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ofc it doesnt embed

They should bring back the emoji reactions.

so you can keep spamming confused reaction, no

There’s an old saying, what is it? I think it’s something like : “don’t try to argue with stupidity. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Come back to reality dude. This response is absurd. Sounds like a skill issue at this point.

Not that you’re wrong, I do want American to get shit. You know, that shit that Switzerland has that only makes this entire discussion relevant because without the U.S. jets there’d be no gap filler lmfao.

Like I said, reality, join us again when you feel like it.

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I’m not the one saying Germany is even close to good currently, y’all are… So that’s not a skill issue on my part lol. Germany is currently being carried by 1 tank, a tank that 2 better nations have.

How threatening, i got almost averted into posting again.

As if winrates were such a minuscule stat that doesn’t affect the most basic mechanic of the game like research speed (it does icymi).

LOL. LMAO. You guys mock so much on american mains, yet the victim complex is astonishing. You CANT say Germany is below Italy, even with their new Leo2A7. Arietes are still a heavy burden.

I’ll tell you the same thing anyone tells to americans when they complain about the Abrams tanks: from 2A5 to PSO, play hull down positions and notice how immortal you are. Disagree? Skill issue.

I give up on this comment, if this is the line of thought of Germans, you guys really need a reality check, moreso than even the most deluded US mains.


So then you agree with what other say… You only need 1 OP tank in your lineup.

So it is a skill issue after all. No worries, I don’t need to respond anymore.


Eh, abrams is very very easy to kill even when hull down.

What did I say? It was me who said it, or a paraphrase?

How can you fit an entire circus in your clown car?



It’s why I literally won’t response to him any further. It’s literally a skill issue as evidenced … by … well look lol

  1. Let me put it in big letters so you can read it. I DO NOT PLAY GERMANY, my most played nations in the game are the U.S., France, and China in that order. I find the leopards to be boring.

  2. Win rates are a miniscule stat to compare by for several reasons. (firstly we don’t have a concrete way to get the accurate win rates, we can only generalize off of what data project gathers. secondly some nations are matchmade together in such a way that they’re rarely on the same team which can heavily sway things. Third smaller player count nations such as italy have amazing win rates, you wont hear me saying they’re the best nation in the game despite that)

  3. I can confidently say Germany is below Italy at current (as Italy is one of my favorite nations). Yes the AMV is a heavy burden, but between the Centauro 120 and the 2A7V, you’re spending most of the game in either of those or in your Jets/Heli, with the AMV being a last minute back-up when shit just goes horribly wrong, in which case while being the worst top tier MBT a competent player can do well in it.

  4. Japan I would put below Germany and that is more in part to Japan just not having much. Their Heli is one of if not the worst in Top tier, their CAS is the 2nd worst in the game, their AA lacks the range to compete, and the Type 90/10s just don’t have the gun handling despite their amazing reload. Germany does in this instance beat Japan (barely) due to the flexibility of their MBTs, their AA, their Heli, and the power of the 2A7 in this regard.

I can break down vehicle by vehicle stat by stat why those 6 nations I mentioned are superior to Germany if need be. But the point is, I don’t main them, I don’t feel sympathy for the players, but I recognize when a nation is in a bad spot.

Russia and Sweden are definitely in better state than Germany but Italy, hell nah.
Germany has better heli, same best tank but a lot more good tanks, better SAM (well Italy dont even have one) and overall more beefed lineup.

You have to understand that you must ignore all that. Germany isn’t the best in air, so it objectively worse than Italy because of this one area. Pay attention

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Germany’s only meaningful advantages over Italy is.

  • more MBTs
  • their AA (which in the current game environment most AA don’t even fucking matter when most CAS outranges them, but I still count them)

Italy meanwhile by comparison has

  • Better supporting vehicles (the Centauro 120 is a wheeled Abrams by all regards, and the IFVs are leagues ahead of Germany’s.
  • A better Air superiority fighter (that is multirole capable)
  • A better Strike fighter
  • Their heli’s are honestly on par from my time playing both of them.

Air matters more in top tier ground, than tanks do unfortunately. While I wish that wasn’t true. It’s better to have 2 good tanks, and amazing air power, than it is to have 4 good tanks and no air power.

yes, it top 2

how much errors in word hungary.

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