Leak List

Show evidence they can

get to it already lol

I mean there weren’t any insults or at least I read none.

It was more a heated argument but you are right. I shouldn’t care about his/her opinion in the first place

Ah, so it not having a laser targeting pod that’s required to use LGBs isn’t it “lacking targeting equipment”, or it lacking an IRST/IR camera to use Mavs?

Man, this display of yours is simply pitiful.

Show evidence they can

Now you’re trying to shift the burden of proof around, again, classic. Okay, so I take it we’re done here, right? You’ve already run out of nonsense to type after all.

Slipping your passive-agressiveness/mocking as ‘not insults’ is flabbergasting.



sarcasm is no insult. You are throwing expressions like extorsion around, which just was funny to me

Mate it’s a video game. You and me wont change what gaijin does either way

You liked this post including extorsion at the end.

But guess what: Jecka holds the same position as yours, so it’s not fun.
Speaking of hypocrisy.

I think everyone agrees to this compromise.
If USSR can get this one below. Than China can get the Swiss F/A-18C.
images (6)

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I agree with the first part about being defensive.

I disagree about extortion there aswell.

It’s just funny because nobody here holds any power what will get added. There cannot literally be extorsion. Neither would it if we could vote to add things, because it’s still a game

They use the gun in A2G mode, is that enough proof? There is no evidence that the A2G was removed, the systems used to use the gun in A2G is likely the same system that other A2G ordnance uses. Lets also not forget the targeting pods used by swiss F/A-18C.

If I can’t change their opinion about something they won’t change their opinion about in the first place…what else do I have to do?

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Aren’t you special.

1.) you dont need a TGP to drop LGBs, you can have numerous other sources designate for you when you drop. You dont even need a laser spot tracker! Just good enough communication and navigation equipment to drop at the right time in the right place. And it doesnt even have to worry about that, it has a multimode radar which, at least on actual A2G equipped variants, is capable of setting up a targetting point of CCRP releases.

  1. You dont need a camera at all for mavs! Just like every other EO weapon they are literally a camera themselves.

3.what you do need for both is the aircraft to have the correct OFP(software) and wiring(hardware) to use them. Which neither you nor anyone else on this forum has proved exists on Swiss F-18s. All the evidence is to the contrary given the swiss have said it would be too expensive to integrate. Meaning they lack either one or both requirements.


That means diddly squat.

They purchased TGPs to aid in their A2A mission, not for an A2G capability they dont have.

the ariete is FAR worse than the Challenger 2 is the difference. The gap between the CR2 and 2A7V is the same gap between the Ariete and the CR2.

So once again, your comparison is just wrong.

Come back to reality please, we’d love to have ya.

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dude you are not helping the reputation of U.S. mains. You’ve already disproven your argument and are now just grasping at straws because you know you’re wrong.

Germany isn’t even in the top 5 for Ground battles currently and they’re the worst overall for air. They should get a buff, without needing to “buff” another nation and you’ve proven that you don’t even actually believe that stupid argument you just want America to get shit too.



I swear if you bring up win rates I will slap you, because win rates don’t prove shit.

Vehicle quality wise, Germany overall in ground RB is below Sweden, France, China, Russia, and America, and Italy. The only advantage it has over any of the ones above being its 1 meta MBT. Everything else the other nations either have better, or the trade offs are far better.

Japan is barely beneath Germany and that’s purely due to their CAS not being great, but being far better than Germanys however the GH on the Type 10s is just ass and their AA is worse. Israel and Britain are self explanatory, despite their excellent air power, their ground lineups have no flexibility and their MBTs are worse than Germany’s.

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