Japanese Weapons Master Thread


The US captured and evaluated all sorts of Japanese planes, including the more advanced types. Now some US main would probably ask for them to be included as part of a premium, but that would be pretty lame. I hope Gaijin does not do this.


I see, so, if somewhen it will be realised in game, this docs should be useful

I want more camouflages like these.



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Did you guys know that the TT German He 112 V-5 has a unlockable Japanese Skin?

The German one?

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My report about AAM-3 for Gaijin wish me luck…

everyone feel free to take use of all the information I had gathered in the process, it took 2 months to filter through almost 8 books to find something useful


Awesome work 07

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Absolute astonishing work great job dude

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This was posted in the F-15J thread which actually says it has IR+UV if you haven’t added this pic yet it could also be useful…

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you are right, 誘導方式は赤外線+紫外線誘導方式 = “The guidance method is an infrared + ultraviolet guidance method.” it will be the best if you post this image and the JP and EN text with it in the comment section of my report because I do not have any info about from where is this picture etc, I will add it at the end of the report for now until your decision. It would be very helpfull, thank you for this image too

I think they may just add these as suggestions. I remember seeing the BTT being mentioned as a suggestion in a different report about the maneuverability.

Dual imaging IR+UV seekers aren’t in the game yet and currently the Type 91 and Type 81C are both suffering from this issue as well where they both are forced to lock in either.

The irccm type will need a more specific source that does say how it works because as it stands there’s the fov gate and shutoff atm both of which are okay for now but we need more types added first as well.

The only realistic upgrade we can see imo is the high offbore capability but we need very conclusive/undeniable evidence for the gimbal limits

I mean, with the way IR+UV seekers are currently modeled in the game, like on the Stinger, it’s quite possible they could just change the IRCCM to work the same way as the IRCCM works on the stinger, being FOV gating + shutoff.

I saw a picture of the Type 81(C) with an armoured cabin but never managed to find it again.
Does someone here by chance have it?

Is it this by any chance?
Screenshot 2023-10-21 014306

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I don’t entirely recall what it looked like, but any such images are nice!
Trying to show a Japanese fan friend of mine that the Japanese have some light armour as an option :D


Type 91 and Type 81C are not using IR+UV, the second homing mechanism is visible spectrum image homing. The secondary UV channel for IR+UV is a secondary discrimination channel, as it looks for a difference in the background UV of the sky; a decreased radiosity in the UV spectrum would indicate the presence of an object, thus, looking for the UV “shadow” of the target.

Image homing/photocontrast as we see on Type 91 and Type 81C are strictly visible spectrum, using a Si CCD and image recognition software to distinguish the target shape. Consequently, the missile can operate either in an IR or visible band image mode.


oh hello there, speaking of CCD what are they actually doing, incase of the locking for the missile
because right now type 81 nad 93 is practiacally the same as strela in visible light locking mode.

I’m not certain what specific technology Strela uses, but photocontrast/image homing are both in the visible spectrum as far as I am aware, and given that Strela’s photocontrast mode has less range than the Type 81 and Type 91 in-game, I would assume they are more or less just emulating the generational gap between the systems.

so i guess CCD is just another way of lock for the missile huh?
i was hoping the type 81 and 93 having CCD and newer stuff is making the ground/back-ground interference not a thing or just ignore them, they are really annoying thing to deal with.