Date of introduction means nothing unfortunately. Soviet tech is 30 years behind NATO, so they need newer stuff to compete.
It is a shame just how handicapped they have to force nations to be in order to be “balanced” but rarely seem to apply the same rules to the soviets (IOG on the KH-38s for example is extremely OP and could be removed to better balance them, but they wont but they’ll totally remove any semblence of FnF from the Brimstone, heck they dont even give the Typhoon its historically accurate Brimstone 2/3s)
2A7 / 122 / BVM just hold W to the other sides spawn, Su34 + EF + Gripen is a devastating combination of CAS and CAP, and Pantsir is the only useful SPAA at top tier too.
It’s horrifically one sided. These 3 nations should be banned from being together. Literally the best of everything on a single side is nuts.
Problem is, a good 50-75% of people playing US top tier are doing so using a lineup exclusively consisting of premiums. We could give the actual top tier tech tree roster all the buffs in the world, and it’d change little as they make up such small portion of the team.
That’s not to say they shouldn’t fix modelling inaccuracies, they absolutely should. I just don’t see it fixing the winrates.
In fact, in reality, the developers have not yet introduced the Su-30SM/Su-35 (2012-2014) and MiG-35 with AESA into the game…so, on the contrary, everyone is doing everything to make France feel good…France Bias…