i dont know why you’re taking a gaijin employees words at face value

Yeah how is it an issue if you wanna play a kv-1 go play the soviets

And 90% weren’t built there just isnt that many systems they can add for NATO that arent multi vehicle at high tier the only one i can think off outside of skyranger is the stryker with hellfires


In response to this, I will merely copy what I posted in another thread. For US alone, there is…

5.3-5.7: M114A2. 20mm Hispano-Suiza autocannon, similar to SUB-I-II and AMX-10P.


6.0-6.4: M113A1 (Unknown variant). 3x 20mm Hispano-Suiza autocannons.

6.7-7.0: XM163 Close Support. Version of the M163 without radar, uncommonly deployed in Vietnam.

8.3: General Dynamics XM246. 2x 35mm cannons, same as Gepard/Type87SPAAG/Itspv but on an M48 chassis.


9.3-9.7: AN/TWQ-1 Avenger. 4-8x Stingers and an FN M3P .50cal on a Humvee chassis.


11.7 or above: HMMWV SLAMRAAM. 4x AIM-120 with possibility of mounting 2x AIM-9X as well on HMMWV chassis.


Quiz:one of them has more G overload (thus is more agile),has more speed and brings 12 of them instead of 4-6, let’s see if you answer correctly which one is which

Uhhhh self defense?killing low flyers that are too fast to be intercepted by a missile? shooting down helicopter without giving them the RWR warning?no?okay,i guess you don’t play ground

Yep,you just confirmed that you don’t play ground,or you play it blindfolded

So, according to this logic, everything is permitted?ok

You hear it,guys? let’s remove every vehicle that was either captured or bought by another country because,according to Lyn Poster,every vehicle should only be played inside their original country.

Remove every T-34, Stug, Panzer,T-54,BMP,Leopard and Centurion because Lyn Poster said so


Called SHORAD-M, apparently you’re unable to know what you’re talking about,mhmh.

What about the Mauler?the XM246?The M247 competitor with the GAU-8?the T77?the T249 Vigilante (both versions)?the SLAMRAAM?

All of these vehicles,and more, can be added to fill all the holes the US line has,from Tier III all the way to Top Tier


Honestly, the way Des Moines and Newport News were/are handled is an absolute mind-boggler

First, they release Newport News as an event vehicle which is pretty alright (aside from the critical weakspot being above the waterline due to Gaijin’s confusing use of that as a “balancing tool”). The skin they bring with it has a helipad, but no recon Heli…

Then, they release Des Moines as a prem which has an ever better, heavier AA suite with pretty much no downsides. Same BR, somehow.

As for Salem, the third ship of the class that (barely) survives to this day as a museum ship? For some reason, Gaijin doesn’t want to copy paste her to the TT even though it’d be comparably easy, and if they do add her I’m willing to bet it will be in the (worse) 70s refit…


G overload doesn’t mean anything its fin AOA and wing area that matters for agility both the OSA and Pantsir missiles would be similar in pull capability i dont think ive ever seen a pantsir missile actually pull the whole 32G and theres not many planes that can pull more than 14g while carrying a weapon load in the first place

If some guy is within gun range thats on you also that probably wont happen you’ll probably of been killed by a maverick long before

The OSA has an optical track mode you dont need to give an RWR ping it uses RFCLOS not SARH

No you’re just being stupid please tell me in which scenario a SPAA that has a radar and missiles only will ever need a rangefinder or thermals

Logical fallacy my beloved

Its a stryker will hellfires youre being pedantic

This is incredibly ironic im sorry i just had to.

I think the main issue is that there’s no point I artificially delaying it for the US. Like adding it to both US and Germany won’t change anything and it’ll fix German top tier aviation while also not pissing off people who play the US. It’s really not that complicated


Im more surprised by the fact that i stated that high tier nato AA would be hard to add due to a multitude of factors including the shift to multi platform systems.

Then the responses were to add

  1. A bunch of prototypes that while im all for, they dont help top tier they just plug the holes in the US tree (which im for but it wasnt what i was even arguing for)

  2. The SLAMRAAM which outperforms all current AA to a comedic amount, like to a fucking ridiculous degree.

I too want better AA, because i am sick of aircraft. However i dont want rushed AA nor do I want AA that are unbalanced.

Oh no someone found my ground stats, seriously after i got to realistic i never went back to arcade lol. I feel most players arcade stats look like this

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I was gonna say this too stuff like the M247 With the 35mm or the Mauler or vigilante only plug holes around the 8.3/10.0 area its not like they’re going to even shoot down a skyhawk dropping walleyes

You’re trying to argue with someone that is ignorant,toxic and has anti Us policy.

I would advice not to waste your time with him.

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Physics class=A+

Just go look at the differences between the 9K33M3 and the 95ya6 in terms of speed and fins,you’ll be surprised to see how you are wrong

So,a jet sees a RWR ping of a SPAA,decides to fly level to the ground to evade the radar so that it can sneak up to the enemies,and if that happens (a jet exploiting a physical limitation of radars) then it’s your fault???are you like,trolling or what?

You…you do know what RFCLOS means right?the optical tracking was not made to evade RWRs,it was made to help tracking targets through difficult weather. RFCLOS will trigger the RWR no matter what,do you know what RF stands for?

You literally wrote that if you want to play a KV-1 it’s your problem and you should play USSR,this thing makes absolutely 0 sense.
Finland used KV-1s during the war,this means that the tree must not have it because Finland is not the USSR?

It’s called SHORAD-M,you either learn the names of what you’re talking or you don’t talk

My first vehicle has singlehandedly more kills than all of your ground vehicles combined.
So no,you don’t play ground

No US SPAA and Germany gets the F/A-18 before US?
