K2 Black Panther GF - In Germany Tech tree

so you were trolling after all

Guy woke up and chose violence

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Yep I mean how can anyone can have that mind set is behond ridiculous.

looks at previous PM

Now you’re just being outright provocative.

Also, if you’re really sure, go look at my history. I can tell you now I argued strongly against the Bhishma being added on its announcement.

Also, https://youtu.be/XILGnOvyVJQ?si=zFnE_ch0CCpSoTdG

Genuinely stop with your takes, they’re that bad

this is not a proper way to speak to other people, young man.

Be polite

Sorry I must be imagining that comment… or any of the not very well disguised accusations of trolling and obstructing.

Also, for the record, British high tier Squadron tank options / Petition to NOT add T-90S to Britain - #53 by Firestarter

Yeah, I didn’t want the Bhishma.
You’ll also find a good 700-800 comments on that thread, the vast majority of them asking why we got a Bhishma, as opposed to bug fixes for the Challengers, or if it couldn’t be British, why it couldn’t be a unique, sensible vehicle that bears some relation to Britain’s defence industry (Vickers MBT, Osorio, CVR(T)s?)

Maybe educate yourself first before you suggest we wanted the Bhishma. The vast majority of comments on that thread suggested otherwise

Perhaps drop the condescending tone and then people might also treat you with some respect… treat people how you want to be treated.

Oh, and use actual factual content. Thus far all your claims have been baseless and mere theatricals. You’ve managed (somehow?) to get basic facts about the Prime Minister of the UK, which can be easily found and verified, wrong.

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Actually, you should drop the condescending tone here. It is YOU who actually disrespects me here. You are condescending with comments like:



I have asked you earlier, and i shall ask you again: Be polite. Try treating people how you want to be treated.

Then we all can grow as human beings

I’m fine with being accused of being “mean” or “condescending” - if you don’t like it when people call you out on being wrong, then I might suggest you don’t say anything

Thus far I have pointed out that you can’t seem to get basic facts about the Governance of the United Kingdom right (apart from anything else you’ve broken a rule of the forum by getting overtly political)

And have then made an assertion about all British players liking Indian vehicles in the British Tech Tree, which I have refuted. You refuse to consider the possibility that your belief might be wrong, and when you got hauled up on it by not one, not two, but three people, you then threw your toys out the cot.

Stop playing victim, accept that you might, in fact, have been wrong, and move on.

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I see you are still interested in shitposting rather than factual discussion.

Please, stick to the topic and use arguments. There is no need for your shitposting and insults.

Gordon bloody bennet would you lot drop it. This is so far of topic it beggars belief


Sorry about the mess seems like people have strange view point and auto ties them to Politics for some reason

UK players liked the T-90? I’m sorry? (Heck you had the thread that every active UK player on the WT forums comment on it and it was all anti-T90 for UK)

I haven’t seen one UK player want India(If anything they are all more willing to hand them away), they want their domestic stuff and if that is not possible then they would rather have stuff from Canada and the ANZACs than India and ZA.


Hint, take it. Drop the off topic mumbo jumbo and get back on topic before i have to haul a proper mod in here.


Yeah, go for it, bring a “proper mod”, let them clean the topic of those whiners

Will do I’ve should of seen it a bait and will drop it now.

Best advice I can give you for the future is if you see something like this stop feeding it.

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Yep all I can say is I put my hand up and apologies more my part in this mess.

@TerikG2014 Though I still advice you to send a clean up crew in here

Nice thread, but we all know our stuff will end up in Italian, Swedish or French TT.

I mean sub nations are called nations for a reason.

Btw you might want to take a look at this

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