Introduction date Of Aircraft and Modern weapons

Su 34 is a fighter bomber and the f15E is a strike aircraft…

Well i guess you and I really don’t wanna see AESA Eurofighter and F-15C in the game right now, don’t you?

I don’t play modern aviation, so I don’t care…It’s just that the previous speaker said that Russia has the newest weapons in the game because the developers are from Russia…

He didn’t lie about it tbh because most of them are with some few exceptions on other nation.

Su34 spawns around 15km from field.
After a few seconds, he is already 10 km away.
To lock kh38mt, it is about 10km away.
Stop talking about 20km. They don’t lock anything at that distance.

About pants1r: My fresh new AMX A1-A 4:0 PANTSIR S1

P.S Kh38mt are good because they are very fast and do good damage, not because they have the 20km lock most people imagine.

Indeed, Gaijin/Wargeiming/ the Armata project were originally Russian, but now they are not!..
Who prevented the Western gaming industry from creating such games?. There was a good game of Strike Fighter 1/2-who prevented the development of Network capabilities?.
Nevertheless, the most advanced aircraft to date have been given to France and England, why complain, where is the Russian Bias?

AV-8B+ from italy tech tree lack GBU-54(V)2/B Laser JDAM

When did I say 20km’s?? Been a Brit myself I use miles not Km so stop spouting nonesence.

But you also just still made my point. Locking and launching from 6-7miles ( 10+km’s ) still outranges almost all SPAA and the ones that can reach are on there absolute limit of range and have no chance to take down an SU-34 who locks, launches missiles and heads straight back to the airfield.

Now lets say the SPAA is at the back of the map near there spawn, there team around the cap area’s, on most maps thats 1-3 miles ( give or take ) this means by your own words, that an SU-34 can lock and launch at the closest targets at 6 miles while the SPAA is sat at around 7-9 miles away meaning once again Kh-38MT’s launced from an SU-34 outrange All none RU SPAA’s

Replay or it didn’t happen.

And Brimstones are bad because there slower then there supposed to be, and limited to 1 function ( Lazor guided ) making them nothing more then worse Hellfires.

You really aren’t making and valid points or rebuttle to the quote I posted. Infact your just made your points worse by agree’ing with most of the issue players are having with OP RU CAS at top tier.

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So you ignoring the GER/ITA EF2000’s then??? Also i don’t really see a point in this whole “most advanced tech” when all we got was a new aircraft with the exact same weapons as other nations for BVR and nerfed A2G Brimstones ( Which are the wrong ones also ) I don’t see us been giving proper FnF Brimstone 2’s or Stormshadows. Hell GJ can’t even get the dam Radar working on the UK Typhoon.

The fresh one
Plane from 6th minute. Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On
Now its 9:1.
It did kill me once, but then when I was right over the field and it just spawned. Although in that case, I would have been killed by any spaa.
I can’t wait to research eurofighter, gonna be so fun to bomb them with gps bombs…