Introduction date Of Aircraft and Modern weapons

I know a ton of people claim Introduction date shouldn’t matter. I think it definitely would in terms of weapons Carried. For Example SU-34 was introduced in 2014 and T-80BVM, 2S38 is from 2023. While The challenger 3 is like 2022 yet its the worst challenger. F15E is an 80s Jet and SEPV2 is early 2000s. The UK got the Brimstones but they were HEAVILY Nerfed and the DEVs straight up said the US would never get AGM114Ls but Russia has it most Advanced ATGM? 🤔 I dont understand the logic of making other nations suffer

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Im confused what introduction date has to do with this, can you help me?


The US is doing anything but suffering in air.

Please tell me, why should it matter? How would that benefit all players? And how would balance be done?


M60 - 1959

Object 279 - 1960

Have fun with your “balance”.


No one is ‘suffering’ because of this.

The only people who get upset about this whole introduction date stuff, feel this way because they’re not being given unfair matchups to make others suffer.

Some stuff is ahead of its time. Some stuff is behind the times. It makes no sense to have such things dominate or suffer in game, based solely on the date they were built.

Russias stuff is generally more modern (date wise) for the simple fact that their country imploded & fragmented in ‘91, and it took a while after that fact to catch up again.

German mains call for it because they want to clown on shermans in their tiger, but don’t realize they will be facing Kv-1s and t-34s in their Panzer 2s and 3s.

US mains want it, but they don’t realize that many of their planes are more modern than they realize (due to upgrades and other stuff).


Same question to you especially with Russian win rate around 80% with wjay newer stuff in game lol

Su-34 2014 F15 1980s Russian bias balance

Mirage 2000D RMV 2021 French bias

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Russia already dominates and they have all super modern stuff by 30 yrs compared to America lol

Year of entry into service doesn’t matter and prototype/technology demonstrator vehicles are also game for their additions. Things are added when they are balancable for the most part, although things like 2s38 are still not balanced, nor is the rafale or typhoon tbf.

yeah. They would be extremely overpowered like letting an M1a2 fight reserve tier kinda OP. British, german and American designed ground strike weapons are so far ahead of anything russia has put together it just wouldn’t be fair from a gameplay POV

They have balance the British Typhoon already, have you seen the state of the radar??? ( Yes I know its a placeholder ) ghost signals, tws loosing track due to not updating fast enough, locking targets switches to TRACK IR so you can’t fire your Aim-120’s off and you can’t switch it back.

I’d agree “kinda” but when they brought out the Brimstones and removed all other functions but lazor guided the killed the missile and made it a slower Hellfire ( what was the point?? ) They wont give us the FnF like ATGM’s already in the game saying its overpowered and WT isn’t ready for A2G munitions to outrange SPAA and cause such an issue in GRB while they just slip in the K5-38MT with 0 counter 0.o

Where in air RB does Russia have an 80% winrate?

Afaik the F-15 variants we have in game are from the 2000s due to some A2G ordinance and the HMS they have.

So Russia has something newer, what’s the issue?

The Rafale is from the mid 2010s due to it having HMS as well, wheres the French bias?


1991 F-15E and C with fixed APG-70 (100nmi range) and AIM-120 without JHMCS would be cool.

But seeing as France gets 2019 F3R AESA Rafale and 2021 mirage 2k rmv, I think an EPAWSS and RMP strike eagle along with F-15C golden eagle are better counterparts. Should also have F-16V and F-16C PoBIT

Can I get some JASSM-ER’s with Stormbreaker bombs to go please?

2006 for F-15E (GBU-39 introduction, 2005 if going by tested date), 2003 for F-15C (JHMCS)


The typhoon still is the absolute king of top tier air even with a gimped radar, only how nuts MICA is keeps it at bay, once the radar is fixed (and maybe meteor and ASRAAM one day) nothings keeping up in game, even F22s are going to have a struggle as soon as it gets spotted.

We will have to see how this year goes as gaijin cant add much more bleeding edge stuff before modern FnF stuff is added, the books will get balanced

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only if we get storm shadows, and top tier air spawns are comically far away from the ground battle

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JASSM is part of why I like F-15E. It can carry 5 of them with amraams to boot

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They can at least make Brimstone FnF by IR i know they don’t have it irl neither Brimstone SAL but it didn’t stop gaijin.