K2 Black Panther GF - In Germany Tech tree

K1 =/= K2
K2 is fully domestic


Yeah I am aware they’re different but even surface level the K2 is loosely based on K1 iirc which is definitely based on Abrams.

I don’t think America should get it i think its best kept for a korean tree but if anyone had to get it i think america has the strongest claim.

K2 I believe was based on a concept of the Leopard 2, I could be wrong, but I read that when researching it.

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Idek anymore.

Simple solution, give Korea the Korean tank


man K1 was based on the tech of the abrams and the K2 its completely domestic


So why should German take Polish vehicle for granted?

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To be fair it wasn’t “taken away”, Germany willingly sold it.

It’s not even away either since Germany can still very mich get all of the Leopard 2s they could if nobody bought it. If anything they might have made less if there was no interest from export customers.

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id much rather share this with the french…

K2 should Go to Japan.
I had to.
Joke ok guys.


There is not really even any ‘German-related’ stuff with South Korea’s indigenous-built K2 Black Panther MBT. (aside from maybe the MTU MT883 Ka-500 diesel 1500 HP engine and RENK HSWL 295TM transmission for the first K2 batches that came out). Even the 120mm smoothbore CN08 cannon for the K2 was developed by the Agency for Defense Development and Hyundai WIA, not fully by Rheinmetall as some may think.

The autoloader however does seem very reminiscent in design of that of the French Leclerc’s autoloader. Straight from the Koreans themselves “We really loved the Leclerc, we began making our own Leclerc, and now we will surpass the Leclerc.”

It’s also worth noting that the South Korean K2 was designed with regards to similar circumstances to the Japanese Type 10 with its place of origin (mainly mountainous areas and grassy hills of Korea) along with hydropneumatic suspension to adjust for slopes and differing terrain. The MBT overall weighs nearly ~10 tons less than that of the Leopard 2 and Abrams which is crazy.

A really interesting and unique advanced MBT that will probably be very good honestly if added to the game.


we were making a joke of it wasnt really serious

I love the K2, something about it.

Korea’s current designs are absolutely incredible, of course some of it is to do with the fact that their military budget is huge but even so they produce great results often below the budgets of other vehicles in their class.

I’m not even Korean but when we get a Korean tree I will drop everything and RUN to grind Korea.

the tank would most likely go to the nation that is their main ally.

its crazy you want a tanks in the german tech tree that doesn’t have anything at all to do with germany.

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i mean, same situation as leo 2a4m can for uk

germany was not involved in the development of the k2

Ik, i was just saying that if they 2PL in specific was added to wt it would make most sense to go to germany but still it won’t come to Germany it’s rather obvious just take the time to read what i said

To be honest I don’t agree that K-2 should be in German TT it had nothing to do with German but in returns Newer variant of Leopard should be only in German TT only but since logic of vehicles to put to the game are changed so i’ll only guess


Ye i agree, K2 has nothing to do Even if it’s polish variant, has no fit in any current TT as of rn

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And everybody is ok with T90 in british tree, because yeah, logic and consistency 😒