Leak List

True but you get the point.

I tried so hard to not respond to you… but this Dreamworks™️ straight to DVD fantasy film just drew me in too hard.

So first you list how Germany is better. Then we stray away from “facts” and head right to anecdotal evidence to dissuade anyone from the almightys Opinion.

Opinions such as:

-“the centuaros are just wheeled Abrams”
You know… except for eveything but… well, actually what is the but… speed?

As well as:

So then why do the 2 nations with the best CAS and CAP perform as a whole the way they do.

Both cant be true. So go ahead and add it up and let me know how you math’ed it out.

Or are we gonna jump to skill issue. That same skill issue which obviously doesn’t affect Germany, for Germany it’s all the tools fault, not the carpenter.

The centauro has the mobility, gun handling, firepower, reload, and optics.

The only thing it doesnt have is the armor which, the Abrams doesnt exactly have either

Having more capable tanks is a lot better than having wheeled td’s.

Most cas still flies in range of SAM, hasnt been much of a problem.

Whats so good about centauros anyway? Every time they shoot at me, my armour tanks it and when I look even remotely at it, they go poof.

Thats player error not vehicle error.

If i based my arguments off user error id say the 2a7 was one of the worst tanks in the game because half the people in it eat straight glue.

The Centauro 120 is one of the most mobile vehicles at top tier, boasts the all around 3rd best dart in the game due to spalling, a 5 second reload, amazing optics, and great GH. It is actually a wheeled MBT without the armor.

Can’t you read, the man has spoken.

so then it actually … isnt an MBT.

Most top tier MBTs dont have relevant armor to begin with…

In fact only Russia, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and MAYBE China have an MBT with enough of an armor profile to be worth mentioning. The rest either are cardboard, or have galactic sized weakspots that everyone knows.

How far you want to move these goalposts?

Is it further or shorter than the relevant armored that Germany, Sweden and now Italy has?

So literally

checks notes

Half the nations in game?

I didnt move the goalpost. I compared the Centauro to the Abrams.

A tank with

  • comparable mobility
  • comparable firepower
  • the same rate of fire
  • comparable optics
  • worse armor

Because that armor is the only difference (and its not like the abrams has meaningful armor in most circumstances)

Still less than half the tanks at 11.7-

You’re right, that’s the probably main difference between an IFV and a MBT.

Thanks for understanding.

dude japan is much more below germany lacking more light tanks to fill lineups and their tanks being artificially nerfed aswell together with missing a lot of features, not only that but their cas its a tiny bit more decent with the F16AJ serving as CAS capable of carrying 6 AGM 65’s wich is pretty good but not the best without a thermal pod, the reload time is pretty nice but it still has a lot of armor holes and even missing mobility and some bit of armor

I hesitate to say “far below” germany because the Type 10s are just fucking weird. I personally dont like them due to their responsiveness being ass due to ther GH. But the Type 10s reload and firepower gives it a very unique ability to just rip an enemy team to shreds faster than any other tank out there.

While i personally will take a Leo over a Type 10, i wont ignore that the reload and firepower makes those tanks awkward to place.

yeah they are in an awkward place but rn japan suffers a similar problem of germany just that doubled with the fact the type 10 its a mess rn due to the poor modeling of the armor and incorrect mobility that unless gaijin puts the CVT transmission as a feature its gonna stay like that, the issue lies that japan is in a worse state not having any light tank past 9.7 and their spaa was nerfed by putting it at 11.3 when most of things have capacities to just outrange the type 81C with no issues, rn japan its in a much worse state and 1 MBT does not solve the issue japan has just like 1 MBT does not solve the issue germany has, i have very neutral opinions in regards to nations included to germany, ofc i have my bias with germany but that aint gonna blind me on what’s wrong and what’s right

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first thing, germany dosent suffer whatsoever in ground but it dosent hurt it to get some light tanks to go to top tier specially if they are interesting additions like the Boxer and PUMA S1, this dosent mean that just cuz they dont do bad in ground whatsoever they shouldnt be good in air either, germany in my opinion deserves the right to get a top tier plane to fill the lackluster air capacities at top tier wich are lack of a proper AMRAAM carrier and CAS wich tornado dosent really solve by just being able to throw some dumb bombs here and then when everything can kill you at close enough range

I recognize Japans glaring flaws. The reason i say its not much worse than Germany is because both nations have big trade offs.

The Type 10s despite how atrociously modeled they are, are uniquely potent vehicles that when given the opportunity can tear a team apart. The Type 16 despite its low BR is a very high tier capable light tank (not on the level of a Centauro or CV90120 but i digress). The Type 81 youre absolutely right about. But Japan makes up for those short comings by at least having the option to hop in a plane to clear out enemy air, or ground strike.

Much like Germany cant spawn a jet but they do have the UHT, and their SPAA can try to cushion the blow from no real air power (although Russia especially right now outranges every AA in the game with KH38s)

Funnily enough the ICE and Type 81 are very similar halves of the same issue. They dont perform at their ranks, but if the enemy puts themselves in a position where their downsides arent a problem theyre decently usable.

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i dont deny it the type 10 is an amazing vehicle in m my opinion, but its like i said its mostly the issues of lacking stuff like proper modeling, a new spaa or add already the ARH version, new light tank to go for top tier lineup fillers and, proper CAS on a similar levels to stuff like the F16C, but like i said nowhere close to germany state specially when im seeing a major lackluster in vehicles rn, but yeah a good TT in my opinion

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You have yet to provide a singular source on it not having any A2G capability. Unless specifically stated that the A2G capability has been removed it does not make sense to assume that it has been removed.

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But yeah my entire point is simply that. Germany only has its 4 MBTs and a Sub par AA to lean on, in an environment where 5 other nations just have all around better Ground lineups and Air lineups, and 1 nation (italy/hungary) holds their best ground vehicle, a very strong back up vehicle, and an actual air element to support them.

If we went back in time 3 years where air wasnt quite as decisive as it currently is in ground id change my stance. Issue is, Air literally controls ground right now between KH38s for Russia, and the ability to wipe out 4-6 tanks per pass in an F-16 for America/France

Edit: Ehhh i hesitate to say Sup par. Since the flak bus is still better than half the AA in the game. But the issue is everyone has something to outrange AA now except the damn pantsir