Introduction date Of Aircraft and Modern weapons

Date of introduction means nothing unfortunately. Soviet tech is 30 years behind NATO, so they need newer stuff to compete.

It is a shame just how handicapped they have to force nations to be in order to be “balanced” but rarely seem to apply the same rules to the soviets (IOG on the KH-38s for example is extremely OP and could be removed to better balance them, but they wont but they’ll totally remove any semblence of FnF from the Brimstone, heck they dont even give the Typhoon its historically accurate Brimstone 2/3s)

Lockheed doesn’t even make engines, and their aircraft use both PW and GE engines. I’m pretty sure it’s just a neat fact about the airplane

Why would Lockheed customers even bother looking at the F-22 page on their website?

I dont think ive won a single match against USSR at top tier for a couple of weeks.

Because they are interested in seeing what capabilities can be transferred into the plane they are purchasing. It’s called an upgrade program.

Aye, everytime it’s RU + GER + SWE.

2A7 / 122 / BVM just hold W to the other sides spawn, Su34 + EF + Gripen is a devastating combination of CAS and CAP, and Pantsir is the only useful SPAA at top tier too.

It’s horrifically one sided. These 3 nations should be banned from being together. Literally the best of everything on a single side is nuts.

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Already happened, it’s called the F-35, which has its own page on their site anyways.

Still ways better than most of tanks

raise max aircraft ground BR to 13.0, add SEPv3, add GBU-53, fix other abrams armor, M829A3, problem solved


Sure, but 2A7 / 122 are way better than them too.

Problem is, a good 50-75% of people playing US top tier are doing so using a lineup exclusively consisting of premiums. We could give the actual top tier tech tree roster all the buffs in the world, and it’d change little as they make up such small portion of the team.

That’s not to say they shouldn’t fix modelling inaccuracies, they absolutely should. I just don’t see it fixing the winrates.

(And pls no GBU53, that’d be game ruining lol)

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thats why raise aircraft in ground BR to 13.0, to dodge 11.7 premium spam

F-15I will get 28 SPICE-250 so wont be only the F-15E, Stormbreaker has been datamined (model only) too

Well tbh RU don’t deserve to be team with GER+SWE they are pretty fine on its own

I notice it’s often people deliberately making squads to bind these nations together, because they know as a trio it will yield exceptional winrates.

Idk how that can be prevented either. Maybe if they limited squads to only 2 different nations or something.

Fully mixed MM like air RB would make more balanced matches, at the cost of losing diversity between teams.

And turn this game into WoT like team?
NO!! ARB was bad enough already don’t force that idea into GRB

F-15 and T-2

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Throw in a Yak-38 for good measure

In a real war, judging by the number of nuclear weapons, several countries, including France, will be destroyed…

If anything, it is the opposite.

They are telling us that Russia needs current year stuff just to compete with 20 year old NATO equipment

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In fact, in reality, the developers have not yet introduced the Su-30SM/Su-35 (2012-2014) and MiG-35 with AESA into the game…so, on the contrary, everyone is doing everything to make France feel good…France Bias…