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Typhoon has a higher thrust-to-weight ratio. You have to remember how light the Typhoon’s are compaired to the F22

Wiki says 1.15 for EFT in interceptor config, 1.26 for F-22 50% fuel and loaded weight

Empty weight twr is 1.66 for EFT, 1.61 fr F-22

Wiki isn’t a good source sorry

Fair enough, but flight specifics for F-22 are still classified while EFT is advertised

Yeah they arent going to handle anyone flying above the shrubs as mach jesus. they wont even realise they are in a onc circle fight until its too late.

if they havent learned from the F14 meta they wont stand a chance

With TVC, could win a one circle with a good burst. If they fail it’s over though

Taken from BAE.

Powered by two Eurojet EJ200 engines, providing an excellent combat
thrust-to-weight ratio in excess of 1.2:1 with 30% thrust growth

catching them off guard, no hope. losing energy against delta wings, just J out

Couldn’t find a TWR on Lockheed page on it, but it did say you could perform maintenance on the F119 engines with just six commercially available tools

Actually USAF page states weight as 43340lb and each engine 35k lbf (though that’s very likely less than the actual output) so the 1.61 TWR applies to it

Also turns out the M61A2 has 480 rounds so it’ll have enough ammo for dogfights

Is it really that much worse than delta wings? If any jet has good supersonic agility it would be the F-22, that’s where it would be sitting on a combat mission in its intended role

I highly doubt it’s gonna be able to get nose on to a Typhoon for a gun kill. All depends on the players using each so maybe

You can perform maintenance on anything with your hands and a stick, just depends how complex your issue is. This is purely a marketing statement.

Says standard flight line maintenance, and is it really marketing if the sole customer is already done buying?

F22 has vectored thrust so it probably has a better instantaneous turn rate and AOA but it will probably burn its energy far quicker. Typhoon and rafale will beat it in a sustained turn

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Can you just send the link?

This still makes it a marketing statement btw. X country sees it and orders a similar engine from the company because the other engine can have maintenance done on it so easily, so this one must too.

From Lockheed.

They don’t say anything about maintenance for the F-35, which has the closest engine to the F-22’s F119 so your point is largely invalid

I know, delta canard is better for that, but I wonder how good it’s supersonic manueverability is. I know it’s low speed agility is great for a fact, but idk about mach 1.2+

Dominates in what exactly?

The only things they have which you could call ‘best ingame’ is Panstir and Su34 (As CAS). But even on Su34, a significant reason in why it’s so strong is simply the fact it’s the only top tier CAS that doesn’t have to face Pantsir.

F&F Heli’s have dethroned Ka52 / Mi28.

2A7 /122’s have dethroned BVM.

EF / Rafale / F-15E are a country mile better than any ASF Russia currently has.

The only reason their winrates are still so high is because stat addicts squad RU + GER + SWE together to make an unstoppable trio, and because US - who is supposed to be the primary counter to them, is majority populated by Clickbait & AIM players addicted to one death leaving 2 minutes into every match.


Thank you.

The point must have flown over your head if you don’t get it. So here we go again.

Customer: Wow, X engine from Y company is so easy to maintain, they must maintain that standard of quality for all their engines.