Is fire-and-eject illegal?

I was specifically talking about getting bombed 20m away from your spawn, is that spawn camping as well ?

How do you feel about getting killed on your way to a cap, is it fair or not ?

They don’t just teleport right in front of your spawn.
Letting the enemy reach your spawn unnoticed is a pretty big skill issue on the team’s part, especially with how tiny our maps generally are.

You can choose to spawn in your first vehicle and guard flanks yourself, it’s not rocket science.

Dude this isnt hard to figure out. Are you being killed in your spawn area? No? Then you arent being spawn camped.

Again, are you in your spawn? No? then you arent being spawn camped.

Really Sherlock? Who would have guessed. But hey, guess what, the person who has an easy opportunity to spawn camp can also choose not to.
Just because you have an open opportunity to rob a bank IRL doesnt mean its a good idea.

Its not rocket science to understand that you dont just magically appear in a location to guard your flank, you have to drive/fly there from the spawn. Which if you are being spawn camped is kinda hard to do when people are killing you before you have a chance to move.
And nobody is perfect, people do infact die on their first life and have to spawn again. That doesnt mean if they do die on their first life they shouldnt be able to play the game after that.

Dude, you can spin it, make excuses, anyway you like to make yourself feel good about being a dirty player, but spawn camping still makes you a dirty player.

Its ok though, we’ve all been there and done it, doesnt make it right/fair though.

Spawn area is a vague term.

Robbing anything is against the law, killing an enemy tank isn’t. This is a huge difference.
Why should anyone choose not to do something that grants them easy points in a grinding game ?

Being spawn camped is a git gud moment for the team as they obviously failed to protect the most important part of the map.
I know that people pushing around on the flanks and picking off unsuspecting enemies will make some people mad, but it is easily preventable by teams not falling into a lemming mentality.

That’s why you do it right from the start and not just you, but your team as well. Teams that fail to do that tend to get curb stomped few minutes into the game by a team that does just that.

You have spawn protection, no one is invulnerable so if he can shoot at you, you can shoot back at him.

You should actually thank people that spawn camp, as they’re obviously teaching you valuable lessons about map control and what happens when you adopt the lemming mentality.


If a player Js out, send them back to the hangar… no problem.

BUT in game, their plane should level out and pull up for 10 seconds… if someone kills them in that time, they get the full reward… BUT the other person gets nothing… no 135 points.

You can quit like a sad loser, or maybe get a small consolation… either way, you’ve probably lost a plane…

but maybe, just maybe you will survive the battle and kill the other guy.

(if they crash and are not blacked out/spinning the nearest person should get something… at least an assist… these losers will just fly into the ground instead of ejecting)

Seriously? Seriously? Spawn is literally not vague at all its 1 or 2 points on the map where your entire team starts from, Spawns dont happen randomly at any point on the map and are infact directly marked on the map for both teams to see.

Its just an example buddy, dont gag on it.
Just pointing out that just because you have an option to do a bad thing doesnt mean you have to.

Spawn campers need to “get gud” as well since they dont have any skills to find the enemy outside of where people spawn, and dont have the skills to kill them unless they cant move and dont have cover.

Describes you in this conversation.

Entire teams cant just drive around the outsides of maps trying to spawn camp each other which is exactly where this would lead.

Its not that hard for a spawn camper to sit in cover and wait till your protection ends, pop out and kill you. Thats how spawn camping works, as hard as your are defending it I figured you would know that.

Yes lets thank the people that make the game worse to play, that makes so much sense. Again with your “lemming” mentality

You are bound determined to defend your crappy, low skill, actions in anyway you can. No amount of logic will persuade you otherwise, which I guess I cant expect much from someone who cant spell good correctly.
If you and other players like you continue to have your way this game it will devolve to nothing but blank bowl shaped maps, spawns along the rim, and a free for all death match game type. Which we can already see Gaijin doing that since they removed the bombing of airfields from AB as a win condition and added jets to the game with fire and forget missiles that cant be countered except by one nation in GB.

I cant spoon feed you anymore dude. Even though I bet your are they type that drives straight for the enemies spawn, I bet you are also the first to leave your team when you are spawn camped.


My suggestions:
1, If someone J-out, just give a “kill” to the nearest enemy within 5km range or the last one, who hit the target. (I know its not really fair, but give some option against the J-out players)
2, Against spawn camp is simple solution, make better defense system (or larger territory) for defense. (it give more option for the attackers for destroy the defense systems and get points)
3, Give us “Manuever Kill”, in situation of close combat (with fair minimal time, like 30sec and distance, like 5km) if someone crash or J-out the plane, just give the kill to the nearest/longest close combat opponent.

Spawn points are not vague, spawn area is.
You can spawn at the edge and then get killed few meters outside the “area”. Using your logic this isn’t spawn camping.

Something is bad just because you don’t know how to counter it, got it.

Yet another incentive to watch your flanks in the start, as you’ll have easy kills against those skilless people. You’ll also protect your team from their tyrannical grasp.

You don’t need your entire team on a flank, just spreading out on the map is good enough.
I always laugh when I see 90% of my team sitting in the 10% of the map, while the other 10% of the team is getting clowned on at the remaining 90% of the map.

He isn’t invulnerable, if he can shoot at you, you can shoot back.

Worse to play until you learn how to properly spread out and counter that. They are actually making you better at the game and yet you’re mad.

So far I saw nothing but an angry rant from a guy that can’t counter skilless people doing their skilless tactics.

Yes, maps will get optimized for lemmings so they don’t get frustrated after getting killed by someone not directly in front of them.

Maps are getting simpler by the day, so it’s obvious that your average player can’t really put up with more than a few lanes, which is perfectly showcased by people leaving half of the already small maps open, getting spawn killed and malding about it.

These people who complaints about spawn camping also happen to be the type that would tell the enemy team to move back to a useless position after they secured the objective points lol


Another Example:


Match is still ongoing i will post the after action reward when its over
(i have however a Talisman on the F.3 which increases the RP gain and Prem Acc)



from 100k
you get a grand total of 2k sl for 6 respawns

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You aren’t allowed to outplay them, let alone challenge them from an angle that isn’t full frontal.

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RP looks decent to be honest but SL is lacking if you die a lot.

I got 84k SL for a 19-20 minute game with 9 kills and 2 caps. I’d say vast majority of that time was spent on active gameplay, be it shooting someone, repairing, capping, etc.
Did you monitor your activity as I’m genuinely curious how much time you lose for RTB and going back to the battle after dying ?

“But a personal opinion is that; if it isn’t already against the rules, it should be. If the sole purpose is to annoy the enemy and/or deny the enemy kills, it should go against the spirit of fair play”

So that means eliminating someone is against fair play, since you are denying the enemy of an elimination by eliminating them.
Having only a Premium or Squadron vehicle at top tier while being a low level player should also be considered against fair play since they bought their way instead of grinding. Plus, it annoys teammates since it’s one death and that’s it. They cost people the game by only having one life and leaving the game. Five minutes in, and majority of the team is gone. That’s annoying.
I guess bushes are also against fair play, since bush campers are annoying and you cannot really see ASUs or other small tanks with bushes.

See how the argument, “annoying teammates” goes for you? I get annoyed with German players at 5.7, does that mean every German player should be banned? It’s simple as that.

Forgot that I also had a 20% RP booster
So without Premium, Booster and Talisman it would be 9k for 46 min of battle which yes I decent but you can get more in RB in that time

Sadly not

For activity though - please keep in mind we’re talking sim, not ARB.

I don’t really fly missile jets except rarely so I cannot comment there, but for props you don’t really get “downtime” in a decently sized lobby.

You need to be constantly scanning the horizon for black dots, checking behind yourself, checking the map/chat to try and guess where enemies are. And on top, there’s controlling your plane - you cannot exactly alt tab and climb. Trim exists, but it’s not perfect and doesn’t have fine enough increments (trim 1% right - we’re rolling right slowly. Trim 1% left, we’re rolling left slowly.) to perfectly offset left-turning tendencies so you need to occasionally input left/right stick even in a straight line climb to keep level.

But most of it is in the spotting and searching and map awareness. I’ve got distracted before and had a P-47 promptly mow my plane down because I wasn’t checking behind myself often enough.


Problem with Sim is that it can last for a very long time, so balancing the rewards isn’t that simple.
It needs it’s own set of rules but I don’t think Gaijin is that interested in the game mode to try and work something out.

That being said, 12 kills with 6 deaths should give you more than a couple thousand SL though.

If you remember to measure it next time that would be great.

I wasn’t talking about the Gaijin’s version of the term activity, rather your activity as a human being if you get me.

How big is that decently sized lobby and what’s the max size ?

How much time does it take you to takeoff, fly and then engage someone that is let’s say in the general area of the middle of the map ?

8v8 is usually what I consider decent sized. 16v16 is the max.

That’s what I talked about. Flying a plane with sim controls, no markers requires a lot of unrewarded, but necessary and non-trivial activity.

You might call RTBing itself “inactive”, but chances are you’re fighting a plane that wants to spin out of control and constantly making corrections to stay steady because someone bit off your rudder and half your elevator.

As for how long?

Depends on what you call “engage.”

Spotting someone and moving into position to try and ambush them?

Assuming 8vs8 lobby and props flying at 350-450 km/h towards a known enemy position, I’d say 2-3 minutes

Chasing someone who has spotted you?

I’ve had matches where I took off right into chasing people around as the objectives had them on our side of the map. I’ve also had games where I took off, spent 6+ minutes chasing a black dot only to learn it was a friendly bomber refusing to communicate their position when the enemy team had the same bomber model.

Being within guns range?

Being-within guns range can take a long time. You can spot someone and it’s not until a good 2-3 minutes later you’ve opened fire on them as you were waiting to identify them as enemy beyond a doubt and get within ~300 meters.

In all seriousness,

Please grab a 3.0-5.3 propeller fighter aircraft and join a sicily/tunisia match with a 8v8 or 10v10 and see the effort:reward ratio for yourself.

The irony is that some of the players trying to discuss in any favor of J-ing out during have less than 100 battles at best in SIM BATTLES where this is the most prevalent. And let’s be real here this entire thread is a non sequitur for aircraft; any sort of action where you eject because you either:

  • Have no confidence in your aircraft or BFM abilities,
  • Fail to recognize your choices/actions that leave you open to being repeatedly engaged by other aircraft,
  • Or you think you’re being a great little troll by being problem talked about.

In SIM EC matches if someone is J-ing out when a missile is approaching or when they notice you flying to intercept, that is purely against fair play. End of story.

We know Ground maps are poorly ‘redesigned’ at best, but if your ground team completely collapses and gets spawn trapped don’t spawn and feed the cancer. But that is a whole different set of topics that need not be discussed here.

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