Japanese Weapons Master Thread

Isnt this a Japanese Type-75 MLRS?
If yes, it shows the vehicle with a bulldozer and smoke grenades.



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Nice camouflage!


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That is a Type 92 mine clearance vehicle. It launches a mine-clearing rocket that trails a wire with explosives. When the wire lands across a minefield, the detonation is designed to clear a path through a minefield.


oh, i didn’t know. Thanks for the info!
Looks can be deceiving.
I have deleted the one on the game discussion, just to make sure i won’t spread misinformation.

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Such a beautiful tank isn’t it.


@Optical_Ilyushin This is a replica Hien Type 3 Type 1 Fighter〈Ki61-1 Ko〉, do you know if the old ones could carry fuel tanks as well?





Japanese WWII helicopter.



Yes they could

Ki-61 at Clark Field in 1945. The replica aircraft appears to be keeping faithful in full to the original aircraft.


@Optical_Ilyushin I was just watching a little documentary on youtube about the Shiden-KAI, and they talk about automatic combat flaps.

How would that be implemented ingame?



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I’m not sure if it will be, it wouldn’t be of much use to WT players since we push the planes to their theoretical limits and don’t have to worry about stressing the airframe.

Also @Fireraid233 , looks like you started another thread! Doing the good work :)

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The F-15 currently has automatic flaps that retract when they are about to rip. They also stay out as far as they can without damage whenever possible.

I believe this is tied to your flap setting, giving them a maximum value. So retracted flaps don’t actuate, combat flaps don’t go past combat setting and landing flaps lets them extend all the way.

I did wonder what that would mean for aircraft like the J7W and N1Ks that had automatic flaps as well. It would be very interesting to see such systems added to more aircraft.

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Speaking of the J7W, I believe Gaijin has not modelled the canards correctly as well

To my knowledge, such a feature would need to be suggested. This appears to be a distinct feature separate from blow-out flaps, as it’s not simply a method of preventing flaps from being ripped off, but actively adjusting for a given G load, a feature currently not present in the game to my knowledge.

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Since when did America capture a N1K1 Reppu?

At 08:55




What a weird camouflage pattern

A three seater?

at 01:39



Probably something like this camo patterns


Nakajima Ki43 Hayabusa (Oscar)(46+) Page 11-960

B5N, B6N, C6N was 3 crew one engine planes. Here is B6N I think


i want the real japanese cammo pattern in wt not the one a colorblind person saw and put ingame

Especially for really famous/popular planes, not 4 camo for Ki-45)

i was thinking more of the bicolor ground forces cammo

I hope something new will be added
Anyway, have you found any interesting in any doc?

found a few stuff in my docs like some unknown stuff about missiles mostly anti ship missiles and even a new one being developed but nothing really new, altough i found something interesting about AAM-3 up to AAM-5, they have directional warhead that instead of making an explosion like a normal missile it can actually direct a warhead explosion to the target