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american mains not being able to understand what “not confirmed” means

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worse than german tanks, still more than usable. Unlike German air by comparison.

Not worse, almost the worst.

So comparatively your air would be in the same place as Britain’s ground, no?

Sounds like balance to me.


what are yall fighting about now?


also i just saw this


Let me be clear.

Sure, German players gain a lot from receiving the Hornet.

But German players do not gain from having the Hornet be exclusive to them. That is anti-player BS.

You said yourself that the F/A-18 wouldn’t be any better than the F-15C, and I agree!

So then what does German players have to gain by it being exclusive? Tell me that? It’s not like this vehicle will turn the tide and provide a unprecedented advantage for Germany. No it will just even the playing field a bit more.

My guess is that a sad minority of german players are out for bragging rights and derive toxic pleasure from denying this vehicle to other operator nations.


sounds like you don’t understand how to compare vehicles.

Compare a Challenger 2 to a Leopard 2.
The Leo is faster, has better gun handling, better firepower, a worse reload (barely), and better armor.

But the Challenger 2 is fully capable of fighting the Leo head on and vice versa. It’s a small uphill fight, but it can do so with ease still.

Now try fighting an F-15C with an F-4F ICE… He is essentially untouchable in every regard by you, can keep you from being able to fight back at all.

this is why your comparison holds no weight.

where? Is this real?

in a dc server idk seems pretty good though

German players gain what a lot of nations gain at different points of the year. A feeling of exclusivity however short lived. That’s why the Hungarian gripen got unique mavericks at it’s launch, then they were given to the rest. That’s why italy got the AV-8B before anyone else. That’s why they got the Lynx (looking back Italy got a lot of exclusive “firsts”)

The feeling of exclusivity and feeling like you actually “care” about those players, which german air players are sorely lacking right now. I do not speak for toxic german mains they can rot in hell, but I acknowledge that just a little exclusivity however short lived would benefit them.


apparently the missles on the wiss one will be a lot weaker. The US F-18 will be a lot stronger

from Schindibee

Wouldnt the AIM-9P-5 be an AIM-9P with the seeker and IRCCM of the AIM-9M?
Close, but with much inferior speed and agility.

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From what I know, the AIM-9P-5 should be pretty similar to AIM-9M

The history of the P (export) sidewinders is neatly summed up here:

ah sry wrong quote

also shoutout to you discrediting your own argument in spectacular fashion.

You argued Germany should not see a buff to their air as their ground is dominant because “balance” (stupid argument)
But now your stance is “well it’s ok so long as America gets it”

which means, you don’t actually care about the shitty balance argument, so long as your favorite nation benefits.

someone fill me in on this convo so i can say something completly not needed

there now seems like the p-5 will be slower and less agile


  • people mad that Germany MIGHT get the F/A-18 first
  • lot of stupid arguments being made against the addition

the us doesnt need an f18 keep coping freeaboos you aint getting it


prime example